
towards Patmos

We get up at 7, which is an early morning. We set off from İzmir to Kuşadası with our suitcases and backpacks that we prepared the night before.. There is excitement; because for the first time we will participate in a boarding cruise. Last embarkation from Kusadasi Port is 11.30; but it is not necessary to stay at that hour. It is necessary to be careful about passport controls and any mishaps that may occur.. Especially if you are a person who is very obsessed with watches and paranoia like me, you have to be even earlier.. I’d rather wait than be late. In a way, you can call it a guarantee.

After arriving at Kuşadası Port, we immediately enter the passport control.. We had already paid our international departure fees through Ziraat Bank.. To the one who leaves the country! The exit fee, which was 70 YTL in the past, is now 15 YTL; everyone pays without exception. It is probably the goal to take advantage of those who have the luxury of going abroad.

We enter the international bonded zone from Aydın Kuşadası Sea Border Gate.. We examine the products in the tax-free sales section and compare prices with comparable products.. Especially perfume and make-up materials are quite expensive; I can’t even think of the prices with tax added… After filtering alcohol and other products, we decide to board the ship as soon as possible.. Me, my sister and my sister’s friend will stay in the same cabin. However, since we do not know the details of the tour; We still have questions like whether our cabin is underwater, close to the engine room, does it have a bathroom in it.

While walking towards the ship, the donation box belonging to Kızılay stands out at the last exit of the bonded area.. There are coins of all nationalities inside, and the cross and the moon are side by side on the box!

Our ship is before us in all its glory. It’s called “Aegean Pearl”. The Turkish equivalent of the name of this Greek-flagged ship is “Aegean İncisi”…

Before getting on board, we put the first official documents of our cruise with a few photos in our pockets.. A table at the top of the stairs leading to the ship, the foreign crew at the table ask for passports, we hand them. Our cabin number is 259, our curiosity is not over yet.. The attendants waiting in the back are picking up our suitcases.. We are entering from the middle floor of the ship.. Meanwhile, security is fully ensured.. Each passenger has their own entrance card with barcode on which their name is written.. We have this card read on board the ship.. At that moment, our photo is taken from the webcam.. In a way, we are being recorded.

There is a reception area and a shopping center on the middle floor of the ship.. As soon as we enter through the door, two officers accompany us.. They will take us to our cabin and give general information.. Lined up in a row, mostly Southeast Asian floor attendants await their accompanying passengers.. Among the ship’s crew, slanted eyes are the majority.

Our cabin is on the bottom floor of the ship.. Our fears and anxieties increase with each floor descent.. We ask ourselves if our room can see the sea.. Finally we go down to the bottom floor. As soon as we come down the stairs, we turn right and enter the narrow corridor in front of us.

The last cabin in the corridor belongs to us.. The door opens and a room with even a thin-screen TV appears before us.. After getting to know the room in a short time, we are satisfied with this comfortable environment, which is almost like a 5-star hotel.. Our worries were unfounded. We put our keys in our pockets and explore the ship.

Our first stop is the meeting and show hall 4 floors above us.. This part, which is quite large, also has a stage.. Dance lessons, entertainment shows and night entertainment are held on this floor.. In addition, passport distribution and security practices that concern all passengers are also held here, with sessions attended by all guests.

The internet cafe, game room, children’s room and library on a mezzanine floor are also held here. After seeing it, we pass by the beauty parlor and casino this time.. The piano bar greets us before we get to the stern of the ship.. Perfect for those who want to sip their drink accompanied by piano and classical music.. In addition, foreign language lessons and origami lessons are given in this hall.

We are looking at Kuşadası, which we cannot leave from the stern of the ship, where the Greek flag flies.. Despite the coolness felt in the air, the sun reveals everything clearly.

We are going to the “Riviera” Hall. We join the tourists who were on board before us. Everyone is in a hurry to fill their stomach at the open buffet. There is an information card in front of each dish. Prepared to detect whether there is pork or not.. The quality that prevents asking questions about meals. The fruits are carefully placed as a visual feast.. There is a lot of everything, especially the dessert part after the meal is very good.. It is also a thrill that it is unlimited!

We return to our cabin to complete our exploration tour and have a rest.. An announcement is coming soon.. Safety drill for newcomers to our ship! We take our life jackets in our cabins and go to the meeting room.. We are informed about how to use life jackets in case of a possible danger.. Everywhere is full of orange people. Then back down again…

Our door is knocking. Sachin, our housekeeper in charge of our room, is coming.. He introduces himself to us. Very proficient in English. He is happy to hear that we are Turkish. He loves Turks very much.. He says he’s from Mauritius. I’m asking if it’s Mauritania. says no. I don’t know where Moritus is. It turned out to be an island state in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.. a member country of the African Union. quite small. Sachin has been working on this ship for three years.. From that moment on, we call him Morituş.. Sounds good…

The bad effect of my sister throwing her things around from the first moment she entered the cabin ends with Morituş keeping our room tidy every time we come back.. We wish it was like this at home, if everything was arranged after we left…

Sachin is really friendly; After a while he starts to call me friend. We chat briefly each time I leave the cabin…

Look at Sachin’s daily schedule. Greek lesson appears at 2 o’clock. Let’s get some sleep and go to class. There is no one in the Piano Bar appearing in the program. When I ask the bar attendant where the Greek lesson is, Maria comes in.. Here you go wherever you want!

Maria’s mother is Greek and her father is French. fidgeting inside. A Greek woman who loves Turkey very much. We sit in a suitable place. He pulls out specially prepared Greek worksheets from his notes.. Let’s start counting alpha, vita, gamma…

British people who want to learn Greek are coming soon. There are old people everywhere as the average age on our ship is quite high.. The British can’t keep up with our practical speed. After angry looks, they are surprised to hear that we are Turkish.. No one compares us to Turks. How do they know the Turks?

The lesson is weaker and shorter than we expected. We’re going to Salsa class, running around with their reaction. A Latin American dance teacher dances comfortably all the time. Anyone who wants to dance from tourists is on the floor. I prefer to watch.

We return to our cabins with the tiredness of running from place to place, saying let’s rest a bit before going to Patmos Island.

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