
Trinket City: Bratislava

How to get there?

We went to Bratislava via Vienna. After a pleasant 75-minute journey on the Danube with the Twin City Liner fast ferries, we reached Bratislava.

It is also possible to pass by Eurobus buses from Vienna.. The 60 km road takes about an hour.. Make this trip on the Danube if the weather conditions allow, sunbathing on the terrace and observing the surroundings.

There are many tiny wooden houses lined up by the river.. All built on wooden legs as the water rises and falls. It is as if the pleasure of those fishing in front of the houses and swinging in the hammock is added to your enjoyment.. When you approach Bratislava, the reflection of the old walls of the Slovaks on the hill to the river creates a perfect photographic image.

Slovakia, a small European country, has a population of around 5.5 million.. 450,000 people live in the capital Bratislava.

First, we go to the Old City Hotel, which is close to the main square and St Michael’s gate.. We will stay 1 night in Bratislava. The hotel is very central, but the rooms are clean but neglected.. We paid 60 Euros per night for the room.

City Tour with City Bus

If you come from Vienna for a day, small city buses will welcome you as you get off the ferry.. This tour takes a total of 2 hours, 1.5 hours of which is city tour in the vehicle and 30 minutes of walking and guide service.. About 20 Euros per person.

Presidential Palace

You can visit the Presidential Palace which was first built in the 18th century. We see. There is a pool of water in front of it and a sculpture of the earth in it.. It symbolizes peace. Its other name is Grassalkovich Palace.

This building hosted many politicians and artists including Joseph Haydn in the 18th century.. Currently, the gardens of this palace have become a place where the locals of Bratislava come and socialize.

St.. Martin’s Cathedral

From here to St.. Martin’s Cathedral. This cathedral, which contains many chapels, was first built in 1452.. Crowning 11 different Hungarian kings and 8 different queens, the tower of this cathedral is 85 meters.. And there’s a big crown in this cathedral too. This crown is 1 meter high and weighs 300 kg and is made like a replica of the Hungarian Crown.

Trinity Church

The Trinity Church will welcome you in the round square at the entrance of the old town.. His real name is known as “Church of Saint John of Matha and Saint Felix of Valois”. This church, which is in Baroque style, was destroyed during the Ottoman attack in 1529.. Michael’s church. The repair of the church was started in 1717 and finished in 1727.. But the interior was finished in the middle of the 18th century.. In the interior design of St.. Peter’s Church Why was it affected?. There are very beautiful frescoes on the walls and ceiling.

Michael’s Gate

After passing the church a little bit, you reach Michael’s Gate. This gate was the entrance to the old city.. In fact, there were 4 doors like this at the time, but now only this one remains.. The first construction of this door coincides with the first half of the 14th century.. Of course, the entrance was wooden at that time, it was turned into concrete in 1927.. The upper part of this gothic gate is also a square tower.

In 1753-1758, they built the tower of this church to be 51 meters high.. There are 3 military symbols made in the 16th century at the entrance of this tower.. The cross on it represents Hungary, the 3 door sign represents the city of Bratislava, and the one in the middle represents the Polish king Jagelov, who brought Hungary into line.. After the renovation in 1960-1961, this tower was used as a weapons museum.

City Center Tour

We are in the old city center again. You can think of it like a giant courtyard.. Architectural buildings and houses from different periods on 4 sides. Six of each of the houses have been converted into restaurants or cafes.. It is possible to find food for every taste.

Even if you don’t eat anything, take a break for 45 minutes – 1 hour in this square and observe your surroundings with a beer.. Slovaks’ local beers are famous. The most popular brands: Bazant, Zlaty, Topvar, Saris, Smadny mnich. prices are reasonable. Or during the daytime, if you say it’s in the sun, don’t hit it now, the right choice would be Kofola . Kofola, an acidic but less sugary and caffeinated beverage like cola. As a Cola light addict, I give this drink an 8 out of 10.. I broke 2 notes just because they use sugar instead of sweetener. Good, try it.

Another people who make their own coke were Peruvians.. Now I remember… Inca Cola is a yellow color but incredibly delicious drink.

There are tiny wooden huts lined up in the old town square very neatly.. Each sells something local specific to Slovakia. Magnets, handicrafts, paintings, ornaments… The area is lively.

The centralization in this square started in the first half of the 15th century when Jacob the Great came and settled here.. This square is also known as Hlavne Namestie Square. In the middle of the square is the Maximilian Fountain built in 1572.. When we say fountain, it is not one of the fountains where girls go and spend hours by the fountain and flirt with the young men of the village from afar.. This is a spring with a huge pool.. But that’s for sure… This is a meeting point.

In winter, “christmas market” is set up in this square.. There is also a bronze statue of Napoleon leaning on a bench in this square.. There are different bronze statues in almost every street in Bratislava.. The most important of these is “Cumil“. This bronze sculpture, which comes out of the manhole cover and only the arms and head are visible, was made in 1997.. The symbolic meaning of “Cumil” is; It was to remind of the invasion in 1805 and to tell about the reconstruction of Korzon, that is, the old city after this invasion.

As we walk on this street, we see the paparazzi statue standing on the corner.. We continue on our way by giving poses that were caught in front of them in turn.. This street brings us to the other square where the Theatre Building’ is.

Theatre Building

Theatre Building was built in 1884-1886 by Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer.. It has been serving as a theater building since 1920.. Many operas, theaters and performing arts are performed here.. Above the entrance to the theater are the busts of Schubart, Mozart and Shakespeare in circles.. Just in front of the theater building is the Ganymede Fountain, that is, its pool.. This pool was built in 1888.

When you turn your back on the theater building, the statue of the most famous poet of the Slovaks on the left is looking at you with a flower in his hand.. On the right, cafes and small wooden huts selling souvenirs create a nice view.

Cute Consulate Buildings

When we return to the old town square, taking the church to your right, leaving the fountain behind, go to the far left. enter the street around the corner. This street is a short, small but very cute street. All doors and frames are wooden. At the end of this street you will see a pink painted building with brown wooden windows.. This building was a gift from Hungary.. It is currently used as the Hungarian Consulate. Across from this building is another lovely light green building.. This building is the Austrian consulate. I think the cutest consulate buildings are located in this city.. Trinket is like a city.

St. Elizabeth Church

When you walk straight ahead with the Austrian consulate on your right and the Hungarian Consulate on your left, you will see the famous Blue Church. When you say Church with Blue, don’t look for a church in blue because it is blue inside but white outside.. Also known as St.. Elizabeth Church. The blue colored mosaics inside St.. It represents Elizabeth’s miracles.. A small model of this church is on display at Mini-Europa in Brussels.

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