
Ways to Enrich Life for 100 Years of Life

WISHING A 100-YEAR LIFE BEFORE. According to the statistics of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), “Life Tables, 2017-2019”, the average life expectancy at birth in Turkey is 78.6 years.. However, this estimate assumes that death rates at birth remain the same throughout a person’s lifetime.. People up to age 30 today can reasonably expect to live to an average of 100 if you predict the data to show the same rate of mortality in the future.


How long you live is just as important as how well you live. Below are some ideas for steps you can take to ensure you enjoy your retirement years.. Let’s take a look at ways to enrich life for a 100-year life.


The first way to prepare for an active retirement is to balance work-life balance early in life.. If people work long hours and don’t take enough vacations, over time this can lead to mental and physical fatigue.. If we don’t take care of ourselves when we’re young, we’re less likely to enjoy a better quality of life when we grow up.

Think about your perspective on life.. Are you after your own happiness or are you trying to find meaning in life? Research has shown that the pursuit of happiness may not be as good for our well-being as the pursuit of a more meaningful life.. In the long run, people who pursue more meaning and purpose are more deeply satisfied than those who pursue temporary happiness. even found a correlation between financial success. Presumably, this type of person tends to place a high value on pursuing long-term goals.

The majority of older adults do not do any physical exercise. People who didn’t prioritize exercise when they were younger probably don’t in retirement. That’s why you should make exercise a lifestyle and start at an early age.

It is also important to choose activities that you can continue as you get older.. In addition to endurance, flexibility and balance training, muscle strength and joint mobilization exercises can be recommended for older adults.

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