
Where is Doğançay Waterfall?, How Much is the Entrance Fee?

Dogançay Waterfall may be the most recent waterfall photo I’ve seen on Instagram lately.. Why do you think Doğançay Waterfall has become so popular? I think it is possible to take a photo at a waterfall with its proximity to Istanbul and ease of transportation.. When you say waterfall, do you think of me now? As a waterfall hunter, it should not be a surprise that I fall on the roads of Doğançay Waterfall, which often falls on my page.. How did I go? What did I expect? What did I find? Let’s go to the article…

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Where is Doğançay Waterfall?

Where is Doğançay Waterfall? When we look at it, we see that Doğançay Waterfall is 10 km away from Doğançay Village in Sakarya Geyve. The waterfall, which is 25 km away from the center of Sakarya, is also 10 km away from the Sakarya-Bilecik road.. It is 600 meters above sea level.. The area where Doğançay Waterfall is located was declared a nature park by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs on 13 May 2013.. It has already reached the top of the list of Places to visit in Sakarya. Once we know where our destination is, let’s take a look at how to go.

Dogancay Waterfall Directions

First of all, let’s all Let me state that the navigation, which has become a pillar, takes you to Doğançay Waterfall correctly. You couldn’t use navigation, that’s when you will need Dogançay Waterfall directions. To give a description from Istanbul, when you go on the Istanbul-Bilecik road, you leave the highway at the Doğançay turn on the right.. You are passing through Dogancay Village. All but the last 2 km of the road are asphalt roads.

I would like to see the Prince Pools above Doğançay Waterfall.. For this reason, I will accompany Ergün Hoca’s Kaşifler40 Trekking Group, who went for a walk there, with my own vehicle.. they go for the day. We prefer this route because we want to spend a few more days with my friend there.

We are meeting with Ergün and his team in Berceste.. We move back and forth. The road takes us through Doğançay Village. I told you that the last 2 km is a dirt road.. When we get there, I leave my car at a suitable place by the creek and go to Ergün Hoca’s service vehicle.. No misunderstanding. You can commute on this road called soil with normal vehicles.. When the place where I left the vehicle is a secluded place, I lose my mind, but I relax with the suggestions that “the place is safe and nothing will happen”.

This is a very pleasant road.. As you go round and round, you watch the art that autumn performs with nature.. Oh by the way yes I went in the fall. Unfortunately, it can only be written recently.

Dogançay Waterfall Entrance Fee?

Dogançay Waterfall was declared a Nature Park on May 13, 2013. According to this, people think that there will be a fee to enter, but There is no entrance fee to Doğançay Waterfall. Only when you arrive at the last point you can drive to, they charge 10 TL per vehicle (October 2020) in the parking lot next to the cafe built there.. Leave it on the road if you want. Up to you. You can drink your tea and buy various organic products at the cafe here.

Doğançay Waterfall Visiting Hours

Dogancay Waterfall does not have any visiting hours. There is no box office, security guard or anything else at the entrance.. You have the freedom to go at any time of the day. I say don’t ignore that it can be very deserted at night because it is in the forest.

When to Visit Doğançay Waterfall?

You can go to Doğançay Waterfall from spring until the end of autumn. I might want to see the snowy ones in winter. The way to Prince Pools can be a bit difficult, but the way to Doğançay Waterfall is easy.. You can see how that road is in the article.

Dogancay Waterfall Prince Pools

We first want to go to Prince Pools above Doğançay Waterfall. The weather is neither cold nor hot. full autumn mood. To go to the Prince Pools, you have to go down the stairs next to the cafe where you left your car and go down into the forest first and then to the right. There is no path here.

You often dive into the forest.. Quite prickly, the ground is muddy and slippery due to the rain that had fallen the previous day.. I don’t know how you can go here without a guide and not get lost.. Now if I go, I will find it, but I can do it because someone who knows before took it.. You can try going to Doğançay Waterfall first and then climbing up along the water.

After a not so long walk, my legs I see the Prince Pools in the distance with the scratches made by the thorns. It’s really beautiful. Now I’ve seen so many waterfalls and canyons that it’s hard for places like this to impress me.. So it impressed me.

We are descending next to Prince Pools, trying not to slip on the mud-covered ground.. I immediately throw myself into the water. A little cold weather for that but even if I’m cold I can’t miss it. The first pool we come across is the pool on the top of the water pouring from Doğançay Waterfall.. You always raise your head and look at the top of the waterfall, the pouring point, right there, these Prince Pools.

I love these pools at the top of the waterfalls.. For example, the King pool at the top of Uçansu Waterfall in Antalya was magnificent.. You can find that article here.

There are two pools in a row here.. I show you the environment with lots of photos already in my articles.. The waterfall pouring into the Prince’s Pool at the top is also quite high.. A lake formed where it spilled, but not very deep.. My feet didn’t touch the ground while I was jumping though. There’s a rope in the rock wall next to the waterfall above. I climbed up a little from there, but as I said, everything is wet and slippery due to the rain the day before.. If even my non-slip canyon boats are slipping, I think I shouldn’t push my luck too much and go down.

The team is so fun. I’m usually the only one who jumps into the water in places like this, but this time crazy people like me came.. There are only a few people left who do not enter the water.. One of them is Çilem, with whom we travel for 24 days during the summer vacation.. his finger hurt. He was then cast. It’s like a joke.

Anyway… As for the subject, the Prince pools at the top of Doğançay Waterfall were truly magnificent.. I don’t know how many times I jumped into that water. If I could get off that rope, we are going back with the curiosity of what was waiting for me above.. We’ve all turned into wet rats.

What Should We Wear on Nature Walks?

In this article, I have to write down what you should take with you and what you should wear, based on the fact that I was always caught unprepared despite all my experience.

  • If you’re going to Prince Pools and walking this thorny path definitely wear long legs. Don’t dive in shorts like me. All my legs are left in scratches. I dropped my sunglasses trying to get rid of the thorns out there.. Anyone who finds it, let me know
  • Have a garden shear with you. It would be great to pave the way, if I hadn’t left it at home
  • Make sure to wear boots.
  • If the weather is hot, make sure to bring shorts and a swimsuit.. I’ll jump into the water with whatever I’m on, but that doesn’t apply to everyone, of course.
  • A sea shoe or a boat you use in the water like me will be very useful to enter the water.. Will it be in slippers? Why not just on the water part?. pebbles in water. It would be very difficult with bare feet, but boots are a must for walking.
  • A small towel of course
  • And you should have a pocketknife, lighter, whistle and torch, which you must have with you on all nature walks.. I take a few meters of rope with me. Just in case.

You may need these items for the Prince pools, except for the swimming part.. Now let’s take a look at the road that goes down to Dogancay Waterfall.

Dogançay Waterfall Nature Park

They have paved the way to Dogançay Waterfall. Wide enough for a vehicle to fit. It’s not that kind of path.. Follow the crowd as it gets pretty crowded on weekends. You have no chance of not finding it.

The cafe is the starting point.. You go down this road opened through the forest.. it doesn’t take too long. When I searched on the internet, it was written that it was very difficult to find Doğançay Waterfall.. I didn’t know when and by whom it was said that it was difficult.. Much has been discovered. The way down is steep, yes, but it’s not like you’ll die too soon.

After a while, we start to hear the sound of water.. Since it is October, the water is quite low, but it is better than no water at all, right? How high does the Dogancay Waterfall fall?. I didn’t realize how high I was when I was playing in Prince Pools above. I didn’t think to try to look down. Of course, I don’t know if I could see him if he came.

How many meters is Doğançay Waterfall? I couldn’t find any information about this anywhere.. I guess we’ll have to go here with my canyoning friends and go down that waterfall and measure it ourselves.. I didn’t see the no swimming sign. We were already wet at Prince Pools. As soon as I see the water, I immediately jump into the water again. While we are swimming, swimming and taking pictures, school groups fill the waterfall.. There is such a crowd that we suddenly wonder what we are going through.. If you are going to Doğançay Waterfall on the weekend, you should go very early.

We had enough fun already. Now it’s time to go back and get rid of our wet clothes and have a hot tea. Climbing back the way we came down. A road through the winding forest. You will rest and enjoy yourself.

Doğançay Waterfall Trekking

We change our clothes and drink our hot tea in our vehicle waiting for us at Doğançay Waterfall.. The day is not over for us yet. Yes, it was our main goal to see the waterfall, but we also came to hike a creek in the creek below the waterfall.. We drink our tea quickly and take action for a walk.. The walking path starts just ahead of the cafe.. This time you won’t go straight down. You will continue on the path leading into the forest.. Autumn has made such an art that you can walk with very pleasant landscapes.. You can sing songs like us.

After a while, that path reaches the stream.. I didn’t take off my wet boots as we were going to walk the creek again. When I will be exposed to this much water, I wear neoprene socks that I use in diving.. Because if my feet stay in the water for that long, I will catch a cold and get sick.. In most places through the stream, I am moving from the water.. Friends with dry feet can walk on the edge. You can do the same.

While walking down the stream, we pass where I left my car.. We don’t walk to the waterfall. We take a lunch break and eat the snacks we brought with us.. Since our path is half forest half stream, we come across walnut trees.. It’s either the atmosphere or I really don’t know, but it might be the best walnut I’ve ever eaten.

We’re going back in case it gets dark.. Our walk ends where I left my car. My friends’ shuttle has already arrived there.. It’s almost evening and it’s getting really cold now. We quickly get rid of the last wet ones and wrap ourselves in our warm fleece.

Is it possible to camp in Doğançay Waterfall? Is there a fee?

Is it possible to camp at Doğançay Waterfall? Actually, when I set off, my first thought was to camp here.. I came across many pictures of people pitching their tents on social media where Doğançay Waterfall falls, but it gets very crowded.. The ground is a little stony. I couldn’t afford to go up and down that slope with so much camping load, but I didn’t see a prohibition sign against camping.. Those who wish can do so.

During the creek walk, we came across many campers in the vicinity.. Those sides were flatter, green, meadow, grass. They were able to pull their car up to their side.. If we are not crowded, it is difficult for us women to carry the camping equipment.. I didn’t see a sign saying that camping is not allowed here either.. The only thing that would bother us would be a lot of garbage thrown around.. He did. Even the creek was full of garbage.. As soon as I see that garbage, I want to clean everywhere.. Why are you throwing it?. DO NOT THROW YOUR TRASH. Leave nothing but your footprints in nature. If we don’t take care of our country, who else will?

There is no facility for camping here.. So there is no fee. If you’re not going to camp around the cafe, which is the last place where navigation takes you;

  • No WC.
  • No market.
  • No restaurant
  • <

  • Water flowing from stream. I don’t know if it’s drinkable. I did not see the fountain.
  • Those who are considering going to Doğançay Waterfall by caravan, caravan can go down the last dirt road. However, you can make your caravan camp in the parking lot of the cafe.. There is no facility, but you can benefit from the facilities of the cafe.

Since we are two women who will camp, I find it risky because it will be in the forest at the place where we will camp, and the camp I will make here is in another place where we come more crowded.

Doğançay Waterfall Picnic Area

Dogançay Waterfall has no tables and picnic areas where you can have barbecues, spread out. You must bring your own food.. I did not see a sign that would prevent you from having a picnic, but barbecue in the forest area can be risky. It would be really nice to have breakfast around the lake formed where Doğançay Waterfall spills out.

Doğançay Waterfall Food

There is no place that serves food at Doğançay Waterfall. You can only drink tea and coffee in the cafe above and take biscuits with you. We are going back. We are very hungry. Professor Ergün says that there is a very nice place nearby.. Name of the place Çakarlar. We’ll be there in 15 minutes max.. type in navigation. It’s getting it right.

They’re preparing us a wonderful table in the garden.. It’s very famous for roasting.. Most of my friends eat roasted. I prefer meatballs. Pumpkin dessert is also delicious. I remember their prices were reasonable. A place where you can reward yourself at the end of such a day and be satisfied with its taste.. After dinner, we send our friends off to Istanbul and we head towards Akçakoca, not knowing where to camp. I will talk about it but here I have to say this. We couldn’t camp in Akçakoca. There were no camping signs all over the beach. This made us very sad.. We could have stayed at the hotel, of course, but we had a dream of camping.. We had to drive towards Bartın until 2 am.. If it was daytime, we would have found a definite place, but when it gets dark, things are not easy.

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If you have experiences that you want me to add to the article, please write them in the comments. By adding it to the article, we can make it more comprehensive and benefit more people.


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