

What Job Can Be Done as a Lawyer in Germany and Postgraduate Options for the Lawyer in Germany

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the fourth guest post of our blog! dear readers! Our guest today is Öykü from Germany.. Story tells us to get a master’s degree in law in Germany and find a job as a lawyer in Germany or in other words find a job as a lawyer in Germany strong> told her story!

In this article, postgraduate information for law graduates in Germany and then answers to your questions what can a lawyer do in Germany, digital in Germany Being a marketing specialist, finding a job in the field of digital marketing in Germany, digital marketing in Germany, digital marketing working environment in Germany You can find what you are wondering about! ?

Then we leave the floor to Öykü!

I am Öykü, 27 years old and I have been living in Germany for 3 years. As a guest blogger, I would like to tell you how I came to Germany for the Master and stayed here.

Why I Moved to Germany?

Like almost everyone else in Turkey, I have an uncle in Germany! Since my childhood, I went to Germany frequently to visit them.. I loved to spend time with my uncle and aunt in the summers.. My aunt has given me a lot about literature, history and culture since I was little; I had the opportunity to observe the daily life and social life here, since I went there almost every summer and mostly stayed for 3-4 weeks.. That’s why I don’t want to live in any European country, especially in Germany.

Even though I thought about studying at a university in Germany or coming here for a while with exchange programs, I could not do this for various reasons.

I graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 2014 and became a lawyer in 2015. Even the not so long time I spent in law offices was enough to make me realize that I don’t want to spend a lifetime in this profession.. Even though it was always in the back of my mind when I wanted to go abroad, I had not taken any concrete steps towards it.. We can say that a period of my life came to an abrupt and abrupt end when I was accepted to my master’s program, which I applied to without any expectations or plans.

Master’s Visa to Germany

When I was accepted to a master’s degree in Germany , I was told that I had to go to Cologne within a month and start a language course. Since it takes an average of 3 weeks for the visa application to be completed and the result to be received after the interview, I had to make an appointment immediately and understand all the procedures and what was asked of me before the appointment, and then complete all the required documents very quickly, so that I could be there on time and start school.

This process was the hardest part for me and there was no one to help me.. Later, I learned that this situation is not special to me and it was difficult for almost everyone.. Looking back now, it doesn’t seem that complicated as I know what to expect, but when I first started researching, it looked like a hard spiral to get out of or a mountain difficult to cross.. We were sharing with my new friend, whom we got accepted together and I was going to Cologne at the same time, but we both didn’t know what to do.. The explanations about the visa confused us at first, then it seemed like something was missing because some things were so simple.

Is Education and Visa Counseling Necessary Before Going to Germany?

That’s it. For this reason, many people turn to institutions that provide education and visa consultancy. My personal opinion is that you don’t need these consulting companies.. Although it can be a bit confusing, there is nothing you can’t do, only they can provide.. Everything is explained on the Embassy/Consulate website and all the consultants will do is guide you in doing so.. My personal opinion is that since you are planning to live abroad, even for a limited time, it will be an exercise for you to understand how bureaucratic things work and to be able to deal with them on your own.. Because when you go there, there will be many jobs waiting for you, especially visa extension, residence.

If you are going to apply alone, of course, you should research everything well and plan. While I was trying to get a visa, there were no easily accessible resources on the internet.. These days, you can find many Blogs/Vlogs about living abroad, visa and moving process as well as travel.. Although they can be very helpful, always try to pass them through your own logic and verify their accuracy.. I recommend that you do not accept any source other than the consulate/embassy as final.. I will not list them one by one in this article and my explanation will be too long.. If you wish, you can watch my video where I try to give detailed information about the visa process.

Learning German before Master’s Degree

Grammar knowledge was important because I had to study the German part of the master’s program in Germany.. What was great for me was that A2 language knowledge was sufficient for master’s admission and it allowed me to take a German course at the University of Cologne for two semesters free of charge.. For this reason, it was enough to prove my A2 level with the documents related to the three-course German course I took at various times in Istanbul, and to show that I will receive “German language preparation” education.

However, this master’s program I had to pass the DSH exam after two semesters, as a C1 certificate was required to start.

The only thing I wished I had done before coming here was to improve my German a little bit more.. Because if I went a little higher in high school and university (it was always on the agenda, but I did not take it seriously) it would be incredibly useful for me.. As it is always said, it is very difficult to learn a language as an adult, and since German is also very difficult, it is somewhat impossible to learn and speak perfectly afterwards.

Finding Post Graduate Jobs in Germany

Master Options for Lawyers in Germany

German is not required to work in some fields in Germany.

German is not required to work in some fields in Germany. Chief among these is of course IT. Engineering is the same, but for lawyers like us, it is not that easy even if you know the language.. However, since I gave up on looking for a job in the field of law from the very beginning, I did not push this part much.

The three big sites I looked at when looking for a job were monster.de, stepstone.de, and indeed.de. Apart from these, I tried to follow the job postings on the websites of the official administrations of the city I live in.. Because there are too many foreigners living in Germany, there may be officer positions in government offices where you can use your foreign language knowledge.. (I didn’t think it would be nice to be a civil servant :)) I also followed the job postings on the websites of the companies that interested me and were suitable for me in terms of work area.

Making Money by Working in Germany as a Student

“mini business” where you can earn up to 450 Euros per month with a student visa in Germany It is possible to work in ‘s, and to work full-time during school holidays for a certain period of time.

There are also many options where you can work as a student.. It is possible to work in “mini-jobs” where you can earn up to 450 Euros per month with a student visa in Germany, and to work full-time for a certain period of time during school holidays.. (Note that the language course visa usually does not cover the work permit.) I used the zenjob and jobmensa websites for student affairs.

Finding a House in Germany

Although I applied for the dormitories before coming to Cologne, it was at the last minute that a suitable dormitory was not found for me until the date of my arrival.. Luckily I had rented a private room with a link from someone I knew without much searching.. The room itself was incredibly uncomfortable, but not living within walking distance of the school and in one of the liveliest parts of the city for a few months until the dormitory came out was a relief.

As student dormitories are not sufficient for the number of students, not only in Cologne but also in other cities, there is a great demand for dormitories, so there is always a long waiting list.

If you want to search for a house to rent in Germany this is unfortunately also Berlin, Munich, Cologne not so easy in big cities like. Due to the high demand, landlords for rental homes often choose from a plethora of applications.. You are doing your best to go to the interview to look at the house and to be selected with various documents showing your job and financial situation.. Instead, students stay in “Wohngemeinschaft” , which is more commonly known by the abbreviation WG, in communal homes.. You can also find the “Guide to renting a house in Munich” in previous posts of Yolda bi’ Blog in sufficient detail.

I got lucky in Cologne and I was able to stay in a student dormitory (it was actually a studio apartment).. That’s why I can’t give very helpful advice about looking for a house, but if you’re a student, I’d say push for dormitories, and there are always private room ads on their website.. This type of WG or sub-lease is more practical at first and can save you time to find a permanent place.

From the Eyes of a Lawyer Living in Germany;

Comparison with Germany & Turkey

Coming to comparisons with Turkey, I can write this much more because it is a very broad subject and therefore a never-ending discussion.

First of all, it is useful to say that Turkey I am very aware of what a beautiful place it is and that it is full of warm, well-intentioned and hospitable people.. I also love and embrace our cuisine, literature, music and traditions.. Nothing that I criticize about the daily life, conditions and system in Turkey and that makes me want to live in another country is not contrary to what I have said.

I do not intend to return to Turkey. Of course, you never know what time and conditions will bring.. But for now, I can say that I have no such thoughts.

As a student in Germany, or as a newly graduated employee, I can say that my standard of living is in many ways better than when I work as a lawyer in Turkey.. You can find countless comparisons online, from grocery shopping to electronics to cars.. Yes, you can afford many things here even if you are getting minimum wage.. You can’t buy what you buy in the grocery shopping for 100 € for 500 TL in Turkey, here you can buy an average second hand car with two minimum wages, while in Turkey you need at least a 3-year minimum wage to buy the same, etc.. However, the standard of living here is not only due to economic power/purchasing power.

Although I am a foreigner here, I feel safer, I realize that people are more respectful to each other both in my business and social life.. I loved living in Istanbul and when I was there, I didn’t even realize how heavy our daily worries were.. ‘Cause I didn’t know otherwise. After coming here, I realized with surprise how much stress living in Istanbul or Turkey puts on us every minute of every day.. This stress is the reason why we are always angry, nervous and unhappy even though we get used to it and think about it all the time.. Even in the limited times I spend in Istanbul, I can clearly see this on the street.. Everyone is always angry; constant fighting, noise, shouting… A constant state of unease… I decided that I don’t want these anymore.. This is actually the reason why I want to stay here.

As I said, I can talk for hours especially about this last topic, we argue for hours with everyone I know anyway For this reason, I will talk about these and more on my YouTube channel in detail.. You can also find me on Instagram as @noyku.



For Doctorate in Germany;

A ‘Blog on the Road

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