
What is a Hostel, Who Can Stay in a Hostel?

It is a hostel at school, on the subway, on the street, in the cafe, everywhere else What is this “hostel” that everyone who goes abroad is talking about? Come in my magnificent hostel guide, let’s get a deal on what a hostel is and what it is not!

Hostel for Beginners

Hotels is one of the most common accommodation options around the world. Usually designed for young travelers. It offers the opportunity to experience different cultures by staying with people from all over the world.

The general logic is that mostly student youth, who do not know each other and are there to visit, stay together as if they are sharing a house together. Generally, in hostels. Rooms with bunk beds can accommodate 4 – 6 or 8 people and the people you share the same room with are people from different countries of the world you have never met before.

My Hostel in Venice

What is Hostel?

If we focus on the word hostel, hostel , is the combination of “host”, which means to host, to host in English, and the “hotel” we know I mean, think of a hotel where we will feel at home!

This is why Even though I mentioned it as a house, hostels are legal accommodation businesses in every country.. In this way, we can show hostels as the place we will stay in official situations such as passport control.

Rio de Janeiro at My Hands / From My Brazil Trip

Are Hostels Cheap?

I think the most famous feature of hostels is that they are cheap Even in the world I can say that it is one of the most suitable accommodation for hostels.. Because instead of being alone in 1 room, we share it with 4-6-8 different people, naturally the prices decrease to one fourth.

For example, for one night in Rome In an average hotel, we can find a hostel for around 20 euros, instead of sacrificing 100 euros per night.

From Almaty / Kazakhstan, where I stayed for only 2 dollars per night I actually gave it a try The hostel concept generally appeals to young travelers.. We can detail it as a university student or people under the age of 26.. You must also be over the age of 18.. There are different document requests for those under the age of 18 to go abroad. You need to pay special attention to the accommodation conditions.

Towards Iguazu Waterfalls / Argentina, Latin America

Conditions for Staying at the Hostel

As the hostels are a different accommodation business, they have various conditions.. The first of these is your age and which country you are from. I have prepared the following list to give you an idea to show the conditions that hostels can offer;

  • Be between 18-26 years old
  • <

  • having a passport other than the country where the hostel is located
  • conditions for our pet friends
  • not staying for long
  • knowing and adapting to hostel life

I know it’s like a job posting but you will come across these warnings when booking a hostel. You can get information from this article for things to consider when booking a hostel.

Finally, I mentioned hostel life. Knowing is also a special title for me Hostels have a different atmosphere and rules for themselves…If you haven’t stayed in a hostel before or if you are unsure of yourself, take a look at this article and get to know hostel life closely!

Trieste Train Train Station / My Train That Will Take Me To My Hostel In Venice

Hostel Are There Private Rooms in ?

Contrary to popular belief, hostels do not only consist of bunk beds and shared rooms.. You can make your hostel stay in a single room or in a private room with your friends.

You can enjoy hostel facilities and advantages when you stay in a private room.. If you are wondering about the advantages of staying in a hostel, here is the link

Is it comfortable to stay in a hostel?

In fact, comfort should not be the first priority while staying at a hostel.. The purpose of hostels is appropriate accommodation and intercultural interaction. That’s why it doesn’t promise you much comfort.

However, nowadays the hostel concept has developed a lot.. In some hostels, which also have examples in our country, the comfort is not comparable to star hotels.. If you care about this topic, you should pay attention to the ratings and comments.. Here’s what you’re wondering about choosing a hostel.

From my Moroccan trip where I stayed in a hostel / Fes, Africa

What a hostel is not?

I should also explain what a hostel is not. Because I even know people who make hostel reservations without realizing it! When you look at the name and you can’t tell the difference, there may be problems when you go afterwards.

Hotels are not a hotel.. Does not offer the service that the hotel offers to you. In hotels, luxury or not, there are people who serve you, whereas the employees in hostels do not serve you, they only help you.

Hotels are not suitable for families in general.. If you want to go together with children, I think you should change your mind Also, things like towels and toiletries are not usually found in hostels, even bathrooms are shared.. For details on using bathrooms in the hostel, there is also this article.

I think we have understood what a hostel is, we learned the conditions of stay in the hostel and we are ready to stay in the hostel. Now we are almost ready to stay in the hostel. You can read my “hostel stay guide” where I talk about everything. Also, if you have any questions, you are free to ask me a question in the comment section Stay warm!

Continued: Are Hostels Safe?


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