
Turkey’s Unique Scenic Train Routes


Are you ready for Turkey’s train routes with a unique view? As a matter of fact, train travel is something else.. As you travel, you can enjoy experiencing Anatolia in a different atmosphere by gliding from the slopes of the mountains and the plains covered with flowers, seeing the beauties that nature offers generously.. Although we have been sleeping with the Orient Express for the last few years, train journeys that you can enjoy by enjoying the beauties of my country are not just that.. Here are Turkey’s unique scenic train journey routes, where Turkey will flow past the window like a film strip.


Among Turkey’s unique scenic train routes, the Izmir Blue Train, which regularly travels between Ankara and Izmir every day, is just one of them. It follows the Ankara-Eskişehir-Kütahya-Balıkesir-Manisa-İzmir (Basmane) route.. Izmir Blue Train, which takes an average of 13 hours and 40 minutes between Ankara and Izmir, consists of pulman, sleeping and dining wagons.. Passengers who will travel on the train can choose one of the sleeping or pulman wagons, and they can meet their food and beverage needs from the dining car.

Pulman wagons have seats, and sleeper wagons have 2 beds, mini fridge, sink, and electrical socket in each cabin.

Ankara Departure Eskişehir Departure Kütahya Departure Balıkesir Departure Departure from Manisa Arrival in Basmane 20.30 23.50 01.04 05.33 08.15 09.50

Departure from Basmane Departure from Manisa Balıkesir Departure Kütahya Departure Eskişehir Departure Ankara Arrival 18.55 20.15 23.02 03.29 04.55 08.21


Konya Blue Train offers the opportunity to travel between Basmane-Konya-Basmane every day,  Konya, Afyonkarahisar, Uşak, Manisa and İzmir(Basmane) ) follows its route. Konya Blue Train completes this journey in an average of 12 hours and 30 minutes.. On the Konya Blue Train, which has sleeping, dining and pulling wagons, food and beverage needs are met in the dining car.

Basmane Departure Manisa Departure Uşak Departure Afyon Departure Konya Arrival 19.55 21.24 01.47 04.19 08.39

Konya Departure Afyon Departure Uşak Departure Manisa Departure Basmane Arrival 19.00 23.27 01.48 05.47 07.12


The Aegean Express, which connects not only cities but also cultures, operates daily between İzmir(Basmane)-Eskişehir.. The Aegean Express uses the same route to reach Manisa from Basmane, from Manisa to Akhisar, from Akhisar to Soma, from Soma to Balıkesir, Kütahya and Eskişehir.. This time between İzmir and Eskişehir takes about 11 and a half hours.. Passengers can choose any seat on the train, which is traveling with pullman seats.

Eskişehir Departure Kütahya Departure Balıkesir Departure Soma Departure Akhisar Departure Manisa Departure Basmane Arrival 08.30 09.45 14.37 16.03 16.45 17.38 19.00

Basmane Departure Manisa Departure Akhisar Departure Soma Departure Balıkesir Departure Kütahya Departure Eskişehir Arrival 06.45 08.13 09.02 09.42 11.12 15.46 17.00


4 September Blue Train pulman consists of dining and couchette wagons, and operates daily between Ankara-Malatya-Ankara 4 September Blue Train uses the Ankara-Irmak-Kayseri-Sivas-Malatya route. 60 passengers can travel in a pulman wagon and 40 passengers in a couchette wagon.. There are 10 compartments in couchette wagons and 4 people can travel in each compartment.. Sheets, piques and pillows are provided by TCDD Tasimacilik AS, and the seats in the compartment can be used as beds when requested.

Ankara Departure Irmak Departure Kayseri Departure Sivas Departure Malatya Arrival 18.55 20.27 02.18 06.13 09.44 Malatya Departure SIVAS Kayseri Departure River Departure Ankara Arrival 15.30 19.54 23.10 04.44 06.07


Pamukkale Express every day Denizli- It makes voyages between Eskişehir and Denizli and completes this track in 8 hours.. Pamukkale Express consists entirely of pulman wagons, travels from Denizli to Sandıklı, from Sandıklı to Afyon, from Afyon to Kütahya, from Kütahya to Eskişehir, from Eskişehir to Denizli and uses the same route on the way back.

Departure from Denizli Departure with Box Departure from Afyon Departure from Kütahya Eskişehir Arrival 10.15 13.35 14.57 16.53 18.12

Eskişehir Departure Kütahya Departure Afyon Departure Sandboxed Departure Denizli Arrival 10.45 12.04 13.54 15.15 18.34


Eastern express is especially suitable for travelers due to its unique landscapes and natural beauties. is one of the trains where photographers are in high demand.. The Eastern Express makes a daily trip between Ankara and Kars and completes this trip in approximately 25 hours.. The seats in the compartment of the Eastern Express, which consists of pullman, covered couchette and dining wagons, can be used as beds when desired.. The busiest season is summer, and travels in this season are usually made by pulman wagons.. The Eastern Express is the busiest among Turkey’s train routes with a unique view.

Ankara Departure Irmak Departure Kayseri Departure Sivas Departure Erzincan Departure Erzurum Departure Kars Arrival 17.55 19.20 01.15 05.18 11.11 15.28 19.27 Kars Departure Erzurum Departure Erzincan Departure Sivas Departure Kayseri Departure Irmak Departure Ankara Arrival 08.00 11.50 15.52 22.25 01.29 07.18 08.53


Van Lake Express operates between Ankara-Tatvan-Ankara 2 days a week. The train departs from Ankara on Tuesdays and Sundays, and from Tatvan on Tuesdays and Thursdays.. Van Lake Express consists of pulman, covered bunk, sleeping and dining wagons.. There are two beds in the sleeping cars.. The wagon, which has a bunk bed system, also has a mini fridge, cabinet and sink.. Van Lake Express has a carrying capacity of 300 people and consists of 7 wagons, including 4 pullmans, 1 dining room, 1 couch and 1 bed.. The train completes the journey between Ankara and Tatvan in approximately 24 hours.

Ankara Departure Irmak Departure Kayseri Departure Sivas Departure strong> Malatya Departure Elazig Departure Tatvan Arrival 11.20 12.53 18.56 23.07 03.11 06.30 13.08

Tatvan Departure strong> Elazig Departure Malatya Departure Sivas Departure Kayseri Departure Irmak Departure Ankara Arrival 09.00 15.47 18.51 23.34 03.07 08.55 10.25


South Kurtalan Express operates between Ankara-Kurtalan-Ankara 5 days a week. From Ankara; The train, which departs on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, operates from Kurtalan Station on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.. on the trend; There are pulman, covered bunk, sleeping and dining wagons.. For those who will prefer the sleeping car, there is a double bed, table, mini fridge, drawers and a sink in the corner of the room.. The dining car has opposite chairs and tables designed like restaurants.. The meals in the menu here consist of breakfast, soup, hot foods, cold sandwiches and hot-cold drinks.. It consists of 7 wagons with a carrying capacity of 300 people, 4 pullmans, 1 dining room, 1 couch and 1 bed.. 60 passengers can travel in 1 pulman wagon and 40 passengers in 1 couchette wagon.. There are 10 compartments in couchette wagons and 4 people can travel in each compartment.. The Southern Kurtalan Express is one of the important train routes with a unique view of Turkey.

Ankara Departure Irmak Departure Kayseri Departure Sivas Departure Malatya Departure Diyarbakir Departure Kurtalan Arrival 11.20 12.53 18.56 23.07 03.11 09.12 12.11

Kurtalan Departure Diyarbakir Departure Malatya Departure Sivas Departure Kayseri Departure Irmak Departure Ankara Arrival 09.10 12.45 18.51 23.34 03.07 08.55 10.25


The Euphrates Express makes regular trips between Elazig-Adana-Elazig every day.. The Euphrates Express train, which stops at different stations, goes from Elazig to Adana, and follows a route from Elazig to Malatya, from Malatya to Gölbaşı, from Gölbaşı to Osmaniye, from Osmaniye to Adana.. Fırat Express serves only with pulman seats.. These seats, where the comfort and safety of the passengers are considered, are ergonomically designed and wide-ranging seats that can be reclined.. Some seats on the train have electrical sockets on the sides.. There are toilets on both sides of the wagon.. The train completes its route between Elazig and Adana in approximately 10 hours.

Elazig Departure Malatya Departure Gölbaşı Departure Osmaniye Departure Adana Arrival 08.30 11.19 13.51 17.21 18.44

Adana Departure Osmaniye Departure Golbasi Departure Malatya Departure Elazig Arrival 08.35 10.02 13.52 16.31 19.09


The Erciyes Express operates between Kayseri-Adana-Kayseri every day and completes the Kayseri-Adana flight in 5 hours 32 minutes and the Adana-Kayseri flight in 5 hours 51 minutes.. Erciyes Express follows a route from Kayseri to Niğde, from Niğde to Ulukışla, from Ulukışla to Pozantı, from Pozantı to Adana.. Erciyes Express consists of seated pullman wagons with 2+1 seating arrangement. These seats are reclinable, ergonomically designed and wide-ranging seats.. Erciyes express is also among the train routes with unique views of Turkey.

Departure from Kayseri Departure from Niğde Departure by Ulukışla Pozantı Departure Arrival in Adana 07.00 09.21 10.34 11.15 12.41

Departure from Adana Departure from Pozanti Departure by Howl Nigde Departure Kayseri Arrival 16.25 18.03 18.59 20.10 22.27


Ankara- Ankara Express, which consists of pulman, sleeping and dining wagons, which travels between Halkalı and Ankara every night and operates mutually, completes this voyage in approximately 8 hours and 40 minutes.. It serves passengers who prefer to arrive in Istanbul and Ankara in the morning.. Ankara Express consists of only train, sleeper and dining wagons.

Ankara Departure Eskişehir Departure Bozuyuk Departure Bilecik Departure > Izmit Departure Pendik Departure Söğütlüçeşme Departure Halkalı Arrival 22.00 01.14 01.54 02.33 04.26 05.28 05.59 06.46

Halkalı Departure Söğütlü Çeşme Departure Pendik Departure Izmit Departure Bilecik Departure Bozuyuk Departure Eskişehir Departure Ankara Arrival 22.00 22.52 23.11 00.15 02.11 02.48 03.27 06.25


The Lakes Express reaches İzmir by following the route of Burdur, Isparta, Gümüşgün, Denizli, Nazilli, Aydın. The Lakes Express, which operates on the Isparta(Burdur)-İzmir(Basmane) line every day, consists of comfortable sets with 4 wagons with a total capacity of 262 passengers.. The average travel time of the train, which will depart from Basmane at 23.00 and from Isparta at 22.30, takes 8 hours and 30 minutes.. For Burdur passengers who will use the Lakes Express, there is a bus transfer between Gümüşgün stop and Burdur.

Izmir (Basmane) Departure Aydin Departure Nazilli Departure Depart from Denizli Burdur (Bus) Departure Isparta Arrival 23.05 01.46 02.38 04.09 Train 06.49

Bus Departure 06.55

Burdur Arrival 07.25 07.24

Burdur Departure Isparta Departure Silver Departure Departure from Denizli Departure from Nazilli Departure from Aydın Arrival in Izmir (Basmane) Bus Departure 22.20

Gümüşgün Arrival 22.45 22.30 22.57 02.03 03.21 04.14 06.44

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