
Where is Kyrgyzstan? Kyrgyzstan Attractions

Kyrgyzstan, officially the Kyrgyz Republic, is one of the seven independent Turkic states in Central Asia. Surrounded by Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and China, Kyrgyzstan is a unique geography with the Tian Shan Mountains. Kyrgyzstan was among the places I wanted to go for a long time.. When I learned that a trekking group was going, I wanted to go without thinking.. Some trips are good alone, but it’s good to go as a group to amazing geographies with vast mountains.. You can go alone, but you only look at those mountains.. You can’t go to the mountains alone. You can’t walk.

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Before reading this article with Kyrgyzstan About Kyrgyzstan strong> I recommend you to read my post. Kyrgyz life and tips that will make your life easier are in that article.. You can find that article HERE.

There are so many regions to visit in Kyrgyzstan, we will only visit Issyk Kul region.. If we try to visit all of them, we have to stay in Kyrgyzstan for months.. In this article, you will read about these unique Tien Shan Mountains, Lakes, briefly Kyrgyzstan Sights and places to visit in Kyrgyzstan. What did I expect in Kyrgyzstan? What did I find? Let our article begin.

Accommodation and Camping in Kyrgyz Yurt Tents

We set off directly from Bishkek Manas Airport to Issyk Kul. We will sleep in the Kyrgyz Yurt tents around Issyk-Kul, as they say Bozug (the dormitories we call tents, meaning gray house). Let me first talk about the environment in the yurt tents.. Dormitory tents become ground beds. lots of duvets. The floors are covered with rugs, carpets, whatever they find, leaving no gaps.. You are in a tent of hair. Country-specific cloths are hung on the side walls.. The doors are makeshift but very beautiful. I guess we took 9999 photos of myself when we couldn’t help the beauty of the doors.. I usually try to stay in the house of local people on my travels.. This time it is a bit of a touristic trip for me as the trip is in a group.. Need this too. Whatever way you go to Kyrgyzstan, you should definitely experience this yurt tent for at least one night.

The name of the camp we stayed in was Bel-tam Camp. It wasn’t picking up a phone here, but it was at other camps by the lake.. Let this information stay here.

Issyk Kul Lake

There were 1923 lakes of all sizes in Kyrgyzstan. The biggest and most important of these lakes is Issık Göl, as they say, Issyk Kul. The world’s second largest crater lake is also Issyk Kul Lake. Wow friend we will swim here. In our country, there is no one who does not know the movie Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım. Its author Cengiz Aymatov is said to have been inspired by this lake while writing that novel. Issyk Kul means lukewarm in Kyrgyz language. It is a miracle that this lake does not freeze even though it is surrounded by high snowy mountains.. In July, the temperature of the lake can reach 20 degrees and the lake is the most visited holiday destination for the Kyrgyz people.

As soon as we arrive, we throw ourselves into the lake.. It has quite a stony floor.. First you hit the slippery, then the rough rocks but I don’t care. “Wait,” said Meerim, one of our guides.. He knew something. There was a place where they cleaned the stones in the lake and we could easily enter the water, but when we did not wait, I sprained my ankle in the first minute of the first day.. The Kyrgyzstan Mountains and Bozug (the dormitories we call tents, meaning gray house) are behind me… I’m happy, sir.. I’m chasing my dreams. What sights will these eyes see, what flavors will these eyes taste, what civilizations will they witness… We are in Kyrgyzstan, what else should we expect.

Arashan Valley Trekking

To go to

Arashan Valley, we are coming to the Karakol District, accompanied by the magnificent views of Issyk Kul. We leave our luggage at the hotel and get on the off-road vehicles to go to Arashan.. Since the road is quite difficult, we will get in a vehicle with wheels my size from the Soviet Union and go.. This vehicle journey takes two hours.. They take a break at the end of the first hour on the road.. By the river, clean air like the forests behind us. It’s like we’re in a fairy tale. Our guide Ernest gives us the good news. “The bad road is over, the worse one has begun” What will happen to us yet? What else could it be?

We laughed at that moment. We thought it was a joke but it really wasn’t a joke. You’re jumping around and you’re never in the same place. We laughed a lot, had a lot of fun, but I think the kidneys have moved. Sometimes on the road, the wheels of the vehicle go in and out of the river we pass by.. That day I go one of the most difficult roads of my life. Black Sea highland roads, Masai Mara road in Africa, etc.. We are shaking like buttermilk. It is not easy to go to Arashan, the most famous trekking region of Kyrgyzstan.

We have such a hard time going by car, and there are those who go on foot.. Even those who go by horse. Arashan The most famous trekking route in Kyrgyzstan. Trekking groups going to Alagül Mountain start walking from here. They are walking from Karakol to Arashan District. Arashan at 2800 altitude. It’s the campground. From there, they walk to the 4,000-meter Alagül peak. We will go to Arashan by car and only do a 3-hour trek there.

The view from the top of the Golden Arasan campsite that we drew in the primary school painting class. the pictures look like. Mountains in the background, forest, a stream running through it, clouds… How can one not be amazed?. With some vehicles, people like us arrive at the campsite on foot.. The cost of staying in the dorms here is 10 Dollars, if you come with your own tent, there is a $1 fee.

The 3-hour trek we did here is one of the most beautiful roads I’ve ever walked.. What magnificent sights these eyes are witnessing again. Like a story. First we cross a bridge. Then from the horses to the lush green grass and from there into the pine trees… We come across a family living somewhere in this magnificent nature.. The chimney of their dormitory is smoking. children playing. I am witnessing the milking of a man horse. I’m handing out the gifts I brought for the children with me. We are playing with the Kyrgyz children screaming… I am living in my own documentary.

Arashan Valley Hot Spring Enjoyment

After the trekking is over, one of our guides, Meerim, ran around. takes us to the spa. We enter the same hot spring in turn as women and men separately.. Next to the river I call a spa, a pool covered with makeshift boards. It was pretty cold outside. I don’t know how we got undressed, how we dressed outside, how we stayed wet. Actually, he had a plan to jump into the river when he got out of the hot spring, but nobody ate it.. If he misses this hot spring that goes to Arashan Valley, he will be very sad to tell me.

Altyn Arashan is a valley and mountain resort near Karakol and Issyk Kul Lake in northeastern Kyrgyzstan.. It runs along the trekking path from Teploklyuchenka. It is a spa development located in the Alpine valley that includes the 5020-meter Pik Palatka in its southern part.

I walk for a few hours and live in this fairy tale world. Inevitably, on the way back, spending another 2 hours on that bumpy road.. I laugh a lot while I live my own documentary, I have a lot of fun again. Whatever happens, let it pass with a smile. Life is all about the moment.

The City of Karakol is in the center of Issyk Kul. I wrote about the hotel we stayed here in my About Kyrgyzstan article.. It was a very interesting hotel experience. They do not take shoes to the hotel. There are places to put your shoes in boxes at the kindergarten door, there is the same here.. You wear the slippers given to you and walk around like that.. They prepared a table. How does one say that he will eat so much?. We came for trekking, but I think it will be a food and drink tour.

Dungan Mosque, Karakol

The landscaping of Dungan İbrahim Hacı Mosque, which was built between 1907-1910 in the city of Issyk Kul-Karakol, was done by Turkish Cooperation and Tika.. This is a mosque that is open to worship and they have drawn red tape to prevent entering the mosque without ablution. Worship is held in the new building right next to it.. The importance of Dungan Mosque in the city of Karakol, one of the most important religious buildings of Kyrgyzstan, stems from the fact that the building was built using the “bell” method without using nails. The construction of the mosque, in which 20 masters prepared the wooden parts in 3 years, was completed in 3 months.

The wood material of the mosque, which was allowed to be built by the Russian Tsarist administration, is made of spruce, walnut, blackwood and poplar trees grown in the region.. Inside the mosque, there are phoenix, lion and dragon motifs, which are symbols of Chinese mythology.. we couldn’t enter. Dungan Mosque, where 120 people can pray at the same time, is the most important representative of classical Chinese architecture in Central Asia.

They give us hoods and long robes up to our feet so we don’t have to walk around with our heads uncovered.. We’re walking around red and blue. We are so funny. Dungan Mosque no entrance fee. Don’t be intimidated by the abundance of beggars at your door.

The Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Catedral, Karakol

The first opening date of the Russian Orthodox Church is 1872. At that time, it was made of stone. When it was destroyed in the earthquake in 1890, it was decided to make it completely out of wood.. It took 6 years to build. It was opened in 1895 and has been open for worship ever since.. There was a Sunday Mass when we went.. You need to be covered before going inside. No cover is provided on the door. Hats off to the architecture, the effort put into it, still in excellent condition. Holy Trinity Catedral, one of the forty orthodox churches in Kyrgyzstan, has an interesting architecture with a golden onion dome on an angular green conical roof on 5 towers.. At the very end of their domes are crosses.. It has a lush garden. Kyrgyzstan continues to amaze me.

Jeti Oğuz Kızıl Cliffs

Jeti Ögüz (Seven Cliffs) in the Comok Canyon in the Tian Shan with its Kizil cliffs and interesting landforms We are in the Ox Valley. There’s a river below. From there we climb up. it’s not so hard. It takes awhile. I thought we were going to walk into the canyon, but it wasn’t like that.. We were climbing a hill where you can see the Jeti Oğuz Kızıl Rocks from the front.

There was a waterfall and hot spring nearby, but they did not take us there.. An example of why we should travel on our own. The spa is paid. The riverside is a very crowded place.. Those waiting with eagles in their hands, sellers, souvenirs… The eagles here are not hunters and their eyes are open.. If you want to take a photo with an eagle with its eyes open, you should have it taken here.. In the following parts of the article, I will explain the hunting show of the hunting eagle and you will understand why I said have the photo taken here.

Skazka (Tale) Canyon

Skazka Canyon is on the way to Lake Issyk Kul, 100 km from Karakol. distance, 4 km from Tosor Village. The entrance fee of Skazka Canyon is 50 Som. Legends have gone mad here as well as everywhere else.. The legend of this place is that a dragon fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the village and she said no to the dragon.. legend long. I have summarized, but this is the wind, rain, ice you know, whatever God gave it.. This is a canyon made of red sand.

His name is Skazka, which means “tale” in Russian. In English, it was named Fairytale Canyon. The rock formations here have always been likened to something like the ones in Cappadocia.. Dragon, Great Wall of China bla bla blaa… That’s why it’s called a fairy tale. Not because of these shapes, but really like a fairy tale. I am happy to see the rainbow rock formations, which are rarely seen in the world, here.. I couldn’t go to Tabriz last year. Being able to go to Bolivia is already a dream, a dream.

An hour is never enough for me to travel. I would love to sit there and watch the sunset. If you are going to take photos, I recommend you spend a little more time.. You will have to wait to capture a clean photo frame because. It gets crowded in the summer. A shoe that does not slip on the soil is also a must.

We return to our Yurt Tent on the shore of Lake Issyk Kul in the evening.. I guess I don’t need to write that we eat to crack. We are listening to a very nice Kyrgyz music concert.. Musicians let go of their hands for a while and now they even play with their feet. Is the fun over? Of course no. Kyrgyz customary opens a bottle of vodka. one side drink. On the one hand, dance to Kyrgyz music. The glass of the one whose glass is empty will be filled immediately. That evening, we learned a lot of Kyrgyz dances.

Kyrgyzstan Jaichi Plain Eagle Hunting Show

Kyrgyzstan is unthinkable without eagles. We watch how an eagle hunts in Jaichi Plain. The owner always says “Karagöz” when talking about the eagle. Not an eagle or a bird. It’s so important to him. One of the eagle family. He rescued and trained this 4.5-year-old eagle from demonstrators when he was one year old.. Hunting eagle breeding has a very important place in Kyrgyz life.. The prey tied to the end of a rope is placed on the empty field in front of us and someone starts to drag the prey. Meanwhile, the eagle is on a hill watching the prey.. When the prey moves, the eagle chases after the prey and catches the hoppp in the blink of an eye.. The owner of course gives a huge piece of meat to Karagöz for the reward.. They say “Don’t let the eagle get offended”. worked won. It should be rewarded. And so the show ends.

I wrote that we saw an eagle with its eyes open at Jeti Oguz Kizil Rocks. Karagöz’s eyes are closed. Others are not hunters, but Blackeye is a hunting eagle.. Owner does not respond positively to my request “Let’s open your eyes“. For our own good of course.. He can attack because he is a hunter.. Before we left we were warned not to love like cats and not to be scattered around the field.. He might try to hunt us down.. They make you put on a glove and let it be put on your arm. It opens its wings when you move your arm. If his eyes were open, would I still be able to laugh out loud like this while flapping his wings above me? The boss is a little shy. Eagle is too heavy for me. I’m having such a hard time keeping my arm in the air. He weighed exactly 5 kilos..

Kyrgyzstan Song Köl, Son Lake

Son Lake is a mountain lake in the country’s second largest closed basin, southwest of Issyk Kul, in the north of Narin Province in Kyrgyzstan.. Son Lake is located on a Treeless Mountain plateau at an altitude of 3,016 meters above mean sea level and is surrounded by lush mountain pastures (upland).. It is the most suitable place to get to know the real life of migration nationality and herders, says encyclopedic information. And I say “Last Lake can’t be described in two words”. When the Last Lake part came, I wrote it in my post. So I took it to another page alone. You can read from HERE.

Our 12km walk through the JALGIZ KARAGAI pass, our swim in the Last Lake and the legendary horse for me our tour! Where and how we sleep are all in that article…

Burana Tower

On the way to Bishkek, we will stop at one more place on the way. BWe visit Burana Tower, the Silk Road watchtower, which is about 85 km from Ishkek. The 9th century tower and the Karakhanids. The height of the Burana Tower was 45 meters when it was first built, but 20 meters of it was destroyed by an earthquake.. It has survived to the present day with its 25-meter part, but only like this.. It was used both as a minaret and a watchtower at first.

The Karakhanids were the first to accept Islam. The tombstones in his garden are so different and interesting that people get very different emotions while walking around.. It must be seen.


As we arrived in Kyrgyzstan, we hit the mountain with stone.. Now we are returning to Bishkek, full of green and longing for the city.. We will stay in a 4 star hotel. This trip is very comfortable.. As soon as we arrive, we are on our way to Osh Sunday.. We’ll take whatever we can find while we find a cheap country. We are not backpackers.. We have a big suitcase. No matter how we released ourselves to the streets of Bishkek and how we missed the city, everything feels beautiful.

  • Bishkek is also 1.5 km away from ski resorts. hours away. You can commute daily without staying at the hotel on the mountain.
  • Osh Bazaar is Central Asia’s largest open-air market. Must visit. The best place to buy your souvenirs.
  • Dordoy Bazaar is 10 km from Bishkek. Items similar to Osh Bazaar are also sold here.. we didn’t go. Buses go from the center.
  • If you say you can’t mix with the crowd, You can buy felt and leather products from the top floor of Tsum Mall. Don’t forget to buy only one designer leather bag.. You can go to Osh Bazaar by bus leaving in front of this Mall.. we did so. ‘Cause we were on a shopping spree. The bus costs 8 Som.
  • Kyrgyzstan is a place where you can buy electronic devices cheaply.. I bought a small speaker. It turned out very good quality and it was very cheap. Restaurants at ZUM Mall , Shopokova/Çüy Streets
  • Orozbekova Street are highly recommended. We entered a few. We had our last dinner at IR KESE Restaurant. They offered a traditional menu of Kyrgyz dishes. It was really beautiful.
  • Do not return without eating horse meat and drinking kumiss.. You are right in your hometown.
  • Victory Square: In the middle of the monument, which was completed during the 2nd World War, there is an “Unquenchable Fire” and a woman on the fire. This woman was waiting for her son or husband who would never return from the war.. Today, it has become a tradition for newly married couples to leave flowers here so that they can have a happy marriage.
  • Russian Orthodox Church is important because it is the largest church in the Middle East.. finished in 2015. The architecture is beautiful. The mosque and church in Karakol were more interesting in my opinion.. When I go abroad, I don’t go to church anymore.
  • Oak Park is the most beautiful park in Bishkek. If you have time, make sure to go. I don’t like to go to parks. That’s why we didn’t go.
  • Ala-too Square is the most important square in Bishkek. Think of it like Taksim Square. You will lose your way while wandering.
  • You can also visit the museums in Bishkek.

I think the best thing to do in Bishkek is shopping and eating. Hopp and escape to its magnificent geography for 1 night and 2 days at most.

Kyrgyzstan Ala Archa

On our last day we go to Ala Archa National Park which is 1 hour away from Biskek. Bishkek is the first place to see. It is located approximately 40 km south of Bishkek. Ala Archa, which starts from the slopes of the Alatoos, extends to the part of the glaciers. Ala means the same in Turkish, that is, mixed colour.


If you have little time during your trip to Kyrgyzstan and you cannot go to places such as Arashan or Son Lake, the closest place where you can see the nature of Kyrgyzstan up close is Ala Archa National Park.. You came to Bishkek hopp an hour later you are in the mountains. In the park, there is a modern river formed by the melting snow of the Tanyan Mountains, a forest formed by pine forests and a waterfall.. Our goal was actually to walk to the waterfall here, but we couldn’t.. As not everyone in the group was a walker, time was not enough.

Ala Archa is also an important trekking spot. There is a hotel at the entrance. Those who come to walk, climbers stay here. You can see the Ala-Archa river flowing in Ala Archa National Park and have a picnic in the picnic areas along the coast, trekking and camping on its paths.. If you are going to camp, be full of equipment.. There is no place to rent.

You are driving on an asphalt road. You pass through mountain landscapes through pine trees. You are watching the Horse-drawn Kyrgyz. Ala Archa at 2200 meters becomes our last place to see in Kyrgyzstan. Something like a fairy tale, like a dream happened. See you again, Kyrgyzstan…

Thanks to our guides Ernest and Meerim, and Obatrek for taking us there… We won’t forget those green pants either.

My Other Kyrgyzstan Articles

  • Short Facts About Kyrgyzstan
  • Last Lake, Where Animals Go on Vacation in Kyrgyzstan

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