
Çeşme Alaçatı Recommendations 2016: What’s Happening This Year?

We are afraid to write proposals for Çeşme Alaçatı. Yes, we are officially afraid, because we do not want to get involved in the discussion “Places abroad are cheaper, Alaçatı is stinking”. But since writing any article with Alaçatı content = taking this responsibility as of the period, it is not possible for us to escape without commenting on the subject, I guess.. Let’s summarize our comment: Yes, Çeşme can be much more expensive than many places abroad, we have no objection to that part.. However, we have to admit that we could not find many things we found in Çeşme in many holiday resorts abroad.. We think that Alaçatı and Çeşme will beat many places in terms of the quality of the venue, what we eat and drink, the beauty of the sea, and the facilities we go to swim in (we tried not to call it a beach club officially).. Especially for food and beverage, Nice, Monte Carlo, Ibiza, Cannes etc.. If you take the places as an example (because those are the places where Çeşme can be equivalent abroad), you will see that the same price average is also found in places of the same quality in those regions.. If you go to a shabby fisherman in Greece, it will probably be more affordable than the places you eat in Alaçatı.. The point of discussion here seems to us a bit like comparing apples and pears, we don’t know, avocados and apricots or something.. Of course, we’re not saying that this should result in venues asking us for 1 for 5, but we can understand the price difference up to a certain point.. To be honest, we sometimes think why this job turned out to be so outrageous, how did we come to be able to meet such high numbers as normal?. But it also feels a bit like our fault as a people.. As a result, for God’s sake, we would appreciate it if you would not drag us into this polemic and make comments like “ARE YOU RICH, DOWN IF YOU ARE RICH”. We are only trying to make recommendations for those going nearby.. Let’s take a look at our list of Çeşme Alaçatı suggestions together.

Before moving on to the Çeşme Alaçatı suggestions list, let’s make a brief introduction:

*If you are going to stay in a boutique hotel and have a quiet time to swim in the sea, If you prefer beaches instead of spots, the most popular and congested ones this year are Fly Inn and Before Sunset. Frankly, we didn’t go there this year, as it is not suitable for our sense of fun to paint each other with Hande Yener.

*If you ask what beaches we like, of course, Fun Beach and We can recommend Babylon. Especially the sea of ​​Fun Beach is wonderful. (and it’s cold compared to Ilıca) Also, if you’re on a day where you feel like 8 years old, there are some crazy things you can climb on top of the sea and go astray, we had a lot of fun.. If you don’t want a place for the beach, one of the best spots to swim in the sea is Ilıca Beach. By entering the side of the Sheraton Hotel, you can fall right in the middle of it.

*A place that used to taste like a coffee house has changed in Hacı Memiş, and Neighborhood Cafe has been opened in its place.. Their coffee is really delicious and they have GIANT cups for addicts like us. Long live coffee.

*There’s also a Take Five fact for jazz lovers. Especially on the weekends, different bands and artists come out and it has a very pleasant atmosphere, you should stop by.

*Let’s not forget that you will need a car in the vicinity in order to reach the beaches and many places that we will mention below.. Considering the frenzy of taxi prices and the confusion of taxis in the vicinity (and many of the places we recommend cannot be reached by dolmus), the car can definitely be a more logical and economical choice in many ways, especially if you are a few people.. Even if you are going to reach Izmir by plane, you can start the business of renting a car at Izmir Airport through vivi.com.tr. This way, you can move around much more comfortably during the day and you don’t have to focus on Alaçatı alone.

*If you want to take a look at our previous Çeşme and Alaçatı notes, you can have a look here and here, all of them are still up-to-date.

Cesme Alaçatı Recommendations 2016 Our Hotel Favorite: Sedirli Ev

We made a very good decision about where to stay in Alaçatı this year, probably by switching to regular mode from now on. We will join the faces that you can see frequently in Sedirli Ev.. Sedirli Ev is actually located in Hacı Memiş Mahallesi, which is the most popular area of ​​Alaçatı recently.. However, this situation should not intimidate those who do not want to be in a quiet environment during the day and be exposed to noise in their sleep, because although it is located at a very central point, it is definitely not in the middle of chaos.. It is a place like an oasis in the desert, which is within walking distance of every place you might want to go around Alaçatı, but at the same time has managed to stay in the calm.. Moreover, there is a place where you can park your car and a sweet pool.. If you can’t find a place, you can even go just for breakfast, because they are amazingly successful at this too! In addition, the chance to have a long conversation with Zeynep Hanım comes as a bonus.. We loved it so much, we highly recommend it!

If you say we are crazy rebels, we will go against what you say, you can check the hotel options in the vicinity on hotelz.com, there are quite a few hotel options there.

Address: Hacı Memiş Mahallesi, 2067. Sokak, No: 5

Cesme Alaçatı Proposals 2016, Our Dinner Star: Insula

*Update before it started: As of 2017, Insula has changed its concept, prices have increased, and the menu has diversified. We did not have the opportunity to try it in its new form, but we do not know if what we describe below is valid from now on, keep in mind. We think they’re out of the appetizer concept.

Guys, if you’re ready, we’re going to praise Insula for a whole paragraph.. Because this place is unquestionably a NADIDE (we said rare, it’s so) place that allows us to have one of the best dinner experiences in Alaçatı.. Indeed, it has been a long time since we met a place that would make us say such big words.. Insula is actually a 6-room boutique hotel. If you want, you can stay in the heart of Alaçatı, with extremely thoughtful and wonderful concept rooms.. But even if you do not have the opportunity to stay here, what you must do is to have a meal here.. Just as there is nothing we tried here that we didn’t like, we talked about what we ate here for days after we returned, we are talking about such a good dining experience.. We say, especially, do not leave without trying the smoked mussels, dried meat hummus, stuffed artichokes and the Bozcaada recipe green apple yoghurt purslane.

Address: Kemalpaşa Caddesi No:79

Çeşme Alaçatı Proposals 2016, Shock of the Year:Vine Leaf

Vine Leaf We know that Vedat Milor is not a big fan of the place, that Vedat Milor can’t praise this place, that the place has a lot of regulars.. However, since we are a complete “we don’t lie” concept blog, we insist on writing openly without hiding our true comments.. We have never been to Asma Leaf before, as people who have been to Çeşme at least twice a year for years, who knew before it became popular, and who could turn the king of “here’s used to be mulberry” conversation.. In the end, we decided that it was strange not to try a place where so many people were sick, and when we managed to find a place, we threw ourselves into the place with great curiosity.. The environment is very sweet, the garden is super, everything is just as we hoped. Then one of the employees came up to us and asked, “What do you get while you wait?”. Waiting for what? We don’t get it bro, what are we waiting for? When we asked what to expect like a normal person, we were met with a mixture of “how do you not know” and “bitch please”.. As a result of our insistence, we learned that the appetizers are in the kitchen, they take the tables to the kitchen in order and we will make our choice there.. Ok well, interesting system. We later realized that what we were waiting for was not the time to choose appetizers.. We were waiting for Godot. (hmmm very intellectual congratulations) Because we couldn’t go to choose appetizers for about 45 minutes.. Okay, let’s call it a busy period.. When we put our first bite in our mouth, it had been 1.5 hours since we sat in the place, let’s accept that too.. What about what we ate? To say it is bad would of course be an exaggeration.. However, to say that it has any feature would definitely be another exaggeration.. We don’t know if the comments made our expectations high, or if we went here after a place that offers legendary appetizers like Insula, but we really did not see an event of this place.. Moreover, the employees were so sullen that we say this for very few places, they really brought you to the point that at some point it will upset the man, if you have a problem, sit down, we are at the raki table anyway.. We’ve never had a trip to raki because we wanted ice, it’s a really interesting place.

By the way, let’s not forget to mention a few things we tried and remember, fried zucchini flowers, fava with lentils, artichokes with cowpea, an appetizer with pumpkin (we couldn’t remember the name) , eggplant rice and leaf wrap.

Address: Alaçatı Mahallesi 11005. Street No: 50

Cesme Alaçatı Recommendations 2016, Where We ate the King’s Pizza: Kolburano’s

Thank goodness for Kolburano’s, there is a song that we can use to describe our feelings as “hallahallahallahallaa to love this phony”, but here we will not get tired by trying to find the right adjectives.. Kolburano’s, located in Reisdere and one of the best pizzas not only in Izmir but also in Turkey, is a must-try place.. We tried their pizza with butcher’s meatballs & eggplant and bacon & caramelized onions and were blown away by happiness.. We tried the lavender puddings on top and reached the peak of pleasure.. And when our celebrity crush in Turkey, Ayhan Sicimoğlu, was at the next table, we were ecstatic.. By the way, not only the pizzas, but also the garden and the environment are wonderful! Do not forgive, make sure to spend a night here.

Address: Reisdere 6019. Street No: 3

Cesme Alaçatı Proposals 2016, Rakıya Seating: Roka Bahçe

We went to Roka Bahçe on the recommendation of the owner of Sedirli Ev, dear Zeynep Hanım.. In fact, we knew of its existence for a long time, but for some reason, we could not find our way.. Frankly, we didn’t have the opportunity to try the main course, but we don’t regret our decision.. We tried many options such as shrimp and wheat zucchini salad, sea beans with beetroot salsa, eggplant paste with tahini & mint, shrimp saganaki and we can say that we were very satisfied with all of them.. Although we are normally people who can be considered traditionalists when it comes to appetizers, we really liked the innovative attitude of this place.. Long live Aegean Cuisine!

Address: Kemalpaşa Caddesi No:107

Cesme Alaçatı Recommendations 2016, Our Favorite Breakfast Place: Bom Dia

We know we are addressing an audience of people who know the sensitivity of the breakfast issue, the right audience…….So we offer you a place to have breakfast. Of course, you know that we are not likely to play with your emotions when we say “really good”.. We talked about our biggest favorite in the neighborhood in this article, Su. However, Bom Dia is one of our new favorites in Alaçatı in this regard.. Everyone is super sweet, very sympathetic anyway.. But if we put that part of the job aside and focus on the food part, we can say that they offer a delicious breakfast that we are completely satisfied with.. Especially their cinnamon butter, beet jam yoghurt and nutella filled pancakes are legendary! And if you happen to stumble upon a chocolate chip cookie that just came out of the oven, you’re in for a very lucky day.. Even if you don’t go for breakfast, you can stop by for a coffee, the atmosphere is very sweet, we loved it.

Çeşme Alaçatı Suggestions 2016, Most Popular for Breakfast Eaters: Field

Speaking of ready breakfast, we do not want to miss another place that has taken a long time on this subject: Field.. This place is a bit more out of the center, it is unlikely that you can go without a car, and it has a road that can make you say “let’s not get kidneys stolen”. But fear not, if you feel that way, you are on the right track and at the end of this journey, a very sweet atmosphere and a delicious breakfast await you.. Everything is natural, all kinds of jams, various kinds of cheese, friendly staff, whatever you want for breakfast, everything is available.. In addition, after breakfast, fainting areas, swings, and a thin wind blow, it becomes quite difficult to get up and go to the sea.. It’s the best problem in this life anyway, so we shouldn’t have any other problems.. (smile)

Address: 7152. Street

Cesme Alaçatı Recommendations 2016, For Those Who Are Hesitant to Go to Istanbul: 5 Cocktails and More Alaçatı

If we put together a specific group, such as people who live in Istanbul and like to drink good cocktails, and ask them where they drink cocktails, it is impossible not to hear 5 among the options.. As people from that team, we can say that when we saw the Alaçatı branch of the 5, we had hearts in our eyes.. You should definitely try the cocktails of this place, it’s not such a place to be praised, they are really good at their job! Our favorites are Booty Call and Tropical Threesome. We didn’t choose the names consciously, we stumbled upon it. Even for: Hacı Memiş No:23

While we were idly walking around Haci Memiş with our cameras in hand and looking around, we came across Sevinç Aunt. When he caught us with exactly the right words by saying, “Girls, come and look, there is an exhibition inside”, we were immersed in a new place that we would love very much without realizing it.. First of all, Aunt Sevinç is a sweet person in the world! You know, if there is nothing inside, you can even stop by just to chat with him.. (we actually stopped by to see Aunt Sevinç in the following days) But if we put this emotional connection part aside, unlike many places in Alaçatı that display snobbish attitudes, Hacı Memiş No:23 is a very original vintage vintage place that you can really dive into comfortably. It has become a wonderful shop where you can come across products and objects.. It is still very new, we will probably hear its name more often in the future.. In addition, if you have the chance to drop your way these days, it is possible to see works from Mehmet Güreli’‘s personal exhibition calledFilm Noir.

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