
Things to Do in Milan, Genoa, Portofino, Italy


The first part of our tour is Verona City and The magnificent Lake Garda Click for Places to Visit

I love the ecological design of our hotel Star Hotel Echo in Milan. The next morning, after the ecological breakfast we take in our ecological breakfast room, we start to walk the streets of Milan.. All day long, we wander around the streets without using any means of transportation, neither tram, metro nor taxi. You can get it done at affordable prices. In addition, Protranslate.net site will be with you with its expert staff in translation and translation in many languages ​​​​other than Italian.. So, he should come to Milan during the discount period because they are more expensive than us in the season, but their discounts are much better than us… We have our lunch at Officina 12 in Navigli by the canal. strong> we get. Squid maltagliati amazing! In the evening, we sit at our table overlooking the church in the Brera area and have a delicious dinner again. After dinner, we socialize with the people who overflowed from the bars to the streets :). Genoa is a port city so there are a lot of blacks. Its streets have a more southern Italian feel than northern Italy.. Seems pretty featureless to me. Apart from the taste of our lunch, we can’t get any taste from Genoa. We finally reach Portofino after sightseeing from the beach.. Portofino is good, nice, but we encounter a view that can be seen frequently in the Italian Riviera. It doesn’t have a big plus… She leaves by singing our song, and we take an ice cream break at Santa Margarita, which is a lovely beach right next to it.. Our address for the evening is a sushi restaurant on Milan’s Corso Garibaldi Avenue. Naturally, Italians go to sushi restaurants in Italy, not tourists, which is more beneficial to us. Towards the end of the meal, we find ourselves chatting at the table of a young Italian couple sitting next to us.. After dinner, we all get up and go to the bar where this couple will meet their friends.. We also meet them, dance together all night, spend an unforgettable night. Click for Lake Lugano Places to Visit

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