
Yatagan Places to Visit | 7 Most Beautiful Places (With Map)

We used to hear it in geography classes, Yatağan Thermal Power Plant, when I think of Yatağan, thermal power plant always comes to mind.. But after visiting Yatağan and its surroundings, I think of ancient cities and natural beauties as well.

In Muğla, from Bodrum, Marmaris, I don’t know if it’s time from Fethiye, but there are beautiful places to visit and see in Yatağan.. There is one of them, believe me, even the people of Muğla do not know about this place.. Quite mysterious and beautiful. This is definitely hidden paradise. After you read this article and learn about this place, definitely go here and take delicious photos.

Yatağan places to visit Our list is short and concise.. Places that will not take time to visit in general. At the end of our list of Places to Visit in Yatağan, you can find answers to questions such as Where is Yatağan, How to Go to Yatağan, How Many Days Should You Spend in Yatağan, When to Go to Yatağan .

Yatagan Attractions List

Yatagan Places to Visit

our strong> list is pretty short. The places on our list are close to each other. I wrote the places that were close one after the other.. You can determine your route according to the order I wrote.. Our first stop is Stratonikeia Ancient City, the city of immortal love, but first, Yatagan sightseeing map.

You can zoom in on the Yatağan Places to Visit Map.

NOTE: Yatagan Places to Visit the list is full of unrelated places. There are articles written so ignorantly that they put a photo of another place in another place.. In fact, the place, which is about 100 km away from Yatağan, has been added to the list of places to visit in Yatağan.. This is nothing but cheating people. I shut up and say nothing more.

NOTE: The last place on our list, Gerga is located far from Yatağan.. You can remove it from your itinerary if you wish.. But if you are coming to Yatağan from Aydın Çine direction, you can include Gerga in your list.

Strtonikeia Ancient City

Stratonikeia, the location of this ancient city is completely different for us. This is the first ancient city we went to in Muğla after marrying Üstün.. I told you the place is different, if you ask why, both our first time here and the fact that Stratonikeia is the city of immortal loves and gladiators took us away from us and made us fall in love with this city.. ♥♥♥

Imagine an ancient city with people still living in it. In this ancient city, the residences of the Romans and Ottomans were intertwined and people continue their lives here today.. Only 7% of Stratonikeia, one of the largest ancient cities in the world built of marble, has been discovered.

History of the Ancient City of Stratonikeia

The city, which has been the scene of continuous settlement from the Bronze Age to the present, is located in the BC.. 3. In the first quarter of the century, the Seleucid king I. It was named after his wife Stratonike by Antiochus.. During the Hellenistic Period, Stratonikeia changed hands between Seleukos, Ptolemy, Macedonians, Rhodes and Rome.. It was completely attached to Rome in 130/129.

The city, which came under Turkish rule after the conquest of Anatolia, continued to settle in the Principalities, Ottoman and Republican Periods.. Some families from Eskihisar Village, which moved to the new settlement area after the earthquake in 1957, still live in historical village houses within the borders of the ancient city.

Strtonikeia, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman Empire, Byzantine, Principalities, Ottoman and Turkey. It is one of the rare places where the structure and urban texture belonging to the period of the Republic of Turkey can be seen together.. It is one of the largest cities in the world built of marble with an area of ​​7 kilometers.

Two different fortification walls (3,600 m in length) from the Archaic and Classical Periods in the ancient city, the largest Gymnasium of Anatolia from the Hellenistic Period (105 × 267 m) and Theatre, the Parliament Building (bouleuterion) dating to the Roman Imperial Period, Bath complexes, Agoras, Temples, City Gates, Colonnaded Street, Fountains and Water Structure, Grave Monuments.. Among these structures, the walls of the Bouleuterion (Parliament Building) were used in Latin in the Roman Period (A.D.. 301), the names and prices of all goods and services sold in the city are included.

There are churches and houses from the Byzantine Period (Erikli, Isa and Mikail Church) and houses in the ancient city.. Apart from these, the Principality Period bath in the Village Square (Selçuk Bath-A.D.. 14-15. century), the Ottoman Period Mosque (Şaban Ağa Mosque-1876) and the Ottoman Fountain (19th) in the city.. century), Agha Houses (18-19). century), Streetside Shops (1912), Adnan Menderes Period Square Fountain (05.04.1954) and their houses.

NOTE: The restoration of Şaban Ağa Mosque has been completed as of 2019. and opened to visitors.

The Story of the Ancient City of Stratonikeia

The young and famous Stratonike was chosen as a wife by the king of the time.. The king’s handsome young son falls in love with his father’s new wife. Falls into bed from your love. No doctor can find a cure. His father is very upset about his son’s condition.. At that time, physician Erasistratos from a Kos Island in the country was summoned to the palace, and he was asked to see the patient.. The physician tries for days, but cannot find a cure for the disease.

One day, Stratonike enters the patient’s room and at that moment the king’s son blushes and his heart begins to beat faster.. Of course, this situation does not go unnoticed by the doctor.. As soon as the girl leaves the room, she pinches the boy and learns about their love for each other.. Now, as he ponders how to tell this to the king, an idea comes to his mind.. He tells the king that his son fell in love with the doctor’s wife and fell in bed because of her love.. The king asks the doctor to give up his wife for his son.. The doctor asks how he would act if he were in the same situation.. The king says he will give up on his wife without thinking.

The doctor got the answer he wanted. Tells the truth to the king. The king allows his son to marry Stratonice, and leaves the throne to his son.. King, King of the Seleucids I. Nicator, his son is Antiochus. Antiochus establishes Stratonikeia for Stratonike, who was first his stepmother and then his wife.. Describing this event, Stephanos of Byzantion says that the city was founded between 281-261 BC.. Such is the story of Stratonikeia.

The Entry Fee and Visiting Hours of the Ancient City of Stratonikeia

There is no entry fee for the Ancient City of Stratonikeia . So you don’t need a museum card. Visiting hours are between 08:30 and 17:30.

Where and How to Get to Stratonikeia?

Stratonikeia is 7 km from Yatağan District of Muğla. west, within the borders of Eskihisar Village.. On the way from Yatağan to Milas, you first see Lagina and then Stratonikeia.. Let your first stop be Stratonikeia, and your second stop is Lagina.. You can click this link for the roadmap and location of Stratonikeia.

Lagina Ancient City

Lagina Ancient City was an important religious center of Carians in its time. The city is located within the borders of Turgut Neighborhood of Yatağan.. The most important building in the city is the Temple of Hecate of Lagina, formed by large marble architectural blocks.. It is known that this temple was a regional temple in its time.. The temple was built for Hecate, the god of the underworld and death, who had some talents such as fortune telling and witchcraft and was actually not liked by the people of ancient times.. It is believed that there is no other temple in the world built for this purpose.

There is a sacred road connecting Stratonikeia and Lagina.. In fact, there were reports that work was started to unearth this road recently.. You can reach the news link here. During the Hecate festivals, the key to the world of the dead, taken from the Lagina Hecate temple, was carried to the city council of the city of Stratonikeia with a great ceremony.. During the excavations, the entrance gate, stairs, temple center and altar (altar) were unearthed.. This is a beautiful ancient city in nature.

Lagina Antique City Entrance Fee and Visiting Hours

Lagina Antique City has no entrance fee . Visiting hours are between 08:00 – 19:00.

Where is Lagina Ancient City and Transportation

Lagina Ancient City is located in Turgut Quarter of Yatağan district of Muğla.. You can go here after Stratonikeia. I leave the directions and location of Lagina Antique City here. The way here is not very accurate in navigation. Follow the signs from the main road and take a sharp right turn at the Lagina sign. If you can’t find it, you can ask someone.

Osman Hamdi Bey Mansion

Osman Hamdi Bey Mansion is known as the house where Archaeologist and Painter Osman Hamdi Bey, the first museum keeper of Turkey, stayed for a while in Turgut Neighborhood of Yatağan district of Muğla.


It is known that Osman Hamdi Bey, who started the excavations in the ancient city of Lagina, started to paint his famous work “The Tortoise Trainer” in the house in the Turgut District, where he stayed for two years in 1891-1893, and was sold for 5 trillion liras recently.. You can visit this beautiful mansion, which has been restored, after the ancient city of Lagina.. .

Osman Hamdi Bey Mansion free of charge, visiting hours are between 08:00 – 17:00. You can click here for the location of Osman Hamdi Bey Mansion and its location on the map.

Blue Lake

We have come to the most hidden point of the Yatağan places to visit list, which I mentioned above.. Blue Lake aka Kaldagi Lake. Many people, including Muğla residents, do not know this lake.. I’m sure it will be a very nice place if it is brought into tourism in the future.

Yatağan Mavi Göl, the ash wastes of the coal used to generate electricity in the thermal power plant operating in Yatağan for 35 years, poured into the countryside of Kapubağ Neighborhood, which is about one kilometer away from the power plant, and was formed by the accumulation of rain water there for years.

All you have to do here is take pictures and walk around the lake. Apart from that, it is forbidden to enter the lake because of the chemicals it contains.. The lake is sometimes green and sometimes turquoise.

Yatağan Mavi Göl has no fee to enter. There are no facilities here.. It is useful to have food and drink with you when you come.

NOTE: Do not swim here because of the chemicals in Blue Lake.

Where is Yatağan Blue Lake and Directions

Blue Lake, also known as Küldağı Pond, is located in Kapubağ Village of Yatağan.. To reach the Blue Lake, you must pass through this village and reach the back of the mountain behind the village.. The road is a bit earthy and pitted, but still the lake can be easily reached.. You can click this link for directions and location to Blue Lake.

Bozüyük Güzelköy

Not far from Yatağan – Muğla road, and can be reached in about 8 km, Bozüyük is an Aegean village in its own right.. Bozüyük gives you the original Aegean atmosphere with its houses, village square, and the villagers sitting in the coffeehouse in the square.

In recent years, many TV series and movies such as Güzelköy, Baba Ocak, Dürüye’nin Bunks It has attracted the attention of many serial followers as it is the village where it was filmed.. The streets of the village have become a neighborhood overflowing with visitors.

In Bozüyük neighborhood, which is a really cute town with many historical houses and living on agriculture and animal husbandry, a 800 years old historical monumental plane tree exists. Bozüyük Pınarbaşı, which is a natural water source at a depth of 87 meters, and its historical houses have reached a point that attracts many tourists.

Don’t forget to visit this beautiful village where you can buy local products and souvenirs in the neighborhood market and bazaar.

Bozüyük Güzelköy Where and How to Go

A village in Bozüyük Yatağan district. It is 10 km from Yatağan and 25 km from Muğla Center.. You can refer to this link for the minibus times of Bozüyük Güzelköy. When you come here, don’t forget to go to Pınarbaşı and Culture House.. You can check this link for directions and location of Bozüyük Güzelköy.

Belen Kahvesi

We are in Belen Kahvesi, the starting point of Forester’s Song. This is a really nice place with a view and atmosphere. There is a municipality-run business here, and the prices are quite reasonable.. You can take a break for half an hour or 1 hour for Belen Coffee.. Don’t forget to drink Muğla Soda here.

Belen Coffee and Forester Folk Song

Forest Folk Song was founded in 1946 in Muğla’s Gevenes Village (now called Çaybükü Mahallesi). /Hinge) A folk song composed by Değirmenci Pisili Master Tahir on a real event that took place in Belen Kahvesi, and its reputation spread throughout Turkey over time.. After this painful event, Belen Kahvesi comes to the point of collapse and disappearance over time.. However, it was expropriated and restored by Muğla Governorship in 2005 and put into service again.. Today, Belen Kahvesi, Gevenes, is located on a hill overlooking the plain in the “Çaybükü” District with its new name.

The Story of Belen Kahvesi

Aga’s son living in Gevenes Village Mustafa Şahbudak is the closest friend of the village headman, Tevfik Algeria.. This duo organizes a checkers match every evening in the village cafe, these ambitious and friendly matches are watched with interest by those in the cafe.. On a July evening, while playing checkers again, in the middle of the game, forest officer Mehmet İn, nicknamed “Yellow Memet”, appears.. A forest fire breaks out around the villages of Gevenes and Kozağaç.

Requests the headman to send the memorandum regarding the fire to Muğla by the guard.. Mukhtar Tevfik Algeria said, “No, more urgent election results need to be delivered.. He rejects the request by saying ‘I can’t send the guard’. Thereupon, an argument begins between Ormancı and Muhtar.. The forester knocks down the checker table, and the headman’s friend, Mustafa Şahbudak, slaps the forester on this behavior.. The forester takes out his wedge and wounds Mustafa Şahbudak in his arm.. He then shoots the jungler with his pistol.. The bullet bounces off and hits Muhtar, who intervenes to pacify the incident, causing his death.. He died in the early nineties.. Mustafa Şahbudak, who spent the rest of his life trying to forget this incident, died on March 28, 2005 at Izmir Ege University Hospital, where he was treated, at the age of 83.

Belen Kahvesi Entrance Fee and Visiting Hours

Belen Kahvesi has no entrance fee. You can visit this place between 08:00 and 21:00 every day of the week.

Where is Belen Kahvesi and Directions

8 km from Muğla Yatağan road You can go to Belen Coffeehouse inside with your car.. Belen Kahvesi is 25 km from Muğla Center and 16 km from Yatağan.. You can click this link for directions and location of Belen Kahvesi.


Located close to Yatağan, Gerga is a place you can only visit when coming from the Izmir-Aydin direction in terms of distance.. If you are in the opposite direction, there is no need.

6 of the Çine-Muğla road. The road that leaves the Madran mountains to the east reaches the village of Kırsakallar after 15 km.. You can reach the ruins of Gerga, which can be reached with the guide provided from here, there are inscriptions giving direction on all the rocks at the entrance of the ruins.. Of the mostly Greek inscriptions, only one is Latin.. Based on this, a settlement was formed in the Roman period, when a village people led by the founder Gerga erected a statue of the mother goddess and built tombs and fountains around it, in a safe age.. You may experience some trouble as the road is bad on the way.. No problem if your car is high. Gerga, which is a good choice for trekking, brings you together with nature and history.. Come here with a supply of drinks. Location is here.

Yatağan Where & Yatağan Where Is It Connected ?

Yatağan is a part of Muğla province and one of the 13 districts of Muğla. Yatağan is 27 km to Muğla Center, 38 km to Milas, 83 km to Bodrum, 150 km to Fethiye > and is 74 km from Aydın province. Let me tell you right now there is no sea in Yatağan. You can go to the nearest Milas side for the sea. exists. You can click this link for Yatağan’s location on the map and directions.

How to get to Yatağan?

How to get to Yatağan by Airplane:

How to get to Yatağan We have come to the answer to the question. If you are coming to Muğla from a far city in terms of distance, the fastest way to reach Yatağan is by plane.. The closest airport to Yatağan is Milas-Bodrum Airport. The distance between Yatağan and Milas-Bodrum Airport is 50 km, so the road takes about 60 minutes.. To reach Yatağan from Milas Bodrum Airport, you can take the shuttles of Muttaş and get off at Yatağan.. You can easily access the current voyages of Muttaş from this link . Muttaş ticket between Yatağan and Milas Bodrum Airport is 25 TL one way (for 2021).

The important thing to come to Yatağan by plane is to find cheap air tickets. The way to do this is to buy tickets in advance and read my article titled methods of finding cheap air tickets.:)  

Reaching Yatağan by Bus:

Another answer to the question of how to get to Yatağan is by bus.. If you are coming from a city close to Yatağan, the most logical way is of course the bus.
   By bus,

  • The distance between Istanbul and Yatağan is approximately 660 km and the road takes approximately 7 hours and 30 minutes.
  • The distance between Antalya and Yatağan is approximately 340 km and the road is approximately 4 hours 30 minutes. It takes minutes.
  • The distance between İzmir Yatağan is approximately 187 km and the road takes approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.
  • The distance between Ankara Yatağan is approximately 623 km and the road takes approximately 7 hours and 40 minutes.
  • The distance between Muğla and Yatağan is approximately 27 km and the road takes approximately 35 minutes.
  • The distance between Aydın and Yatağan is approximately 74 km and the road takes approximately 1 hour.

Yatağan Bus Terminal Located in the center of Yatağan. You can click this link for the location and road map of Yatağan Bus Station. You can also reach Yatağan by your own vehicle or by renting a car.. I think this way is the most ideal because you determine where and how much time you will spend.. All it takes is 1 day for Yatağan and you can also rent a car for 1 day.

What for Yatağan? When to go ?

According to me, you can go to Yatağan in any season.. Because the places on the Yatağan Places to Visit list are in a position that will not be affected by the weather conditions too much.. If you say you can’t visit the ancient city in the heat of summer, the months of May and October are quite ideal.. In short, set your program and come to Yatağan.

How Many Days Can You Visit Yatağan?


As I said above, the list of places to visit in Yatağan is not extensive.. You can easily visit Yatağan in 1 day. Since the places to visit are close to each other, you can easily complete your trip plan in 1 day.

Yatağan Places to Visit this is our list.. You can check the links below for other beautiful districts of Muğla.. Have a nice trip.

  • Places to Visit in Muğla | 40 Most Beautiful Spots
  • Places to Visit in Muğla Center
  • Places To Visit In Fethiye
  • Places To Visit In Bodrum
  • Marmaris To Visit Places
  • Datça Travel Guide
  • Places to Visit in Dalaman
  • Akyaka Travel Guide
  • Places to Visit in Milas
  • Places to Visit in Ortaca
  • Koycegiz Travel Guide
  • Places to Visit in Seydikemer

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