
Yoga Instructor in Germany & All Details


The most curious issue since the day we opened the blog has always been the job opportunities of different professional groups in Germany.. We, an architect, a lawyer, have told as much as we know, but there are many areas we do not know! So to delve a little deeper into living abroad, we now have guest writers on our blog! Tuğba told us teaching yoga in Germanyand,Teaching Yoga Classes in Germany.

Without further ado, We leave it to strong>Tuğba! ?

Let’s start with the most classic question, can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m Tugba. I was born in 1990, Istanbul. I’m a total Sagittarius. Sagittarius in my ascendant. I am a freedom-loving, adventurous person who loves to try new things.. I think my biggest dream in life is; Someone sponsor me and I will go to all trainings, experience playing a lot of musical instruments, learn different dances, travel from country to country and meet new lives… Dreams, dreams…

As for the facts Industrial Engineering i am a graduate. Before moving to Munich, I worked as a business analyst for corporate companies for more than 5 years.. I currently live in Munich and teach Yoga classes. I am a Hatha Yoga, Face Yoga and Pilates instructor.

In summary; I am extremely curious about all these spiritual topics such as awareness, meditation, healing and I read, try, learn every day.. And I love to write, share and tell about my experiences.

How did the idea of ​​abroad come about? And why Munich?

In fact, when we decided to get married, we thought of the idea of ​​abroad.. For this reason, we did not buy much furniture at that time and moved to a 1+1 house.. After the marriage rush was over, we gradually started to apply for positions abroad.. At that time, I was working as a project analyst at MasterCard, and Süleyman was working as a software developer at SAP. We were both applying for jobs, but as you can imagine, Süleyman was getting more feedback because he was a software developer.. He applied for a position similar to the one he did in Istanbul in internal SAP postings.. The process went very fast and received an offer from the SAP Munich office. Even we were surprised and we suddenly found ourselves in Munich, although we hadn’t thought of Munich before.

Have you had any previous experience abroad?

I have been abroad before. I didn’t even have experience outside of Istanbul 🙂 I was born in Istanbul and went to university in Istanbul.. That’s why I didn’t live anywhere other than Istanbul before Munich.

Do you have any difficult moments in Munich? For example, the moments when you want to go back and miss Turkey.

Of course there are hard times, right? Especially for the few weeks we moved, I felt so alone and far away from my home and loved ones.. Later, I had a very nice environment here with the help of yoga classes. I met nice people and this feeling of loneliness has passed.

But there are still some difficult issues.. For example, German Even though I’ve learned German since I came, I still can’t say it’s okay, it’s done.. Inevitably, people spend extra effort while expressing themselves in a country where their mother tongue is not spoken.. Apart from this, the fact that we do everything ourselves was one of the issues we had difficulty with.. We even painted the house when we moved home.. On the one hand we are struggling, on the other hand we are learning and developing. It’s all an experience.

We love Munich right now. However, we also think that we will return to Turkey one day in the future.. But when we return, will this city be Istanbul? I don’t think so

Let’s come to the yoga part; How did yoga first come into your life, and how did you decide to study yoga?

I started doing yoga about 5 years ago. Generally, people start yoga with physical practice first and then become interested in philosophy.. It was a little different for me. Earlier I became interested in awareness, being in the moment, and spiritual matters. I was thinking about self-knowledge and self-love by reading authors like Osho, Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz. Or I could say I was trying to internalize it.. Then I started practicing yoga.. Yoga was very good for my body both physically and changed my perspective on life a lot.

When I love yoga so much, I decided to take training as an instructor to improve my practice, understand the details of poses, and learn anatomy and yoga philosophy.. While I was taking this training in the first place, I did not have the idea of ​​being a yoga instructor.. I had decided to take the training entirely for myself.

You also teach yoga in Munich. Can you talk a little bit?

I completed my Yoga instructor training in May 2018, and we moved to Munich at the end of the same month.

I signed up for a German course right away because it wasn’t my job when we moved.. Since I have worked in almost every period of my life, just continuing the German course made me feel a bit empty.. I was continuing my own yoga practice, but at the same time I wanted to practice what I learned as a trainer.. For this reason, I made an announcement on the Facebook groups(Munich Immigrant Mothers, Turkish Students etc.) and started giving free yoga classes at Englischer Garten on Sundays from the second week of my arrival.

It was a very nice experience for me. Because I was meeting a lot of people and improving myself.. I started this path only for my own practice, but I realized that I love teaching yoga as much as practicing yoga.. We continued like this in the park until the end of the summer.. Then, when the weather started to get cold, I met the founder of a Turkish association.. I started giving lectures at the association.. Then came more. 2 in Munich at the end of May. We are completing our year. And I’ve been actively teaching yoga classes in different associations since I came here.

Do you think someone who has studied yoga can easily come and become a yoga instructor in Germany if they learn German as well?

I’m only giving Turkish lessons at the moment.. I have taught several times in German, but I do not teach regularly because I do not feel comfortable enough to teach yoga in German yet.

If she has a globally valid Yoga Alliance certificate, yes she can.. He can give yoga lessons not only in German, but also in English and even Turkish like me.. English classes are also included in the schedule of many studios here.. Of course, besides the certificate, experience is also important.. Because studios have a specific clientele, they ask you for a trial lesson. Afterwards, if you mutually agree, you can start teaching.

In associations, the situation is a little more dependent on your effort.. The association offers you lessons, but the continuity of the lesson is determined by how much interest your lesson receives.. For this, you should make your own advertisement as well as the association.. In my case it went like this. First I made my own advertisement and announced. Afterwards, those who came to the lesson and were satisfied brought their friends from their own circle to the next lesson.. I can say that we have become a big family in this way.

Do you plan to continue as a yoga instructor professionally from now on, or do you say that you will turn to white collar after a while?

To be honest, I don’t plan much anymore. When I first came, I said that I will continue to be a yoga instructor, but I definitely want to return to my own job.. I even had a part-time work experience for a while.

But the more my applications and my work were not going well, the more open and beautiful my yoga path started.. It’s like the universe is telling me your way is here. which is still like this. A few positions that I was close to getting offers for have been closed due to Corona :/

So I can’t say I’ve made a definitive decision right now.. Even though studios and associations are closed due to the current situation, my online yoga classes and face yoga workshops continue.

Thanks to the corona, I was able to open the Youtube channel that I had postponed for a long time and this I share face yoga, meditation and Hatha yoga classes on the channel.. You can reach the channel at this link:

Even if I turn to white collar one day, I am sure that I will continue to give yoga classes on the one hand.

What do you recommend to those who will start yoga?

For those who are thinking of starting yoga, first of all, I say don’t think anymore and start

You don’t need to be flexible or fit, you don’t need expensive and fancy equipment to do yoga. Just get on the mat.

Apart from that, my advice is to start with a teacher if possible, respect their own limits and not harm their bodies to reach a pose.. Remember that yoga is not just a physical practice.

I have written a long article on this subject for those who are not sure about getting yoga teacher training, I can recommend them to read it.. Here is the link.

Get one of your favorite country and city if available!

Hmm, tough question

I guess I’ll call it Kaş.

If you want a place outside of Turkey, , I say Prague

Yoga Instructor in Germany – Anything we forgot and wanted to add..

Human something when he does it with love, it definitely opens the way. With some patience, persistence, and lots of love, they can become yoga instructors in Germany or anywhere else in the world.

Let me leave here a quote by Neale Donald Walsh that I love very much;

“When you choose something, choose it with all your heart, with all your being.. Leave no doubt in your heart. Turn towards your thinking, take action. Be determined.”

Many thanks to Tugba! We also leave Tugba’s Instagram account here. If you have questions, you can send them to the comments in the article or directly to Tuğba..

We are also on Instagram and Youtube! We will be glad if you come ?

With love!


https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCu0dBCi8o1nzfSLheiXSlhQ?view_as=subscriber

Here is our post on medicine in Germany;

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