
Waterlooplein Markt – Amsterdam

Waterlooplein Markt Amsterdam’s flea market. Right in the back street of Rembrant’s house.. To describe it exactly, you know, everything that takes up most of the house that your mother didn’t throw away and hide, but that is useless when you give money for a new one when you need it, you regret that you didn’t throw it away, everything is sold here. If you collect the things from your mother’s house on your way, you can open a very nice stand there. It’s not lacking in things that work. I bought more quality ethnic trousers for 7 euros, which were sold for 80-100 TL in İzmir Kızlarağası Inn. The collector in me has officially woken up, I wanted to buy and keep everything that is useless and unnecessary because everything is cheap. We definitely need such a market. Scrap, old, new, 2nd hand, 1st hand whatever you are looking for. A place that takes you back to ancient times. It is full of all kinds of trinkets, from the toy you played as a child but that you have no idea about where it is now, to your father’s lost pocket knife. Even if you see the place where it was established, Waterlooplein Markt is one of the busiest places in Amsterdam. When you go to Rembrant’s house, you can stop by there.

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