
What is a Bed and Breakfast (B&B)?

In your research on Booking.com or similar accommodation sites, many of you have come across Bed and Breakfast or B&B hotels in its abbreviated form. So what is this Bed and Breakfast?

B&B first emerged in England with the idea of ​​monasteries providing accommodation and food for travelers.. Although it has not reached enough popularity in our country, the interest in this hotel type is increasing day by day in many important cities of Europe.. Especially in London, Paris, Rome and Barcelona, ​​it is very difficult to find free rooms in hotels/houses operating under this concept.

Bed and Breakfast or B&B is one of the most widely used and preferred accommodation categories in Europe.. It is generally known as the house/hotel owners opening their private rooms in their apartments with breakfast included for one or more night stays for their guests.. While some of the owners of the house/hotel serve the breakfast themselves, some of them make an agreement with an outside place and provide it with the receipt they give from there.

The breakfast provided varies according to the breakfast style of the city they are in.. Don’t expect open buffet breakfast like in Turkey. In Italy and France, there are usually 2 croissants and 1 hot drink in breakfast.

Officially, hotels that serve up to 10 rooms comply with the B&B concept.. Due to the growth of tourism day by day, private room rental service is now offered professionally.. While all the rooms are made available for private use in large businesses, in smaller businesses that usually consist of only 1 room, the landlord can share the toilet and bathroom that he or she uses in common.

B&B hotels are quite cheap compared to regular hotels, and they are somewhat more expensive than hostels.. You might think that the reason why it is so popular in Europe is because it is cheap compared to hotels.. However, the hotel’s location where you can breathe the rhythm and air of the city, and the friendly attitude of the owner, and the tips he gives about the city, transportation, and food and beverage, seems to increase its popularity.

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