
An Unusual Butterfly Valley

Butterfly Valley is a place surrounded by steep cliffs reaching 350 meters, with only sea access.. In addition to more than 80 butterfly species, especially Tiger Butterflies live in Butterfly Valley.. It got its name from these butterflies.. One of the Butterfly Valley, Ölüdeniz, Kıdrak and Kabak coves, which are taken under protection by the World Heritage Foundation.. These coves are located at the foot of Babadağ, one of the 100 mountains under protection thanks to the numerous endemic plants they contain, and we will reach this magnificent place by descending from 60-meter waterfalls.

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Where is Sarpdere Dry Canyon?. I have been to Ölüdeniz many times. I even passed by the Butterfly Valley by boat, but I could not set foot. So that’s how development will be. When we set out with my canyoning friends on Friday night and reach Ölüdeniz at noon the next day, we are greeted by a magnificent weather and scenery.. We leave that sea and the scenery and head for the dry canyon crossing.

Our first stop is the dry canyon behind Butterfly Valley Sarpdere. Not a well known canyon. The approach distance to the canyon is around 700-800 meters, its coordinates are 36.5083734, 29.1439035, Uzunyurt district. We passed through Ölüdeniz, climbed up to the Faralya side and came here.. We quickly get out of the vehicle, put on our technical equipment and walk to the right canyon.. We drove all night. Most of us are sleepless, tired 27 people. There are those among us who will enter the canyon for the first time.. This will be the training canyon for them.. We need to get out of the canyon in time and find a place to camp.. This is our hurry.

The fact that there is water at the beginning of the canyon, which we entered as a dry canyon, worries us.. We didn’t wear neoprene. Our teacher Erdal says that anyone who wants can come back.. We all decide to move on. The water is not very high, but it cannot be passed without entering the water.. We pass the puddles in the beginning without touching the water with the help of our boyfriends, but in the last puddle I slip off the rock, Metehan can’t hold it and I fall on him.

We get soaked up to our waists.. We turned upside down like turtles, we just can’t get up. Our laughter makes the earth groan. If we had not fallen into that water, we would have come out of the canyon dry.. It was the last puddle because. We hold our breath at the sights we see in Sarpdere canyon from time to time.

It gets dark like night in some places.. never sees the light of day. We joke “who turned off the lights”. Descent training is given to those entering the canyon for the first time.. we are ahead. we are wet. It’s cold inside the canyon. We’re getting out of the canyon fast. A short canyon. The starting point of the canyon is the asphalt road leading to Faralya village.

Butterfly Valley Observation Terraces

Goats welcome us on the asphalt road. I’m after the observation deck, but when there was water at the entrance of the canyon, we had our phones taken off.. We are waiting helplessly when that friend is still in the canyon.. As soon as I see my teacher Erdal coming out of the canyon, I ask the location of the observation deck and ask for his phone.. thanks giving. We are walking backwards from the asphalt road. After a short while, we reach a point.

A lot of people, like us, are after that view and taking pictures of it.. Everybody got themselves a rock, perched on it. Those who take selfies, those who pose for cool instagram… Will we be missing? We find ourselves a rock right away.. If you go down 5 meters from the road, you can reach those rocks anyway.. It is actually a view that you can see even from the road.. I get dozens of messages after a photo I share on Instagram. In this region, there are many observation terraces similar to here.. There has been a lot of loss in the past years.. be careful. There are very sharp rocks.

I crawl to places like this because my fear of heights is still waiting for me in secret places.. I can say it’s a magnificent sight. This tiny valley with only sea access and its butterflies is world famous and I am watching it.. We take dozens of photos. Then I watch the sunset reflected in the sea in the distance. Looking down at the Valley of the Butterflies. wait for me beautiful valley. I say to myself that I will come down from the waterfalls that bring you water tomorrow.. We are talking to each other. No one hears but we get along. I am here to add another one of my unique memories that I will tell my grandchildren.

We can see Faralya Village in the distance.. We have to walk there. We agreed to meet at the mosque.. As soon as they see a car about to move, I ask if they can pick us up.. Our way is the same. The answer is “yes”. Three buddies take our places in the back seat and we arrive at the village on our short journey.. I had the phone of my teacher Erdal, the man arranged the camp site, but he could not call anyone.. Being away from her phone paralyzed her for a short time.. It was as if his eyes were twitching or something.

Our Camping Area with Butterfly Valley View

We find the vehicle and load our camping gear and start walking down the road next to Gül Pension.. Our vehicle cannot go down that road.. We plan to camp in front of the last house. This is not a campground. The owners of the house there show us the places where we can pitch our tents.. We will sleep against the view of Butterfly Valley tonight. While we are setting up our tents, there is a fire, my friends.. I sigh deeply as I get rid of my wet clothes. It was freezing in the evening. It is certain that we are in March.

We go to the fire with our nevales and have dinner. Adnan is giving us a hair dryer. we are his assistants. We request our missing materials from the owners of the house where we camp.. I guess there’s nothing left that we don’t want. You can camp there too.. Those who came to camp before burned the wood of the buggy without permission.. you don’t do that. We paid the price of everything we used and the wood we burned.

They gave us everything from bread to pots, pans and wood, and we paid only 200 TL.. This fee for 27 people. Jump, not camel. What would they want from a few people? And this fee is not what he told us.. He said “Whatever breaks your heart”. Phone charge is 2 TL, powerbank is 5 TL and 1 TL for WC.. It’s a bit windy and chilly but our campfire keeps us warm. We eat and drink and sing songs. How nice are these camping nights. Have you ever experienced such evenings? The next day we have a canyon to cross. Many people go to bed. We are watching the stars.

In the morning, the wind that does not stop all night welcomes us again.. We were told that we would get up at 6 in the morning.. I woke up trembling towards the morning, but I don’t get up because there is no movement from anyone. When I came out of the tent shivering and went to the fire towards 8 o’clock, I learned that Erdal teacher got up in the morning, when he saw the wind and cold, he did not wake us up and went back to sleep.. God bless you. A person with a conscience.

Butterfly Canyon

We are having our breakfast swaying. Then we speed up. wear neoprene. assemble the tent. Move items to the vehicle above. Is that missing? is that okay? then we finally move towards the canyon. I think it found 11 o’clock. The entrance of Butterfly Canyon is very close to where we camp.. So from the village. Butterfly Valley is a result. It has an intro and development section. Too bad people can’t see those beauties.

After a short walk, we are at the 60-meter waterfalls.. We will descend from three such waterfalls. Some like 60 some 57. The experienced ones who will open the rope go first.. Then one by one we. In the canyons I’ve passed so far, I always saw one of us when I looked behind me or raised my head.. There is no such thing here. You can’t see anyone after you start descending from the first waterfall. Of course, your safety is taken, but they can’t see you.. you are on your own. That didn’t scare me a bit.

The weight of the rope increases as the height increases.. We have to loosen the rope with our hands and let ourselves go down, but the rope does not come.. While we should never let go of our right hand, I cannot slide down even if I let go.. My weight is not enough. There is no cure in one’s arm from hanging on a rope.. This is for Bahar, who can’t even carry a bag in her hand.. The strong ones are jumping down. We climb over the trees, play with the waters and come to the first stop.

This is a balcony where up to three people can stay and you are constantly exposed to water.. From there you enter the rope again. That waterfall is open. I can see the guards. They put me right in the middle of the waterfall for the photo. Murat has left everything, takes pictures of everyone one by one, with great patience.. what a great sacrifice. When I look behind me, I see the Valley of Butterflies, right in the middle of a waterfall.. Many people have looked at that view, but how many people have seen it from our point of view? something amazing. An amazing experience.

Butterfly Canyon

Where is the Path to Butterfly Valley?

After the waterfalls are finished, we were told to take a path and walk to Butterfly Valley. I’m trying to find that path as I landed but what is possible. Huge boulders, trying to hang on ropes that have obviously been there for a long time.. I’m alone. After a while I decide to wait. A tree bent over the stream. It’s as if he has bent some of it like a sofa so that I can sit down.

I sit and wait at that point so that anyone who passes by does not leave without seeing me.. I couldn’t find the way. Finally, a group including my teacher Erdal arrives.. They know the way because they have passed this place many times before. Steps are nailed to the bottom of the rocks. ropes tied. It was built so that those who come to Butterfly Valley can walk to the last waterfall.. Those iron steps slip so much. I even got suspended in one. I’m literally split in two. Be very careful.

It was easier for me to come down from the waterfall.. After crossing these huge rocks for a while, we find a path.. I’m running at full speed through the green trees, through the flower and insect valley. I’m going to the sea, I’m in a hurry, I’m in a big hurry.

I’m finally in Butterfly Valley

We went a little, we went, we went straight, we went straight. Finally we set foot in Butterfly Valley. There was no one other than us in Butterfly Valley, which normally does not fall to the ground even if you throw a needle during the season.. There is a business here. The man who runs the place couldn’t understand where we came from. There is no transportation other than the sea here. He was also amazed when he learned that we had come down from the waterfalls.. It is 90 lira per person in a tent during the season to stay here.. Wow friend made me say. There was no electricity here before.. It’s there now.

As soon as I land on the beach, I throw myself into the water. There are no people. the weather is gorgeous. The sun is warm, warming. I’m removing the neoprene now. In the stream flowing into the valley, we wash what comes out of us.. Some of us are collecting stones, some of us are sunbathing, some of us are swimming.. My teacher Erdal is working again. Trying to tune the boat. Since you can only get here by boat, this is the way we can go. There was a road going down to Butterfly Valley from the village headman’s office, but two people fell and died last year.. That’s pretty dangerous. It seems safer to come down from waterfalls. I’m going to be alone with myself.

As most of us carry meters of rope, we have no intention of climbing that road.. We had very enjoyable canyon crossings two days in a row and our reward is to enjoy the Butterfly Valley.. Even in a lonely state. It gets very crowded in season.. There was noise from the music of the incoming tour boats.. I understand that they are turning such a beautiful paradise into hell.. I want to remember this way. I fell in love with this. I couldn’t come by trying to come many times. This is how it will be, development.

Butterfly Valley has been taken under legal protection by the Cultural and Natural Assets Conservation Board. site so. Surrounded by steep cliffs reaching 350 meters. The fact that it is not easily accessible is also due to natural methods that have taken Butterfly Valley under protection.. In this way, it was able to stay isolated and clean from the outside world.. There were more than 80 butterflies living here, but most of them tiger butterflies, and this is where the name Butterfly Valley got its name.. We didn’t see any butterflies this time, but I’ve seen the Tiger Butterfly living here before on Rhodes Island.. As it is said, it is not just a species that lives here.

  • Click to read my Rhodes article.

How are the prices in Butterfly Valley?

The prices here are expensive compared to other places, but you can stay here by working on a voluntary basis.. These are works such as field, vineyard and garden works.. In addition to being a virgin place, Butterfly Valley also has a business.. This business FAQ. Affiliated with Anadolu Tourism Development Cooperative. You can participate in many entertainments from rock bar to diving school, snack bar.. As it can be understood from these activities, it is generally a frequented place for youth.. They do not charge children aged 0-12 so that families can also come.. 13-15 years old 50% discount. Prices vary from month to month.. As of 2019, the prices are as in the table below. The season opened on March 15.

Months Large
Bungalows Comfortable
Tents January – February 180 TL 150 TL 135 TL 120 TL March – April – May 195 TL 165 TL 135 TL 120 TL June – July – August – September 225 TL 180 TL 165 TL 150 TL October – November – December 195 TL 150 TL 150 TL 135 TL <

How will you come to Butterfly Valley?

Since our method of arrival is very extreme, I must also tell you about the normal human arrival routes.. First you need to come to Fethiye. There are buses from many cities to Fethiye.. By plane, the closest place is Dalaman.. 55 km from Fethiye. After arriving in Fethiye, you should take the minibuses to Ölüdeniz.. After arriving in Ölüdeniz, you have to take the boats to Butterfly Valley. So you will keep transferring it from him.

Butterfly Valley Boat Hours:

Butterfly Valley – Ölüdeniz 9:30 – 13:00 – 17:00
Ölüdeniz – Butterfly Valley 11:00 – 14:00 – 18:00

Departure – Return ticket costs 30 TL per person. When there is a large group, this fee has decreased to 20 TL.. If you want to go outside of the boat hours, you can call Butterfly Valley and request a private boat, but I don’t know about the cost.. There is also a warning like this: Tickets are sold on board. Do not buy tickets from hanut sellers in Ölüdeniz. The ticket you bought from the Hanutists may be invalid.

After the mountains behind Kaputaş Beach, I also saw the mountains behind Butterfly Valley. my dreams came true. Am I the only one who wonders about the appearance outside of the popular face? Now everything has been discovered so much that when we go to Kaputaş in February, and to Butterfly Valley in March, we can catch them unmanned.. We can enjoy the Valley of the Lonely Butterflies. The sun is so hot, the sea is so beautiful. I never came back. I wanted to stop time and just stay there.

  • Click if you want to read my article on Unusual Kaputaş Beach and Canyon.

One day for two days we manage to fit a canyon, a watery canyon, waterfalls, a camp, a sea voyage and a boat tour.. We are happy and peaceful when we return to our home as people of extraordinary work, singing songs and dancing.

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