
What is a Canyon? How is it done?

As someone who has tried all kinds of sports, I get excited every time I see a canyon photo.. What is a canyon? how to do I started researching. It was not something I could do alone and technical canyons were inaccessible without technical learning.. Who am I going to do with, what material do I need to get, what do I need to learn to survive? Yes, surviving… it’s an extreme sport because. You always asked me. I also enthusiastically told it, but it is no longer possible to deal with questions.. Then it’s time to write. I have compiled the experiences I gained in my three years of canyoning life with the information I got from my esteemed teacher Erdal Yalçın and I wrote it for you to read.. Another version of this article was published on the Decathlon Turkey Blog page.. Whether you read it here or on the Decathlon Blog, you should read it.

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What is Kanyon?

What comes to mind when we say canyon? I hope it’s not a mall. If you have no idea what is a canyon? let’s see. Canyons are wide valleys formed by rivers. You proceed through a very high walled, corridor-like rift.. It has such high walls that sometimes you can’t even see the sky.. Sometimes even wild goats, wild boars or bears fall and unfortunately die because they cannot get out.

What does a canyon mean? If we say Canyon, it is called deep valleys formed by rivers on the Earth’s surface.. The name Canyon, which comes from Frankish languages ​​to Turkish, comes from the word cañón, which is of Spanish origin.

Canyons can also be defined as deep crevices formed as a result of erosion on the rocks under the influence of water and wind for thousands or even millions of years.. As a result of this erosion, you see a picture of the power of the water on the walls on both sides.. Be sure that nature creates a magnificent visual art that a person cannot imagine.. Most of the time, if I get a chance, I watch this work of art deeply.

There are different types in its canyons.. The canyons are divided into two.

1) Non-Technical Canyons

Non-technical canyons are canyons that can be crossed on foot without any equipment.. You can think of it like a river walk.. For example, Sansarak Canyon in Iznik is such a canyon.. I spent my 55-day Aegean tour through Iznik and entered the canyon.. Of course not alone. You should never be alone in places like this. Şaban Aydın, who lives in Sansarak Village, guides in Sansarak Canyon.. You can find that article and Uncle Şaban’s contact numbers here.. If you are thinking of starting Canyon Sports, you can first decide whether you would like to walk in a non-technical canyon.

2) Technical Canyons


Technical Canyons are canyons that require equipment and cannot be crossed without equipment.. They are also divided into two within themselves.

a- Dry Canyons

Dry canyons are canyons with steep walls where you can also do technical work of rope descents.. Dry canyons are never completely dry. They may have pools of water in places.. As in Sarpdere Canyon above Butterfly Canyon. We entered in our normal clothes because the canyon was dry.. At first there was water somewhere. It’s a myth that while trying to pass there, I fell on my friend who was holding me and crossed the rest of the canyon completely wet from the waist down.. The fact that there is no other water in the canyon is another tragic funny event.. I wouldn’t be so cold if I didn’t get wet there. You can find that article here.

When Dry Canyon is mentioned in Turkey, the first thing that comes to mind is Yarikkaya Canyon.. Yarıkkaya Canyon has been permanently bolded by ICT Canyoning to last for 100 years. Yarikkaya Canyon, which has twenty-seven large and small descents, is also used as a training canyon by associations that train canyon athletes and the ICT Sports Club.. Every canyon athlete candidate who starts this sport must pass that canyon.. This is very important for building your muscle memory.. You can click here for the Yarikkaya Canyon article.

b- Sulu Canyons

Steep and narrow canyons, that is, water canyons, are my favorite canyons with hopping, jumping, descending from waterfalls, that is, attractive canyons.. Adrenaline, fun and risk are above all in watery canyons. Requires a lot of attention. It’s really no joke.

If we were to ask a question like where are the most well-known canyons in our country?, everyone would say Valla Canyon (Kastamonu) at first.. Valla Canyon is known so much because it is the only fatal case in our country.. Our deceased dear mountaineer friend Anıl Bakar who died there was not a canyon athlete.. His death was indeed unfortunate.. His death caused this sport to be heard in Turkey.. At that time, it was not known in our country that canyons were such dangerous places.. A plaque pebbles where he died in Valla Canyon. Rest in piece. Don’t let this scare you. If you play the game by the rules, nothing will happen to anyone.

Our country is very rich in terms of canyons.. If we give an example of Sulu Canyons, the most well-known ones are; We have numerous canyons such as Tazi Canyon, Horma Canyon, Kaputaş Canyon, Harmandere Canyon, Bozudere Canyon. You can find my Kaputaş Canyonu article here, and my Butterfly Canyon article here. You can also access my other canyon articles under the canyon tab.. I didn’t know until I started writing this article that I wrote so many canyon articles, but I’m glad I did.. From the eyes of an amateur athlete, the story of the canyons in my country has begun to be written and shown with photographs.. When I first started this sport, I couldn’t find anything other than technical reports.

What is Canyoning?

Canyoning is a mountaineering activity that belongs to the category of outdoor and exploratory sports practiced in a specific environment.

strong> Canyoning is not a sport that can be done alone.. First of all, you need to know that canyoning is an extreme sport. It’s no joke.. It is foreseen that there will be at least 4 people. This is intended in case of an emergency, with one person staying with the injured and two others calling for help.. Isn’t it like diving? Only stars or seniority change in diving. Canyon does not have such a star rating. The canyon athlete becomes fully-equipped and experienced over time.. He becomes a guide. Pioneering in canyons.

Canyoning is a sport based on going downhill and overcoming natural obstacles.. There is no climbing in the canyon. You always progress by descending. You will never climb except for mandatory conditions. Whenever I say canyon, I get a comment or wish about climbing.. This is due to the fact that Kanyon Spor is little known or even unknown in Turkey.. It is necessary to explain and make it visible then. Then I take on the part of trusting my abilities and telling it.. I won’t get tired of saying every time there is no climbing in the canyon. I have made it my mission to teach this.

What are the Technical Materials Used in Canyoning?

I have written before that Canyon Sport is an extreme sport.. Everything extreme has equipment too. Technical canyons cannot be crossed without technical equipment.. If we take a look at the equipment in canyoning;. Prevents you from feeling cold in cold water. We don’t want to go into hypothermia, do we? In June, I saw a person who entered the canyon with a 2 mm shorty (short sleeve and long sleeve wetsuit) and could not stop shaking.. When we warned him, he said “I won’t be cold”. Believe me you will freeze. The inside of the canyon does not get much sun and can be windy as it is like a corridor.

2- Neoprene socks (at least 3 mm , 5 mm in colder weather) We wear these socks inside the boots in summer and winter.

3- Neoprene gloves for Winter Canyons (at least 3 mm) Neoprene gloves unfortunately cannot remove a canyon. Not material made for the canyon. Fragmentation is natural.. We wear it under worker gloves and prevent cold.. On it the worker glove protects the neoprene glove.

4- Worker gloves with rubber palm. You don’t need to buy something expensive or high quality.. It breaks apart in a tight canyon. Be sure to take spare gloves with you in case they fall, get lost, or break apart. High landings without gloves will burn your hands.

5- Non-slip, ankle-wrapping, waterproof if possible.

Yes waterproof is important. This is where you’re most confused.. Water must go in and out. Hours spent in full water. It is not possible to stay dry feet. As such, how pointless is the waterproof boat, isn’t it? (There is no sale of original canyon shoes in Turkey.. ICT Canyoning invent the canyon shoe! had to)

7- Canyon belt ( Not available for sale in Turkey. We use a climbing belt or buy it when we go abroad.. The production of tarpaulin for belts without canvas is done by our club.

8- 2-prong umbilical cord. The long one is locked carabiner, the short one is unlocked carabiner (this is what we do. It is called cow tail abroad.. We named it the umbilical cord.) This helps you to be safe so that nothing happens to you on the cliff you are going to land on.. With this you connect to the station. It eliminates the risk of falling down if your foot slips or someone bumps into you.

9- Helmet in accordance with mountaineering standards. Those on which a headlamp can be attached are preferred.

10- Waterproof headlight. It saves lives in canyons where we stay overnight.

11- 1 descending tool used with 1 locking carabiner. We use the Octal, Piranha or our own Spider descender.. Based on the experiences of our instructors, the Spider produced in Turkey stands out with its ease of use and we now use it.. Other canyoning athletes around the world have also started to buy Spider.

Most of these materials are provided by the ICT Canyoning Sports Club. Materials are subject to a small fee.. If you decide to do this sport, I suggest you complete your personal material.. don’t buy at first. materials are expensive. Most of them are not in Turkey anyway. waste of money. Then people can’t even find a place to put them at home.

Experienced Canyoner’s Supplies

These materials are sufficient for a beginner canyoneer. For this job, more experienced canyoners can put ropes, bags with water drainage to carry these ropes, the materials that need to be kept dry in these bags (phone, emergency blanket, first aid kit, headlamp, spare batteries, dry clothes, food and personal materials). There are cans with screwed caps produced. Chest or hand Friday is also among the necessary materials.. In any reverse situation, you may need to go up from where you landed.. Consider the 60 meter waterfall. It is not possible to climb up without a chest or hand Friday.

Where is Turkey in Canyon Sports?

If we have briefly learned about canyons and the materials we need to use, let’s take a look at how canyoning is done in our country.. Without training, we cannot enter the canyons by waving our arms.. Then we need canyoner friends with whom we can learn this sport and do it together.. In our country, there are associations that do and teach canyon sports and one sports club.. At first, I signed up for a paid Canyon Association.. The monthly course of the three-month course was 200 lira.. (Total 600 TL 2018 Price) Later, with the guidance of a friend, I gave up the paid lessons and joined a canyon association that gave free education.. At first everything seemed fine.. Later I noticed the shortcomings.. The last time I saw the rescue operation after an accident in the canyon, I hesitated about how this sport is done.. no misunderstanding. It is not the fault of the canyon association in the accident.. Canyons are very accident prone. Accidents happen no matter how much precautions you take. Isn’t it the same in normal life? My observations were different.. You can find the article of that rescue story here.

ICT Canyoning – Istanbul Canyon and Outdoor Sports Specialization Club

Then I started researching. There had to be a way to do this sport without harming anyone.. With my latest experience, the club I can recommend to the athletes who want to do this sport is Istanbul Canyon and Nature Sports Specialization Club. Although there are other canyoning associations that provide canyoning training in Turkey, the sports club affiliated with the Mountaineering Federation It is ICT Canyoning. Any non-profit sports club also trains canyoning athletes.. Charges a very small fee for lessons. The events it organizes are shared.. It’s not a money making tour company. In fact, the activities are more discounted for its members.

Istanbul Canyon and Nature Sports Specialization Club (ICT Canyoning) is a sports club that makes canyoning at world standards and also makes canyons in our country bold from its own budget. Good When you pass a canyon that is not bolded or not bolded at all, you can better understand the importance of the work done.. Ict Canyoning aims to increase the awareness of Canyoning in Turkey, to increase its technical competence, to increase the number of canyoneers, to permanently bold and route the canyons in Turkey suitable for safe and secure sports passages, to produce technical reports and to make documentation. established. The club organizes sportive canyoning passes at home and abroad.

ICT Canyoning social media accounts:

Instagram: ictcanyoning

Facebook: ictcanyoning

ICT Canyoning President Erdal Yalçın contact : 0532 321 01 01

You can follow ICT Canyoning events on the ict.org.tr website. You must be a member of the site to participate in the events.. There is no fee to become a member of the site.. You can access the site here.

A must-read for those who decide to do canyoning:

Canyoning is a dangerous sport. You may experience death or serious injury.. Your safety depends on the instruction of the event manager, your canyoning ability, experience and your own decision.. You must receive training to learn safe canyoning techniques. If you attempt to enter the canyon on your own without training, you may face serious injury or even life-threatening injuries.. Even after you are proficient in canyoning safety, you should continue to improve yourself and remember that this sport is a team effort.. One small mistake can cost you your life. Starting this training shows that you are taking a step towards your own responsibility and safety.. The responsibility is entirely yours.

Don’t be intimidated by all this.. Once you have the necessary training and the necessary equipment, you can take everything under control.. All that remains is to jump and have fun in a natural aqua park.. It will be an experience where you will feel that you are living in the heights of adrenaline, together with the healing power of water and nature.. Believe me…

Negative ions create a doping effect in the human body and are effective in curing many diseases.. Since canyons are places that people cannot easily reach, they are the places where negative ions are the most.. During your waiting times, take off your gloves and touch the water and the stone abundantly.. Get these negative ions into your body. These negative ions are the reason why you are so happy when you return home from nature.. Nature heals people is not a cool phrase randomly said. Nature truly heals you.

See you in the canyons…

Have you followed my Instagram account?   You can find my other canyon articles here.

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