
There Is Snow In Izmir!!!

This morning I woke up with C’s phone. He was saying “Get up, there is snow outside”. At first, I didn’t care. For an Izmir person, snow is very different from what it means to a people from Çorlu. For Izmir people, snow is the whiteness on the top of the mountains or what we call hoarfrost. They play snowballs with the accumulated snowflakes. Fortunately, C knows my thoughts on the subject very well, so “Really!” I jumped out of bed and opened the curtain. I was faced with a view I had not seen for a long time. It’s snowing flakes. It hasn’t caught anything in the garden yet, but it has just begun to rain. The last time it snowed in Izmir was in 2004. If you ask me, it’s still not at the level to play snowballs, but people have already started playing like crazy. The sight of the snow falling now took me back to the old days, it’s weird, it’s like a childhood day. Also, the days when my legs turned purple because of the snow that got inside my pantyhose on my way to school.. Today was a nice gesture. When I went to Çorlu, he gave me the gloves he prepared with his own hands. They are so useful to me now that I can’t explain =) All my friends shared snow photos on Facebook and talked about accidents. Since I haven’t taken a photo yet, I’ll add some of theirs, I hope they excuse me…

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