
What Have These Travel Blogs Done To You, My Lamb?

This is going to be a bit of a smackdown post. I’m going to write it without hesitation, completely as I feel, sorry.. Maybe you’ve noticed; Recently, there has been a mass of people slurring travel blogs, as if there is no other problem to talk about in the world, because being able to criticize without knowledge, to make fun of under the name of “humor” is our ancestral sports.. “I don’t care at all who says what.” Even if I say, I’m actually taken inside. Sometimes I come across such articles that the friend who wrote it officially took the bloggers and put them in their ass (I’m so sorry for the swearing, but it is!) “Dude!” I say to myself—because I don’t like to get into arguments—“What have these travel blogs done to you?” I really wonder where this grudge and enmity came from!

I didn’t know where to start, I have so much to say…”Let me divide the criticizing groups into two.” That’s why I said, maybe I can explain a little more neatly then. Sir… There are two groups that have made it their mission to criticize travel blogs: Those who do not have a blog or travel-themed Instagram account, and travel bloggers (I think this is the most incredible thing, anyway…) Let me explain here; I included those who have travel-themed Instagram accounts without blogging, but I did not separate them.. I mean, the “travel blogs” I mentioned in the article include everyone.

First, let me pour my heart out to the criticisms of people who don’t have blogs…

“These travel blogs have sprung up like mushrooms!”


Sir, what is the problem? Are you the steward of the nation’s pleasure? If you don’t like it, don’t follow, don’t read what you write.. Not enough? Block. What’s the point of constantly saying this? Are you sure that you follow digital marketing and social media trends closely and are only stuck with travel blogs? Let me ask you a few questions: Do you know how many of the social media users have opened accounts for their pets in addition to their personal accounts? What about personal yoga accounts, mommy advice, diet meals? Do you realize how many running groups and their members’ accounts, for example? Campers, we were forgetting “fashion designers”! Did you see those who travel alone? If others are sinking, please don’t sink. These are the personal preferences of everyone; Some do it as a hobby, some see it as a means of making money, but this does not give you the right to criticize and mock without knowing the truth of the matter.. You don’t follow what you don’t like, as far as I know, there is no force. If you are uncomfortable with all of this, turn off the internet anyway.. “I refuse to be a slave to this system!” Even the man who said and settled on the mountain has at least a Facebook account.. This is the new order of the world, whether you like it or not…

“Travel blogs are always advertising.”

I first came across a famous traveler’s article on his site, “People who complain that you are advertising.” block it directly.” had written. I was surprised when I read it then, “Why did he feel the need to write something like that?! Are there such people?” I started to pay attention. Yes, there is; as well as a lot. There’s a crowd lurking like this, just in case someone advertises and I get kicked out right away. (Update: This traveler, whom I follow with interest, deleted all the comments we made regarding the misinformation he gave on Instagram, without any teasing, just in order not to create prejudice and confusion in the future! It is wrong that hundreds of thousands of people read, even without criticism. Why are you bothered by the warning to correct the information?! Naturally, new people reacted to the advertisement because it fed the information that is not true to the sponsored content.. What can I say! Maybe bloggers are also reaping what they sow.)

Recently, a phenomenal Instagrammer woman just shared a close-up photo from a magazine -what is not even clear- in her hand and said, “What a beautiful weather!” wrote something like. Comment at the bottom: “But in you (because he doesn’t know how to separate -de) it’s always advertising, it’s always advertising. We are fed up now.” Congratulations uncle! You broke the big game and exposed the Times New Roman ad!

If you’re uncomfortable with bloggers who are constantly advertising, you won’t read it.. No, if you are against advertising in general, understand this: Not everyone has to write a blog as a hobby.. This is a job where some people work full time and their source of income is advertisements. The continuity of the blogger whose information you benefit from depends on these advertisements.

Another issue is that you think you know the advertisement through your cowardice, but on the other hand, you continue to be the leading actor of the advertising world; you are not aware, you cannot be, do not force. The advertising industry has now completely shifted to the digital world, and there are venomous copywriters and art directors who only contemplate “advertising” from morning to night.. If they want to sneak you an ad, they’ll do the right thing anyway.

“He’s starting a travel blog that comes in front of him to travel for free and earn money! If you ask, they’ll say, ‘I really enjoy helping people by sharing my experiences’.”

Oh, you’ve seen everyone’s heart with your lofty human-knowledge skills and enlightened us about travel blogs and their insidious purposes, thank you! In an environment where competition is at its peak, if anyone has opened a travel blog for free and succeeded; it’s up to us to give them a standing ovation. It means these guys worked hard! Yes, because it takes a lot of hard work to write a blog and make it monetizable, it’s not what you imagine in your little world.. Anyone who is involved in this business knows how difficult it is to start a blog (I’m not saying writing, look, it’s a difficult job for someone who doesn’t understand the web). ?

Let’s talk about myself and exploit

In May 2016, my wife and I made a decision and moved to Izmir from Istanbul.. I had to quit my job naturally. But this was not a solid quit plan, I hoped to find a job in Izmir, I couldn’t.. I was unemployed so I still am.. Those who have not experienced it cannot understand what unemployment psychology means.. Never in my life have I felt so unqualified and useless.. Every day, from morning to evening, “Where did I go wrong? Why did this happen?” I questioned, “I am of no use to anyone in this world, look at the situation!” I entered a process where I cried often. In this process, I started various works both to produce something and to distract myself; I made and sold knitted toys, translated and started to put my already existing travel blog into action.. Taking advantage of my spare time, I cleaned up my old travel notes, set up the infrastructure of the blog from scratch, opened an Instagram account, learned SEO… Then my fake blog became known on Google in 6 months.. I told it like a great success story Of course not, but it sounded so good to me! Every day he said to Uğur, “Ooooo look how many clicks he got today!” I felt like I was doing something useful.. Especially sometimes there are those who send a message to ask a question or to show that they like the article very much: “Okay! I am unemployed but appreciated. What a nice day!” it makes me wander. So what I’m going to say is, “Oh, corporate life, man, I’m going to be a travel blogger from now on!” I didn’t say anything. It was just a branch for me to hold on to life at first.. Now it’s become my habit of writing, maybe I’ll have a full time job in the future, why not? I don’t need anyone’s approval or permission for this, like no travel blogger does!

Travel bloggers criticizing travel bloggers

This is the new fashion because. I’ll start Interestingly, this group also has “Oh! A new travel blog opens every day.” those who reproach. Because travel bloggers are divided into two; this phenomenon is like friends born bloggers out of their mother’s womb and new born scumbags (Ögh!). I don’t really understand why this bothers me, but I guess I can explain why it doesn’t bother me.. I benefit from every blog that describes its own experience in a proper language.. If I were to go to London tomorrow, the notes of a famous blogger from 5 years ago, believe me, it does not work for me because it is not up to date.. If I can reach, I’ll go and read the notes of the travelerabajur.. (I threw out the name. If there is someone like that, don’t be offended) This is one.

Secondly… Yahu “There is nothing better than traveling!” don’t we say? People are sharing their travel memories, how nice! Everyone should write, tell, why are you being a hindrance? Also, how can you be so sure that you alone provided all the information? Those who are able to explain and appeal to the right audience will be successful anyway, they will walk away.. Those who can’t do it continue to write as a hobby.

“Everyone who sees three countries declares himself/herself as a traveller”

Well? Etsin, what’s the problem? Will he dethrone you? Orhan Kural, who has traveled to more than 200 countries, turns to you and says, “Oh, anyone who has traveled to 40 countries counts himself as a traveler.” does he say? There is no end to this work… Should we throw away those who do not step abroad and travel every inch of Turkey, who have visited 3 countries in South America in 2 years because of your obsession with the number of countries? Could it be that the counting of countries is out of fashion because of your humiliation? I’m not against it either, by the way. I don’t write, but let the writer write, who cares! Have you ever wondered how many countries I’ve been to?. We all take pictures trying to push the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I don’t see any problem with that either.. Aren’t we going there for that already? Why do we have an obligation to be creative in an activity we do for fun? I make clichés from time to time, I am very happy. I support those who do it without hesitation.. Who has the right to make fun of!

As for the article… It is unlikely that someone who shared his own experience wrote the same things as someone else.. You know very well that the standard titles we put as “I don’t know where Travel Guide” are due to SEO concerns.. Everyone’s language use and style is different, and accordingly, it acquires an audience.. You may find the travelertrolleybus, which writes using slang words, “sincere” and read its articles with pleasure, but this may be irritating to someone else.. Shouldn’t someone else write the most comprehensive Paris article in the world of the travelertrolleybus blog? “But, everybody writes the same things!”, right?

“These are fake travellers!”

And my favorite part is… the adjective “fake traveler” given to each other. Backpacking, luxury travel lover. He belittles those who go on a 6-month tour of Asia and do 15 days of Interrail in Europe. Another came out and said, “They actually have money, pretending to be broke.” he said to those who went on a world tour. Someone is obsessed with those who travel as a couple; the other says, “She pretends to be traveling alone, she actually has a girlfriend.”. My God!! What are we doing?! What’s wrong with you! No matter how anyone travels. Are you the authority on people’s travel preferences and social media use? What you don’t like – I say again – you don’t follow. Why do you offend the masses by speaking like that? (I don’t know if there is such a resentful mass. There may be no other resentment than me, I wrote it with a vengeance.) These are just the articles written in the articles I came across on Google or the comments I saw in Facebook groups, by the way.. I don’t follow any account that makes such statements, who knows what will happen if I do! Now I think I did the same thing when I randomly helped everyone like this.. But I was so full, I couldn’t help myself.

In short, I love all the bloggers who write sweet desserts without mixing meat and milk; I like the new ones too, I like the old ones too. I also bow to people who can both work full-time and blog.. Please, have some respect for the work people put in and do.. “No one should criticize.” I’m not saying, of course, let the bad things be said. What I’m uncomfortable with is the way it’s expressed. This article is not for those who criticize duly, but for those who belittle and hate under the name of “criticism”.. Otherwise, I came across the criticism articles that I used to improve myself, Caesar’s right belongs to Caesar.

If you’ve read this far, thank you very much for your patience and interest.. I wrote, relieved!

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