
Vatican and Sistine Chapel

When we arrived at the Vatican, since it was Sunday, the Pope was addressing the people and giving a sermon.. Naturally, the environment was very crowded.

No visa to the Vatican. However, it is necessary to pass through Rome in order to come to the Vatican.. It is also the smallest country in the world in terms of both area and population.

The area of ​​​​0.44 kilometers is completely surrounded by high walls and is constantly monitored by a camera system.. Although the population is small, about 2,000 people from Italy come here every day to work.

The first Christian emperor Constantianus, St.. Peter’s Basilica AD. It was built in 324 at the place where the tomb of Peter, one of the apostles of Jesus, was built in 67.

The basilica was looted in 846, therefore Pope 4. Leo built high walls around the church. This region, which was first called the city of Leonia, was later called the Vatican.

Vatican became the residence of the popes after 1378.. The formation of an independent state takes place after the Laterno agreement signed with Mussolini in 1929.. It is now an independent state within Italy.

Although it is a very small state, its economic power is very strong.. The taxes collected from Catholic Christians all over the world, their donations and gifts keep the country’s economy alive.. Vatican has more than 200 newspapers and magazines, around 155 radio and nearly 50 TV channels, directly or indirectly owned by the Vatican.

The Pope is the head of the state.. The Pope is both head of state and spiritual leader.. Legislative, executive, judicial, that is, all power is in the Pope.

The Papal Election is one of the most important events of the Vatican. When the Pope dies, all the cardinals go to the Sistine chapel and choose a pope from among themselves.. However, there must be unanimity here.. In order to become Pope, it is necessary to be over 70 years old, to have no woman in his life, and to know at least 3 languages.. In order to ensure that the cardinals make the choice as soon as possible, the meals that go to the room were reduced every day.. The elected pope remains in office until his death.

The duty of protecting the Vatican belongs to the Swiss soldiers.. The country has been guarded by 75-man guards made up of Swiss soldiers since 1506.. The costumes of the guards were designed by Michelangelo.. Their blue, red, and orange striped uniforms are very interesting.

The Vatican also has its own bank and a fast postal service with Vatican stamps..

In front of St. Peter’s Basilica is Piazza San Pietro (St. Peter’s Square). This square was designed by Bernini.. There are 284 columns lined up on both sides of the round square.. There are 140 statues of holy people on the top of 140 columns overlooking the square.. These columns are so beautifully placed that, when viewed from the place where the round stones are located between the twin fountains in the square, the 4-row columns look like 1 column.. Bernini started to build this place in 1656, but it took 11 years to complete.. In the middle of the square, there is a 25-meter-high red granite obelisk brought from Egypt in 37 AD.. On certain days, the Pope calls out to the crowd gathered in St. Peter’s Square from the window of the cathedral and blesses the people.. Lucky for us, the Pope was addressing the public when we got here.. We too are blessed.

The statue of Jesus took its place on the front of the basilica and right in the middle.. 10 apostles statues, 5 by 5 each, are lined up on the right and left.. 1 of the remaining 2 apostles stands on the left at the entrance. Saint Pietro in the hands of Hz.. Holding the Key to Heaven that Jesus gave him. On the other side is the statue of Saint Paulo. Saint Paulo has a sword and a book in his hand.

St.. Peter’s Basilica is interpreted in 3 ways: 1- Head (Dome)
2- Body (Main Building)
3- Arms (Columns) They express this as the Christian world embracing the whole world.

We digest the square and enter the Basilica.. The construction of the basilica was built on the original church built by Constantine.. Completed in about 300 years from 1503 to 1799. All the artists of the period were invited here.

According to our guide, Michelangelo did not receive any fee.. Said to serve God. The length of the basilica is around 200 meters and the height of the dome is 132 meters.. The Bazelica, whose architecture was drawn by Michelangelo, could accommodate 60,000 people.. The plan of the church is in the form of a Latin cross.

We see the Pietra statue made by Michelangelo at the entrance to the basilica.. Michelangelo made this sculpture at the age of 25. Statue of Jesus who was taken down from the cross, depicted in the lap of Mary. Our guide says that this is the only sculpture with the artist’s signature.. When the public heard that the statue was attributed to another artist, Michelangelo put his signature on the ribbon that ran through Mary’s chest.. In this statue, he depicted the Virgin Mary very young.. The feet of the statue of St. Peter made of bronze inside are worn out by the kissing and touching of the visitors.

You can go up to the dome with an elevator.. You can take wonderful photos of Rome and the Vatican from here.

Under the basilica are the tombs of the Popes and many chapels.

It is also useful to mention the Holy Gate.. The back of this holy door, right next to the entrance door, was closed with mortar and the front of this door, which was covered with bronze, would be opened in 2025 and the sins of everyone who passed through this door would be forgiven.

Vatican has the richest art collection in the world as it contains the works of many painters, architects and sculptors. Therefore, the Vatican cannot be seen without visiting the Vatican museums. The total length of the corridors in the Vatican museums is 7 kilometers.. It consists of 1,400 rooms and galleries in total.. With one ticket you can see 8 museums, 5 galleries, Raphael rooms and the Sistine Chapel.. The most important and unforgettable of these is the SISTINA CHAPEL.

Sistine Chapel 15. Pope in the 4th century. Built for Sixtus. Ceiling frescoes were made by Michelangelo, hanging from the ceiling in a lying position, in 4 years (1508 – 1512)

The Sistine Chapel is known for being the venue for the election of the popes.. Here is the picture of the creation of Adam. In addition, it is possible to see wall frescoes of important artists such as Botticelli, Roselli and Signorelli on the walls.. All the chapters in the Bible, from Adam to Noah, the giving of the Staff to Moses and the birth of Jesus to the Last Judgment, are depicted.

On the altar wall of the chapel, Michaelangelo’s work The Last Judgment exists. The altar wall was completed 25 years after the ceiling was completed.

With a height of 20.70 meters, the Chapel is in the form of a rectangular prism.. Its length is 41 meters and its width is 13.4 meters.

Photographs and cameras are strictly prohibited inside the Sistine chapel.. However, you can get a CD at the exit.. According to what our guide told, the cardinal was offended by the nude pictures in the Last Judgment painting on the altar wall and asked other painters to make a cover over the pictures for their decency.. Thereupon, the Cardinal complained about Michaelangelo to the Pope.. However, the Pope gave a very wise answer: “I am about heaven.. I won’t go to hell”

Travellers interested in museums, art and culture in the Vatican prefer the Colonna 18 and the Residenza Edoardo I hotels.

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