
Why Did I Quit My Job in Germany Without Finding a New Job? What will happen now?

In this blog, where I started with travel guides and shared my observations about life in Germany since I moved to Germany in 2016, I frequently request that I tell more about what is going on in my own life. I’m buying. Or, when I write something good or bad about myself on my instagram account (life and travel) and express my views, I see that I can give ideas and inspire many people in a similar situation.

though not – in this article I will tell you about my own life and my decision to resign a few days ago.. I haven’t found a new job for now, and I have no intention of looking for a job like crazy.

So what happened? In general, there is either a very bad manager or very harsh working conditions behind the hastily resignation decisions without thinking of the consequences, right? I had none.. For now, I don’t think of embarking on the concept of “resigned from his job and hit the road”, which I guess came to mind as soon as I saw the title of the article, so the reason is not my desire to be a full-time traveller.

So let me explain what it is. In order to bring the subject up to date, we need to go to the very beginning of the event, to the years 2014 – 2015, when my wife and I decided to move abroad.. I’m Going Details! As I explained in my article, I first made many applications to Dublin and London, and then convinced myself -even if unintentionally- that nothing would come out of those places, I turned my route to Germany.

‘Applying’, which is only two words in the last sentence, is actually not an easy thing, so there is a button and it doesn’t seem to happen when you press there and send your already ready CV.. You have to constantly follow new postings from various sites, because especially in the giant companies I chase, you don’t have a chance to apply for a post a few days late and they have already started the process with previous applicants.

After finding the appropriate posting, almost every company directs you to its own site, you have to create a profile on each site and answer the questions one by one.. You do the exact same things over and over again, such as a stronger password that must be at least 8 characters and contain uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols, the email activation link that needs to be clicked, motivation letter, salary expectation.. At the end, “Do you have a work permit?” When a question like “None” comes up, you complete the application with disappointment that your effort will most likely be in vain.

The answer that comes after a few days is usually “We are sorry to inform you ..”, or you get no response. If they find it positive and contact you for a phone call, this time they will do research on the company and the content of the job and ask, “Why should we hire you?” or “How would you react if it were like this, give an example from your past”, you are trying to prepare for any questions they might ask you.

To give an example from myself; I spent days trying to learn all the terms of the YouTube partnership for my conversations with Google, every detail of how the process works when you send a complaint to Facebook for my Facebook conversation, and the Premium membership system for my LinkedIn conversation.. In my other meetings with companies that are not so well-known, I had to master different areas from scratch, such as the details of stock exchange websites. needless to say i do it while working (spending all my evenings and weekends) and the extra concentration required to have everything run in a language that is not my language (English). Coming home from work, “I’ve already worked all day/week, now I’m going to rest” has never been a ‘luxury’ during this time.

After all, every time The process of saying “take your time, hopes, work, see, hopes die” took more than a year.. I was so determined to go abroad that I kept trying to motivate myself each time, but on the other hand, I started to wear out slowly because I was ‘human’ in the end.

O That’s why I was hopeful as usual when the company I was working for invited me to Munich to meet and I moved to Germany, I passed the phone call and now it was the last stage.. But I was so exhausted that I talked to my wife and we decided together that ‘if this doesn’t happen, I have to give up’. Since my wife works in an international company, she was going to follow her company’s positions abroad and we would try to go through her.. Since there is a staff shortage in the IT field where I work in Europe, we thought it would be faster if I tried first, but it didn’t happen.

The door in front of you is right at the point where all the doors are slammed in your face and all your hopes are gone. When the door opens and light fills in, at the end of the interview, when I am told that I was accepted to the job, a brand new light came into my world.. I succeeded!

Then I left my job, home and even my wife in Turkey behind me and embarked on a brand new adventure on my own. I’ve been thrown. Getting accepted for that job was such a difficult thing that when it was presented to me, of course, I had no choice but to grab it in mid-air.. While I was getting used to my new layout and dealing with the hustle and bustle, I didn’t have time to think much at first, so I focused on learning and doing my best.

But on the other hand, I was heartbroken; because I didn’t understand what was going on around and I kept thinking that I didn’t have the competence for my job.. And since there is a probationary period for the first 6 months, if the workplace wanted to dismiss me, I would have to return to Turkey within 2 weeks.

6 months really did not end, until the last day “ I lived with the fear that today they will come and say that they fired me.. Because I couldn’t do my job -according to me- well and someone would understand that.. However, there was no fear and I completed the trial period.. Now I could be more comfortable, it was extremely difficult to fire someone after their probation period in Germany.

I felt more comfortable, but not happier. I definitely didn’t like what I was doing…

I tried to focus on the positive aspects so as not to drag myself to the bottom.. The pace of work was very comfortable, there was no one to interfere with me entering and leaving at the time I wanted, my colleagues and managers were very good, there was even a gym The company was strong and growing rapidly, its shares were so appreciated in the stock market that it became one of the 30 most valuable companies in Germany and suddenly became a part of Germany. recognized by everyone in. While people outside the sector did not know the company before, working there after this development started to have a ‘wow’ effect on everyone.. Moreover, I owed my life in Munich, which I love so much, to this job, wasn’t it ungrateful for me to dislike him?

Luckily, I was able to convince myself with these thoughts and continue working. If I gave up I would have chosen the simple path. Now I came to Germany somehow and I could look for a new job because I have a work permit, but at that time I was not at all ready to get a new job and experience the stress of a 6-month probationary period again.. Moreover, if things went badly and I was fired from that new job, my adventure in Germany would be at risk again.

Why couldn’t I take such a risk ‘at that time’, because a year after me, my wife would also be in Turkey. He saw that there would not be a suitable position for abroad in his job in , and he resigned and came to me.. He would go to German courses, apply and then find a job in Germany.. To put it more precisely, now only one salary would enter the house, and it was more important than ever that there was no danger associated with that salary.

This is how my second year at the company went.. Of course, now that I have been in the company for a longer time, my level of knowledge had to increase and the responsibilities given to me were increasing.. Every morning, I reminded myself that my company actually has many good aspects and that I have to continue working now, I went to work with goals such as ‘today you will read these documents to make up for the deficiency in this subject’ and every evening ‘I couldn’t do it because it’s like this today, but I will definitely do it tomorrow’. I postponed my goals to the next day. My brain is literally “I don’t want to find out!”

All this time I received no feedback on whether I was proficient at my job, my managers had somehow skipped this for everyone in my department.. So there was no one to support me in ‘do I really look like that’ or ‘what can I do to improve’?. Not only did I know that the software team I was working with loved me and was happy to work with me, but they also needed me to do their job.. So I was doing something and I wasn’t bad; but I couldn’t make an effort to do what I do in the best way and I wanted to be able to do it.. Because, based on both my previous work experiences and what everyone around me said in my private life, I knew that I was not a character who would settle for average.. Still, I couldn’t try to do more because I didn’t like the job.. Even though I got mad at myself later for why I didn’t try, nothing changed.. I was at a stalemate…

As I approached the end of my second year, I indirectly received feedback from my managers that I had never received before.. Many people who recently started working with me were promoted while I was not.. When I asked why, I could not get a clear answer, but on my part, the answer was already clear; I mean, I was really an ‘average’ employee.

The promotion issue may not have been a big deal, but it still popped up every time I tried to motivate myself.. “They don’t like me anyway” has been added to the negative “I don’t like them” before.. So why was I still there? Because it was supposed to. But no no, because it was a good company and I could focus on the good, so the more I liked it, the better I would be at my job and everyone would see it, the more people saw it, the more motivated I would be and the problems would be solved.

Sorry nothing has been resolved. In the ongoing process, there were organizational changes in the company and the job descriptions in my department changed completely.. With this change, I moved to a new team and… everything got worse.. The responsibilities I dislike have now become my only responsibility, and the things I do a little more fondly are completely out of my job description.

It’s a nice development when I’m having a hard time finding something to motivate myself. and my wife got a job. We planned the process so that I could look for a new job while his 6-month probation period was over, at least if his job was guaranteed, I could take a risk and start a new job, if I couldn’t exceed 6 months, at least we could maintain our residence permit in Germany thanks to his job, and this time with his salary. we could get by. (Additional information for clarity: At least one of the married couple must be working so that they can get a residence permit thanks to a work visa, but if both do not work, the permit is canceled.. I said ‘at least one’ because the other spouse can reside together even if they are not working.)

Another nice thing happened; I applied for and got a permanent residence permit because I had enough time in Germany.. This means: If I didn’t work because my previous residence was on a work permit, I wouldn’t have a residence permit in Germany.. In other words, I didn’t even have to go through the family reunification visa application process over my wife’s job, I took care of myself.

While my wife’s probation period was over, my unhappiness was at the top; I didn’t speak at the meetings I attended, I wasn’t there where I needed to express my opinion, I only did it if I was given something and tried every method so that no one would ask me questions.. I had reduced myself from being an average employee to being a mediocre employee and making no effort to fix it.. Every day I was there was lost to me now, only to dull myself.. Ok, I didn’t interfere, I was comfortable, the people were nice, and maybe hundreds of people who wanted my job were waiting outside.. But were these enough?

As my wife and I agreed, I started to apply for jobs, but the extremely slow process in Germany is a big problem in every field and what is the situation with job applications? unfortunately valid.. In addition, there is a notice period of 3 full months after resignation.. ‘3 full months’ means; the month you resigned is not counted and starts 3 months from the next month.

We calculated; I will apply and find a job, maybe one day will come at the beginning of the month when I resign and I will lose that month, then I will stay for 3 months, I had to continue my job for 5-6 more months.. If you ask why you didn’t start applying earlier, as I said at the beginning of the article, applying is a laborious process and I didn’t want to go into that process before things were finalized.

But now all my motivation was gone. How would I continue for another 5-6 months? We decided that I could not, and in the last days of October, which was ending at that time, I hastily resigned in order not to extend the term for another month.. When my notice period expires and I leave, I will have completed 3 years at the company.

When the information that I had resigned started to spread in waves in the company, the first question from everyone started to be my next job, of course.. “No,” I said, “I didn’t find anything”. During the 3-month notice period, they tried to comfort me that I would definitely get a job, but I don’t need such consolation.

And am I not afraid at all? I’m already in a foreign country and everything is more difficult, what if I can’t find a new job? Or if I get a job just to be working somewhere and I can’t find things like comfort, good friends, etc. that are good in my current job, in addition to not liking the job?

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