
Tips for Women Traveling Solo

After watching an impressive movie or reading a book, we decide to do something with inspiration from them.. “Eat, Pray and Love” (Eat, Pray and Love) is such an inspiring work both as a book and a movie.. In fact, when the book was adapted for the cinema in 2010, important names such as Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem took place in the lead roles.. Julia Roberts goes to Italy to discover new flavors in this movie, and to India to improve her interiority.. Then she discovers love and romance in Bali. This movie has inspired many women to travel alone like Julia Roberts.

Traveling alone is an increasingly popular phenomenon for women. Although it is a trend that we are not familiar with in Turkey, the phenomenon of women traveling alone is growing in Europe and America.. For example, 60 percent of British women explain the phenomenon of traveling alone. Especially women between the ages of 35-44 are much more interested in this idea.

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Of course, it’s not always safe for women to travel alone.. Unfortunately, Turkey in particular has very bad memories in this regard.. Italian Artist Pippa Bacca, who went on a world tour in a wedding dress and disappeared in Turkey, and American Sarai Sierra, who was brutally murdered in Istanbul, are the first to come to mind.

5 Countries British Women Find the Safest

1) France

2) Spain

3) Canada

4) Italy

5) United States

5 Most Unsafe Countries for British Women

1) Egypt

2) Kenya

3) Gambia

4) Saudi Arabia

5) Kenya

Tips for Women Traveling Solo

1) Reach a New Place Before It Gets Dark

Although the flights after 3 o’clock are often more affordable, you may not feel comfortable in the empty and dark streets when you come to an unfamiliar city.. Moreover, if you don’t like your hotel when you reach the city in daylight, it may be much easier to change the hotel to a new hotel.

2) Dress Conservative

Search for your destination’s dress codes before traveling. It is useful to learn what are the taboos about clothing in that country.. In addition, if you are going to travel especially in Arab and African geography, mini skirt, low-cut etc.. It’s better to avoid attention-grabbing clothes.

3) Don’t Wear Remarkable Jewelry

possession of jewels will naturally attract the attention of thieves. So be mindful of this while traveling as much as possible.

4) Have a Crisis Plan

You should have crisis plans, such as what would happen if I got robbed, what would I do if I lost my credit cards or my passport?. For example, make a photocopy of your passport and important documents and keep a backup in your e-mail address.. As for money, put some emergency money in an old vitamin box, but don’t forget to put some vitamins in it too.. These boxes are not visible as they are not transparent.. When someone shakes it for control when it has vitamins in it, he will not need to open it when he hears the sound of pills.. You can also put this box in your hotel bag or cosmetic box.

5) Prefer Chain Hotels

Preferring global chain hotels in the countries and cities you know will be a much safer choice.. These hotels are much more likely to be better equipped, both in terms of security and informing you about the safe and unsafe places of the city.

Trailer of Eat Pray and Love

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