
The World’s Most Famous and Oldest Travelers

We owe it to the world’s most famous and oldest travelers to solve many of the problems we can answer in the world today.. Travelers and explorers, who managed to find answers to the unknowns of the world, became a source of light for all of us with the decision they made to set off. being done. We have brought together the world’s best travelers, who have overcome all obstacles and difficulties and successfully fulfilled their missions.

The World’s Oldest Travelers

1. El Idrisi (1099-1166)

El Idrisi, who drew a world map consisting of 70 sections on a silver layer, is considered among the first geographers of the world.. Ebû Abdullah Muhammed b.. Mohammed Sharif al-Idrisi. Born in Septe, Spain’s land in North Africa, El Idrisi was a long-term traveler in Europe and Anatolia.. He drew the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa known for that day quite accurately.

2. Giovanni del Carpini (1185-1252)

Giovanni del Carpini, who went on a trip to Central Asia on behalf of the Pope, set foot in Central Asia, Lake Baikal, the Aral Sea and Mongolia. bears the title of first European. The Italian traveler’s impressions of his trips to these regions in his 60s are found in the book called Tatars Book.

3. Marco Polo (1254-1324)

Italian traveler Marco Polo made a journey from Venice to China with his father and uncle in 1271. Traveling in Mongolia for 14 years at the request of Kublai Khan, traveler Marco Polo is one of the most well-known explorers in the world.

4. Ibn Battuta (1304-1369)

Ibn Battuta, known as the greatest traveler of the Middle Ages, was born in Morocco. The traveler, whose full name is Abu Abdullah Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Muhammed bin İbrahim Levâtî Tanji, spurred his adventurous and inquiring spirit after he set out on a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325, and traveled more than 120,000 km for 30 years.

Traveled to countries such as Egypt, Syria, Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, East Africa, Anatolia, Northern Turkish provinces, East Asia, India, China, Andalusia and Sudan during his travels for more than a quarter of a century.. He served as a judge for two years in India and two and a half years in China.. Everywhere he went, he met judges, judges and notables.. He determined their customs, traditions, food, drink and entertainment in the most subtle way.. Travel memories can be read from the book of Rıhlet-ü İbn Battûta.

5. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

Considered one of the most important explorers of the modern Western world, Cristof Columbus from Genoa sailed in 1492 with 3 Spanish flagged ships.. Although he went to countries such as the Bahamas, Trinidad, Cuba and Jamaica, the explorer, who thought his destination was India, passed away before learning that he had discovered a new continent.

6. Vasco da Gama (1469-1524)

Portuguese Vasco da Gama, who was the first sailor who managed to reach India directly from Europe, made his mark in history with this success.

7. Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512)

The Italian Explorer Amerigo Vespucci, after whom the Americas are named, travels to South America between 1499 and 1502. made him aware of. Although he was not the first to discover the continent, the travels of Vespucci, whose name was given to the continent, are still among the controversial topics.

8. Hernan Cortes (1485-1547)

One of the world’s most brutal and barbaric travelers, Hernan Cortes destroyed the Aztec Empire in Mexico in 1521 with actions that can be described as genocide today. captured.

9. Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521)

The first man to complete a research mission across the Pacific, Ferdinand Magellan, is also the first man to cross all meridians. This strait was named after Magellan, who discovered the strait at the southern tip of Argentina.

10. Francis Xavier (1506-1552)


Missionary Francis Xavier, who was assigned to spread Christianity in the East, left Rome in 1542. Being the first European to set foot in Japan, Xavier has also been to the East Indies and India.

11. Francisco de Orellana (1511-1546)

Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana was on the team for the conquest of Peru. After going to Quito, Ecuador, he was attacked by long-haired locals at the entrance of the Amazon River, whose name was not yet known in those years.. The river was named ‘Amazon’ because he wrote in his memoirs that he was attacked by women.

12. Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596)

The first captain to circumnavigate the world, Sir Francis Drake, lived in the Elizabethan era. He succeeded in completing the circumference of the world with his expeditions between 1577 and 1580.

13. Willem Barentsz (?1550-1597)

Dutch Explorer Willem Barentsz led expeditions to the north during his lifetime. The explorer who found the Spitzberg island in 1595, built a ship that could move on ice in 1596.

14. Evliya Celebi (1611-1682)

17. Considered one of the most important travelers of the 20th century, Evliya Çelebi traveled in the Ottoman Empire for more than 50 years.. Sharing his memories in his book Seyahatname, Evliya Çelebi traveled to Central Europe, the Balkans, Anatolia, the Caucasus, Crimea, Arabia and Egypt.

15. Abel Tasman (1603-1659)

Dutch sailor Abel Tasman is recorded as the first European to reach New Zealand. At the end of his journey in 1642-1643, he discovered New Zealand, Fiji and the island of Tasmania.

16. James Cook (1728-1779)

British navigator and explorer James Cook became famous for his expeditions in the Pacific Ocean. Discovered islands like South Georgia, Hawaii, New Caledonia. reached the Bering Strait. The sailor, also known as Captain Cook, traveled around the world until his death.

17. Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

British Biologist and Natural Historian Charles Darwin, who made the world’s longest scientific trip between 1831-36, traveled to South America. The modern theory of evolution, built on Darwin’s ideas, forms the basis of biology today.

18. Heinrich Barth (1821-1865)

German Traveler Heinrich Barth traveled 16,000 km between 1847-1855. The 5-volume Travels and Explorations in North and Central Africa, written by the traveler who traveled from the Great Sahara to Niger, Timbuktu, Lake Chad and Libya, is still one of the most widely read travel books.

19. David Livingstone (1813-1873)

Scottish Traveler and Religious Man David Livingstone, who played an important role in determining the West’s policy towards Africa, toured the region. Discovering Victoria Falls and Lake Malawi, Livingstone helped shed light on the unknowns about Africa.

20. Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890)

British Richard Burton, who traveled through Africa to discover the source of the Nile River, was a speaker of 25 different languages. Burton, who translated 1001 Nights’ Tales and Kama Sutra into English, discovered Lake Tanganyika.

21. Nain Singh Rawat (1830-1895)

Indian Nain Singh Rawat, who was commissioned by the British to map the Himalayan region, measured the entire region using his steps. During his work, Southern China, Nepal, Kashgar, and entire regions of India were mapped.

22. Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904)

American Journalist Henry Morton Stanley is assigned to search for the traveler Livingstone, who was sent to the continent to explore Africa. He succeeded in proving that Lake Victoria is the source of the Nile River. During his travels, he found Livingstone and healed him with the medicine and supplies he carried with him.

23. Amelia Earhart (1897-1938)

American Amelia Earthart is the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger. Earhart, who is also an aviation professional, went on a world trip in a twin-engine plane.. He disappeared over the Pacific Ocean in 1937, and was declared dead in 1938.

24. Ben Carlin (1912-1981)

The Australian Ben Carlin, who circumnavigated the world with his vehicle that can go both on land and in the sea, between 1951-1958, 62 thousand 765 on land and at sea on the other hand, it traveled 15 thousand 450 km.

25. Jacques Piccard (1922-2008)

Swiss Engineer Jacques Piccard served in the United States Navy. In 1960 he plunged into the Marianas Trench in the Pacific.. Piccard, who bears the title of man who has reached the deepest point of the world, made his dive with a submarine.

26. Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968)

The first human to orbit the earth in space, Yuri Gagarin went into space on April 12, 1962. During his time in space, the Soviet Cosmonaut traveled 40,868 km.

27. Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

American Astronaut Neil Armstrong, first man to set foot on the Moon. During this walk, which was watched live from around the world and heard on the radio, the sentence Armstrong said was “One small step for man, one giant leap for humanity.”. In a world where every journey teaches people something new, we must take action for more travel!

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