
Sun City, Paradise in the Desert

Sun City is a mini Las Vegas set in the middle of the desert. In the artificial lakes created in Sun City, the water is constantly circulating.. There are many golf courses among the hotels and casinos lined up side by side.

There are baboons, squirrels and colorful parrots in this natural park created with lush green meadows, trees and ponds.. Monkeys come up to the balcony of your room at the hotel.

Artificial waves are made into the artificial pool in the natural park.. It was so fun to get caught in those waves.. In the evening, we tried our luck at the star-filled casino carved into the rocks, which is spread over a wide area in the evening.. Game machines for children are placed next to the casino.. A good way to get kids used to gambling. It was pretty cold inside the casino.. The mentality of not sleeping and continuing to gamble has been adopted.

As everything is artificial in Sun City, they also caused an artificial earthquake.. While walking over a 30-meter bridge, they created artificial earthquakes every hour.. The bridge is shaking. At first, we thought how much it would shake, so we held on to something on the bridge to avoid falling, but it was not as effective as we expected, you just feel a small jolt.. The light and sound effects they make at that moment are more effective than the shaking.

Sun City‘s most famous and expensive hotel, Sun City Palas hotel. This hotel can also be toured for a certain fee.. A very beautiful and magnificent hotel, especially the intertwined animal figures inscribed on the columns are impressive.. We attended the afternoon tea at this hotel.. We were very satisfied with the ambiance and service.

Another luxury hotel, The Cascades Hotel at Sun City Resort offers a variety of facilities to its guests.

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