
What are Passport Types?

Passports of the Republic of Turkey are divided into four types according to the type of use and the persons to whom they are issued. I will briefly tell you about them.

1. Ordinary Passports

People are referred to as burgundy passports because of their colour. It is the standard type of passport issued to people who do not have any features.

2. Special Passports

This type of passport, which is called a green passport, is given to persons specified by law. These persons are given to high-level civil servants, ex-deputies and persons with whom these persons have a first-degree relationship. There is no fee for these passports and they are issued for a period of 5 years. You can also travel to the Schengen area visa-free with these passports.

For more information on green passports, check out my green passport script !

3 . Service Passports

These passports, as the name suggests, are the passports received by people in public office due to their overseas duties. As with the green passport, it is possible to travel to the Schengen area without a visa.

4. Diplomatic Passports

As you can see from the name these passports are given to senior diplomats. This type is the most important passport among the Turkish passports and can travel to the Schengen area without a visa.

How to Remove Passport ?

Passport Fees

Passport Renewal

Passport Don’t lose


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