
Weekend Getaway in Sigacik

I’ve wanted to write for a long time, but I couldn’t touch it.. He met almost all of Turkey’s Kavak Yelleri series with Sığacık, and so did I. After seeing that beautiful village on TV, I waited a long time for its popularity to decrease a little.. Fortunately, I didn’t encounter the things I was afraid of when I left.. Seferihisar Municipality has become a member of the “CittaSlow” union, which means calm city; Their aim is to prevent globalization from standardizing the texture, calmness and lifestyle of cities and removing their local characteristics. I don’t know how much they achieved their goals because I can’t compare because I don’t know before.. The center of Sığacık is very small, its structure remains intact and it is surrounded by a wall.. On Sundays, it’s a market and you can buy products made and sold by the locals.. Fruits and vegetables are very fresh and their prices are very reasonable compared to the center of Izmir.. Apart from these, you can also find products such as baklava, börek, Yemeni, various jewelry.. We prefer one of the houses there for Sunday morning breakfast.. They threw the tables and stools in front of the house, they cook at home and serve you. If you ask, I can neither describe his place nor tell his name, because I don’t think he even has a name, they may only be working on Sundays.. It’s family run, uncle and I think his daughter takes care of the service, aunty cooks. The food is delicious and the prices are incredibly affordable. We paid a total of 9tl for two people, each with a hearty size puff pastry, a portion of wrap and a side yogurt, a water, a lemonade and two teas, and we were really satiated.. At least I was full, I don’t know what happened =). Don’t ask me how to get there, I don’t remember. Teos Ancient City is not the size that comes to mind when the ancient city is mentioned.. There is no such thing as an entrance door, security.. Among the olive groves, historical artifacts stand open to deformation. BC of the city It is known that it was built in the 1000s, of course, after wars and so on, destruction came.. If it’s on your way, I say go and see it, but it is debatable whether to go to Sığacık just to see Teos.. A baby goat innocently seeking food without realizing how much it has destroyed.. After we visited Teos Ancient City, we went for a swim in one of the most famous bays of Seferihisar, whose name I have now forgotten.. But what is that! The parking lot in the bay is full of minibuses, people parked their cars on the side of the road for almost 1km.. Think of the crowd on the beach. We parked on the side of the road and went down to the beach.. They always told how much the wind was blowing but I never believed it, I used to think that people were exaggerating too much.. On that hot summer day, I had to wrap myself in a towel to protect myself from both the cold and the sand that the wind scalded.. After deciding that we would not swim in the sea due to the crowd and the wind, we attempted to search for another bay. There was another cove nearby, but it was also crowded and the water was not clear.. We decided to embark on an adventure and find coves, if any, that no one knows about.. We opened googlemap from the iPhone and started to discuss what could happen in places where there is no road.. We came to a point where the road ends during the exploration with C.. There were no houses, no settlements, no roads beyond.. We parked the car and realized there was a path ahead of us.. Oh, when we were thinking where this path is going, we also saw a cove that is very difficult to descend but looks great, where maximum 10 people can fit and there is no one below.. We hurried downstairs, I could fly out of happiness.. It was a miracle to find such clear water and a quiet place with no one in that heat.. Since there is no one alone, it is not possible to meet the needs of sunbeds, umbrellas, water, food, etc.. After staying for 2-3 hours, having fun and enjoying the silence, we decided to go because we were hungry at the same time so that the sun wouldn’t hit us from the heat.. We sadly left the bay behind and set off for home.

The famous weekend getaways in Izmir. Escape to Çeşme, Kuşadası on Friday and Saturday, or to put your feet into the sea for the day. We don’t like weekend shifts. 3 cents less, let’s enjoy. No stores are open on Gul Sokak on Sundays.. In short, it is ehlikeyfiz.

Sığacık A small and charming town of Seferihisar. CittaSlow member. An ideal place for a daily route. The market place, which is set up on Sundays, has colors worth seeing. A warmth that we forget to see in city life in every street. (You can go with your car, you can also go by minibus or municipal buses.. But since I never go by bus, I don’t know the journey time or the bus number.)

Our route is first breakfast at the market, then Teos ancient city ruins and finally the taste of the sea and the sun.. Our choice for breakfast is puff pastry and wrap. It is said that it is wrapped like a pen, you know, the old people wrap it just like that.. Not like a bundle, not a machine wrap at all, exactly as it should be. Neither mush nor alive, it took the fire just right.

. to the ancient city of Teos, which is a stop. If I said ancient city, don’t expect an Ephesus or Bahram.. a small place. It is among the places where you always see the signboards and say where is this place, and finally stop by when you have the opportunity and take a souvenir photograph.. If I’m not mistaken, the excavations are unfinished.

After we fill our stomachs and complete our journey in history, finally it’s time for the sea and the sun. Among the places where you can swim, there are Ekmeksiz Beach and Akkum beach.. Although both of them are blue flagged, we decide not to prefer Ekmeksiz Beach, trusting our friends who went before.. Unfortunately, we cannot swim in the sea due to the crowd and the wind in other places, so we start looking for an empty bay as research travelers.. A little luck, a little bit of ‘oh, where is this road going?’ a little bit, we come to the end of the road with the help of iPhone. Yes, it’s a place where the road ends and you can’t go further.. When we get out of the car and look around, we see a tiny beach.. After a quick changing operation in the car, within 5 minutes we find ourselves in the deep blue waters with no one.. Of course, like every beauty comes to an end, this day comes to an end and returning home is a bit tired but full of joy.

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