
Are the British Cold People? Are they racists? British Behaviors


Although the general impression about the British, who has reached Nirvana on the level of contemporary civilization, is that they are cold, in fact It’s not hard to say that they are one of the funniest people in the world.. I have never seen or heard of such a gentle, kind, gentle, respectful human race in my life.. I would like to summarize British manners that I found strange at first and got used to over time (it’s easy to get used to the good) under headings.


England While walking on the road, everyone from seven to seventy smiles and greets the person on the opposite side using one of the phrases ‘Mornin’, ‘Hi’, ‘You all right?’. Even the most greedy people are smiling even if they don’t say anything.. As you can imagine, interesting scenes emerge when the body, accustomed to this system, returns to Istanbul and smiles at the passers-by as a woman, involuntarily.☺

Don’t give way in traffic

Traffic in England operates according to the logic of giving way, not going.. I’m not exaggerating, the guys are almost thinking, ‘Even if a car comes out, I’ll give way’. There is almost no overtaking in the city.. Cars stop as soon as the yellow light comes on. The brake is applied as soon as a pedestrian or cyclist is visible from afar.. The most interesting detail to me is the selector issue.. While making a selector means “Give me way!” in England, it is used to mean “I’m giving you way, you can pass”.. Imagine if an Englishman driving a car in Turkey was given a selector? 🙂

The British love to give way is not limited to vehicle traffic, either.. Everyone gives way to each other on pedestrian and forest roads, on foot cyclists, on dogs on bikes, on babies with dogs.. The words ‘Thank you’ do not fall from the language of those who are given way, and the words ‘Sorry’ from those who cannot. Everyone is out of politeness. The interesting thing is that even non-British people adapt to this situation quickly…

Is the British friendliness sincere?

This is kindness, this is smiling, this is sorry, this is thank you. you’s all learned expressions yes. Actually, they are not very loving and warm-blooded people.. But that doesn’t mean they’re acting.. They see this behavior from their families since their childhood, they grow up with it and they behave this way at every stage of their lives.. What a person sees around him! Isn’t the same true for us?

Are the British racist?

Racism in the UK is a very sensitive issue.. As a country that has lived together with different races for centuries, racism is not tolerated.. Schools are taught from an early age that racism is a crime. Even jokes based on religion, language, race or skin color are not tolerated.. So, can we conclude from this that the British are not racist?

I think that’s not exactly the case.. Many Brits consider themselves superior to other races but do not show it because of the teaching that racism is not the right behavior.. But it is clearly felt in the details.

However, unlike countries such as Germany and France, there is no prejudice against Turks in England. You are either British or you are not.. It doesn’t matter whether you are Polish or Turkish.. This situation creates a relative advantage for the Turks.

Does the British make friends?

It does not disappear. Because even though England is one of the countries where racism is the least, even if they approach foreigners with a respect that we do not even show, they actually see themselves as superior. Let’s pass the eastern countries, the men even put themselves in a different place from the Europeans. They describe where they live as Island, others as Europe. No matter how smiling and respectful they are, they always keep their distance.. For example, don’t they drink beers in pubs on the weekend and hook them up to your best friend? Is happening. But when the effect of alcohol wears off, the effect of bro also goes away. 🙂 So what’s going on? Turks living in England either have no friends other than Turks, or friendships are formed with people of other nationalities and minorities. It cannot be said that they are lazy, but it would be unfair to say that they are lazy.. The phrase ‘they don’t come hard’ is more accurate. Are they doing their part? Yes, albeit slowly.. Neither less nor more… For example, a very important project is being worked on and it must be completed that week.. No one wants to stay overtime and they don’t. Does the shift end at 16:30?. The men collect their bowls and combs at 16:30 and leave.. So how are things going? So what day are we waiting for? For this, hardworking friends like us from other countries are transferred to England.. 🙂

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Abroad

British Eating and Drinking Habits and Traditional British Cuisine

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