
TRT FM: Night Watch Program in Kordon

The Night Watch Program in Kordon, broadcast every Tuesday between 23.00-01.00 on TRT FM, brings together travelers with different stories in Turkey. The program prepared by Murat Can Canbay has hosted different names from many parts of Turkey so far.

I am the guest of the program on October 27, 2015, on behalf of Sum of Instant Savings became. During the 2-hour program, we talked about many subjects, from the founding story of the Sum of Instant Savings, to my travel experiences, the countries I want to go to, and the city I was most impressed with.

It was quite exciting to experience the live broadcast at TRT Izmir Studio. The increase in interaction with the audience with questions and shares on social media shows the effect of the program. The telephone connection of the program I was a guest of was Deniz Pehlivan, the founder of Bir Hayali Peşinde. He also had the opportunity to tell his story about his departure and his plans for the future.

We should thank TRT FM and Murat Can Canbay, who prepared Turkey’s only traveler-themed radio program and hosted travel bloggers. If we can create a person who can listen to the program from different parts of the world and take action with the idea of ​​traveling, it means that the program has really achieved its purpose.

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