
What to Ask at the US Visa Interview? Answer Suggestions!

Glorious days! I think you have learned a little about US visa, which is the first stage for us to go to USA, which you all dream of.

Today, be careful while getting an American visa. I will focus more on “USA visa interview” while talking about what we need to do.. I know there is a lot of fear for this interview In the light of my experience, I am starting my recommendations for obtaining an American visa !

My Feet on San Francisco’s Famous Tramway and Passage

Should the Interview be held in Turkish?

I remind you again, when visiting a country, knowing the language of that country is not required! In the visa interview, use how comfortable you can express yourself in that language.

When we say that we will do the interview in English, if we cannot express ourselves correctly, it will be very difficult for us to get a US visa.. The language in which you conduct the interview has nothing to do with the possibility of obtaining a visa.

The One World Trade Center Building and Me / New York

What are the Questions Asked in the Visa Interview?

This I talked a little bit about the subject in the article where I explained the stages of getting an American visa.. Now I want to open a little bit, first of all I will divide the questions asked to you into a few titles.

The first of these is the questions that include your reason for being there.. In other words, “Why are you going to America?” and derivatives. Those who think of this interview as an exam are lucky because we have questions !

Secondly, there are questions that indicate socio-cultural status. These are “Where do you work?” , “What do you do?”, “What is your occupation?” or “Which Chapter Are You Studying?” will be similar. Trying to determine your social position here.

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A There are also those related to financial and personal adequacy.. These questions are “Have you been abroad before?”, “How will you cover your expenses?” like those. Here you can give such answers that your bank account will not be looked at! Keep reading.

Finally, questions about your travel planning. “How many days will you stay in America?” “Which cities will you go to in America? “When will you go to America?”… I think these questions are the most key questions of the visa.. In the light of previous questions a profile has been created for you. But here comes the seriousness of the matter !

My Trip to Brooklyn Bridge and New York

How to Go to an Interview?

Go With An Elegant Attire

We’re not going to a friend meeting like that, are we? Getting a US visa is serious business and we need to represent ourselves well here.. The first stage of this is to wear a quality outfit.

I don’t mean expensive clothing by quality! For example, a polo-neck T-shirt or a nice shirt can be for men.. Let’s not wear a tuxedo when we say we’re going to be serious

If we dress right, the image on the officer’s head will be different, let’s respect ourselves first!

Take a Confident Posture

We’re dressed in beautiful clothes, but what’s inside doesn’t matter? Keep your eyes clear and your neck high! Even if it is America, it is not more valuable than us.. We will trust ourselves that they will trust you and will give you a visa to go to their country.

It’s not just about facial expressions.. We should not tremble while speaking, we should use an impressive and safe tone of voice.

With the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the symbols of America / San Francisco

Advice to Get a Visa

We have come to the US visa interview with the conditions I just mentioned.. What we said, we know the questions, and we are sure of ourselves, what should we do now to get a visa?

Now I will list the things that I recommend you to pay attention to during the visa interview. With these tips, you may think that you will get a visa. It will be easy !

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Answer Only Questions

E Görkem we are not going to tell our own story anyway, why are you saying that ? “Because we begin to tell the officer who only asks you how many days you will stay; “We are planning to stay for 10-15 days, depending on the situation, 3 days here and then here, we have friends already, they got their visas“.

What does the officer who hears this say? ; “Who are your friends, what do they do?”

The subject deviates out of the blue, the officer who puts you under psychological pressure with these conversations necessarily finds a gap The end is visa refusal.

He just told you how many days you will stay! “I will stay for 10 days”that’s all we have to say.

While Wandering the Streets of San Francisco

Explain Your Plan in America with Clear Dates

We have net in mind I guess we won’t be going to another continent without the dates ? Your travel planning should be complete before the visa. Feeling this, the officer will approach you differently, these answers combined with the above attitudes will lead you to the US visa.

I asked, “When will you go to America?” I told officer on April 23, 2015! That’s clear. I even told my return date. Do you think they don’t check these dates afterwards ?

If you have a trip suitable for these dates,no one will touch us on the second or third trips

I’m on the California Road My West America Trip

Tell me briefly about your work and its scope

This happens to me all the time in Turkey. “What do you do ?” , “trade” OK, what trade or where are you in this trade?

Come on when you tell me, okay. But do you think the visa officer in front of you will try to examine them? He will say can I see your bank account directly from you?. Because you couldn’t give him a satisfactory answer.

However, if you had an answer like “I do computer business, we have our own business, I actively manage it”.. Maybe seeing that it matches the information on her screen and she will say enough she will say ?

While Watching Manhattan / My Travel to the East

Avoid Sentences Containing Love for America

Okay, it is one of the childhood dreams of most of us. go to america. In fact, I started the sentence directly “I’m going to the San Francisco I dreamed of”. But I didn’t put any more words of love !

If you overuse words that praise America or express admiration, the other person may see you as a potential immigrant. Maybe you dream of living ?

Don’t give them the impression of needing and admiring those floating

From San Francisco / California, United States

Remember to Be Sincere and Smile

We are all human ! Sometimes looks and smiles are more memorable than sentences. Be like yourself in the US visa interview.. Of course, take into account what I have said, but be in it

As sweet tourists who have all the details I mentioned, there is no obstacle in front of us for an American visa!

My article i’m ending here. You can read my articles about the stages of obtaining a US visa or for those who want to go to America . I hope this is a hopeful article for people who want to go to America, who got a little nervous and a little excited before the US visa interview. These hopes are not empty Go and get your visa!

Continued of the article: How old is the US Visa? 10 Years Taken ?


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