
The Only Reason To Visit Zimbabwe Before You Die: Victoria Falls

As someone who enjoys watching even the water flowing from the sidewalks after a heavy downpour, I guess I can’t forget the heart palpitations that occurred when I encountered Victoria Falls, considered the largest waterfall in the world, for the rest of my life.. In this article, I have tried to convey Victorian Falls up-to-date information and my travel notes from Zimbabwe for those who put this fascinating natural wonder on their list of places to see before they die, which makes them grateful to be there as soon as they see it.

Is Zimbabwe a Country!

After seeing that Zimbabwe was not covered by the worldwide travel health insurance policy, the official at the agency I went to to get a new insurance was asked this non-sarcastic question: “Is Zimbabwe a country?! ” Yes, Zimbabwe is one of the 10 poorest countries in the world.

Time will tell what the general situation in the country will be after the fresh departure of President Mugabe, who is old enough to fall asleep at press conferences but stubborn enough not to resign.. The last time we left, the currency had completely disappeared due to the collapsed economy with inflation rates of up to 1,000,000,000%.. What I can say to those who plan to go is this; Most currencies were valid in the country, but in general they were trying to adapt to the dollar.

Where is Victoria Falls Located?

Victoria Falls, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and among the Seven Natural Wonders of the World

strong> is located on the African continent on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is possible to see the waterfall from both countries, but as you can read in many forums and blogs, Zimbabwe is the best place to see it because when you look from here, you can see almost the entire waterfall.

Due to the internal turmoil in Zimbabwe, we went to Zambia to see the waterfall. The number of travelers who prefer to go is quite high.. Since we are in Zimbabwe due to the route of the Overland safari tour, I will mainly talk about the details about Zimbabwe in this article.

Short Facts About Victoria Falls

There are 3 criteria that determine the size of a waterfall: Width, height and flow. Victori Falls is not the “most” for any of these criteria, but when all 3 criteria are considered together, it is one of the largest waterfalls in the world, along with Niagara and Iguazu. It is also considered as the world’s largest waterfall.

For those who are wondering; the widest waterfall is Khone Falls in Laos, with a width of 11 km; the highest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela, with an elevation of 979 meters; The waterfall with the highest flow rate is Boya Falls in the Democratic Republic of Congo with 17.000 m3 per hour.

Although it is mentioned that there is a rainbow that never disappears in the middle of Victoria Falls, this is a bit of an exaggeration.. Because the day we went to the waterfall, we couldn’t catch that amazing view because the weather was slightly misty.. The rainbow is disappearing, that’s for sure!

How to Get to Victoria Falls?

As you guessed, there is no direct flight from Turkey to Victoria Falls.. If you intend to go to Zambia, the airport you will look for is Livingstone, and for Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls. The countries you can transfer to most easily are the Republic of South Africa, Kenya or Tanzania.

We came from Botswana and entered Zimbabwe by road.. I had crossed all the countries I saw in Africa by land.. I must say frankly, although I have seen the transition between Kenya and Tanzania during the Ebola period, I think Zimbabwe is the country with the worst and messy customs.. Since the customs officers fill the visa manually, there are long queues and you have to keep your eyes peeled while waiting in these queues, otherwise 10 people may pass in front of you at once.

Zimbabwe visa is possible to get at the door. it’s so easy now. To obtain a single-entry visa, it is sufficient to fill in a photocopied Application Form skewered and pay $30 when entering the country.. The Kaza Visa application covering both countries has started for those who want to cross into Zambia while they are here.. By paying $50, you can get a multiple entry-exit visa valid in both countries.

The border crossing between Zambia and Zimbabwe is made over the Victoria Falls Bridge, which connects the two countries.. You don’t need an Kaza Visa no just to walk over this bridge and come back or participate in activities around the bridge.. But to go to the Devil’s Pool on the Zambian side, you need to get a Zambia visa.. If you have such an opinion, it will be more advantageous to get an Accident Visa.

Transport to Victoria Falls City Center

The small city where the waterfall is located in Zimbabwe is also called “Victoria Falls”. If you come to Victoria Falls Airport by air, there are different alternatives to reach the city center.. First, you can check if the hotel you have booked has an airport shuttle service.. If not, you can make reservations for shuttles belonging to large hotels or activity companies operating between the airport and the city center; It costs around $15 per person.. However, since these shuttles are for 10-15 people, there will be others who make reservations.. Especially since it is impossible for everyone to leave the airport at the same time due to the visa queue, if you choose this alternative, you may have to wait for other passengers, but it makes sense for the return.. As a last resort, you can go by taxi by paying about 30 dollars, if your human relations are strong, you will use the most economical method by arranging someone to share the taxi when you get there.. “Are we going to the same place?” don’t think. Victoria Falls is a small city, all hotels are within walking distance of each other.

There are also places to rent a car if you wish.. Although I do not know the details, there are some points that I would like to point out about traffic.. First; the traffic is on the left and the road condition is very bad. Latter; It’s impossible to escape Zimbabwean police even if you don’t have any problems or shortcomings. Due to the economic situation of the country, the bribery of the police has reached disastrous proportions.. We were stopped by the police about 18 times on our 4 day trip to Zimbabwe. Luckily we never had to pay bribes as we had a vigilant guide.. It’s a good idea to rent a car, knowing that there is a police community that works very hard to find your fault and fine you, but I definitely do not recommend this method for a short trip.

Transport to Victoria Falls National Park

You can hear the roar of Victoria Falls in the city center, you can see the rainbow forming on top of it, if you get close to the spill, you can feel the water droplets hitting your face, but you can’t see the waterfall at all.. (Maybe there are top secret areas but I don’t know.) You can’t see it when you participate in bungee jumping, zipline or rafting activities.. All you need to do to see the waterfall is to enter Victoria Falls National Park.. Of course, it is an alternative to join helicopter tours and watch from the top.

The entrance to the national park is approximately 1 km from the city center.. The border gate that you will use to cross into Zambia is right at the entrance of the national park.. It is very easy to go to both of them on foot, but you may want to go by taxi as you may encounter all kinds of animals on the road.. It is very common to encounter baboons and wild boars on the road.. Although I was eager to cross the Zambia side the first day I was in the city, I had to turn back because I ran into elephants on the roadside (Sounds like a joke, I know!); After 2 hours, I tried my luck again, but when I saw that they were still eating trees in the same place, this plan took its place among the other ones left until the spring.

I am against giving money to see natural beauties, but unfortunately Zimbabwe needs every penny from tourism. I didn’t have much of a reaction to the $30 fee to enter the Victoria Falls National Park. I would like to point out that you need a minimum of 3 hours to visit every corner of the national park and to take photos to the fullest.

When to go to Victoria Falls?

If you want to visit the waterfall in the strongest way, that is, if you intend to see it when the flow is at its highest, the months you prefer should be between February-May. However, when you go during this period, you are too wet to even take a photo.. Rainforests have formed around the waterfall due to the splashing water, think about it! It is not a suitable time for those who dream of entering the Devil’s Pool or rafting on the Zambezi River.

A unique safari experience in the neighboring country Botswana, by taking pictures comfortably, participating in the activities mentioned above, on top of that. best time to live is from June to September. Since the water level in the waterfall is low, you can also see the rocks between the flowing water strip, but the view you encounter is breathtaking even as it is.

Isn’t it seen in the other months? Of course, it can be seen, after all, the waterfall cascades 12 months of the year, but they say that it is not very pleasant after September, as it is both the driest time and the rainiest and most humid period in Zimbabwe.. Still, the choice is yours.


There are countless accommodation alternatives to choose from in Victoria Falls, even “The city center consists entirely of hotels.” I can say. Unfortunately prices can unexpectedly hit your budget. As always, the most appropriate option is to pitch a tent or stay in a hostel.. There are campsites where you can pitch a tent for $10 per night, provided you bring your own tent.. You can also choose hostels called “backpacker’s lodge”.

You will need to set aside a minimum of 50 dollars per night to stay in a standard hotel.. The hotels here are usually safari lodges, surrounded by trees, mostly with pools, where you can experience traditional African dishes -especially braai- for dinner.

We combined the Victora Falls visit with a safari tour, so we combined the tour company’s Drifters Lodge. we stayed in. 45 Euros per person per night, including breakfast; 15 minutes walking distance to the city center and 45 minutes walking distance to the waterfall entrance; with a pool that is better than a bathtub; It was a quiet and peaceful establishment.. CLICK HERE if you are curious and want detailed information.

Also, click here to see other hotel alternatives in Victoria Falls.

Food and Drink – What to Eat in Victoria Falls?

Victoria Falls

strong> In the city center, you can find local restaurants where you can taste African meats such as crocodile and antelope, or you can make luxury choices where you can sip your wine against the Zambezi River view.. In addition, some tour companies offer options that include a combination of day safari and dinner in the wilderness.. As you can see, even if you are in one of the poorest countries in the world, there is no limit to what is presented to you when you open your purse.

As for the alcohol issue… Zimbabwe, the most expensive country in the region, is also the most expensive country in the region.. If you want to try something local, I would love to recommend the country’s national beer, the Zambezi, but unfortunately it is the worst beer I’ve ever had.

We had one evening, one of the most famous places in the city center. We ate at Monkeys. The atmosphere, music and cocktails of the restaurant, which consists of an old train car, were quite successful; Even though the service is a little slow, I can recommend it wholeheartedly.. Pizza, Salad, Burger etc. Prices vary between 13-18 dollars in the menu consisting of different types of food.

Another place I can recommend is the Shearwater Cafe in the city center.. This cafe, where you can find Wi-Fi, is ideal for a break from the heat of lunch.. For the cafe where I paid 10 dollars for cheese toast and soda, I must say that it is one of the affordable places in Victoria Falls because, as I mentioned before, unfortunately Zimbabwe is a poor but expensive country.

What to Buy at Victoria Falls?

If you’ve ever been to any part of southern Africa, you’ve probably noticed handmade wooden souvenirs.. Here they all disperse from Zimbabwe. Therefore, Victoria Falls is the place where you can find this type of product at the most affordable price.. There are dozens of souvenir shops in the city center; The best quality but the most expensive products are sold in these stores.. The place I would recommend for those who are interested in finding the cheapest one like me is the “Craft Market”, a large market where handmade goods, African type fabrics and clothes are sold.. (Attention! The place I’m talking about is not the stands opposite the waterfall entrance. Craft Market is located between the waterfall and the city center.)

Craft Market is a place where people who have never bargained in their life get used to bargaining and shop with second-hand goods.. If you think about buying by giving money, you can’t bring the prices down too much because what people need in this country, which is experiencing the economic crisis at its peak, is not money, but products.. For this reason, you can buy any item you can think of (pen, lighter, flashlight, worn shoes, t-shirts, even underwear…) by bartering.

Banknotes of up to a trillion and no longer valid have their place among souvenirs. has received. Don’t be surprised if you encounter vendors on the road who often stop you and try to sell you money on the road.

What to Put in the Suitcase?

– If you are going in the season when the waterfall flow is high a must-have raincoat and water-resistant equipment

– Mosquito repellent lotion or spray

– Sunscreen and a hat

– Short for wearing during the heat of the day, for protection from mosquitoes in the evening long but spacious clothes

– Socket converter (British type triple)

– If you want to shop, clothes or items you don’t use (Even if you’re not going to shop, you can bring them and give them to the needy here.)

Activities to Do in the Waterfall Area

The first activity that comes to mind when it comes to Victoria Falls is swimming in the Devil’s Pool), which was also on our list of things to do before we die. There is a formation on the Zambian side where the waterfall spills. When the flow is low, you can enter here and watch the pouring of the waterfall from the most extreme point.. But let’s see that aside from the fact that we couldn’t do it, we were also reluctant to do it, frankly.. According to the information we have received from friends who have gone and experienced it before, you could enter here without paying any extra money, by passing through the hotel next to it.. But right now it’s been extremely popular and has turned into an event where you have to pay a minimum of $100.. You can come here with a group of 10 people in exchange for breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea at the hotel next to it by making an agreement with a tour company, and you need to make a reservation 4-5 days in advance for this.. (I would appreciate it if those who know other jackal methods can write it as a comment.). Maybe we will use it on our next trip :))

Another popular activity is White Water Rafting. “A full-day tiring but super fun alternative where you can experience peak adrenaline in the raging waters of the Zambezi River.. ” says Uğur, who goes rafting alone. Returning from safari, I was so tired that I refused to do it (see: He did not dare!). The fee is 130 dollars per person for the activity that includes lunch and where they pick you up from the hotel and drop you off at the hotel.. CLICK for more detailed information about Wild Horizons, the company we use.

For the bungee jumping on Victoria Falls Bridge, “Don’t come back without doing it!” It is tried, but the record of this activity in Zimbabwe is not very clean, I can’t take it very warmly as there have been cases such as falling and breaking the rope recently.. Instead, you can participate in zipline activities where you will experience a similar feeling.

Since Victoria Falls is a tourist city, it offers dozens of activity options similar to the ones I mentioned above, which I cannot write here.. It is very likely that you will coincide with the promotion of tour companies in the hotel where you are staying.. Even if you don’t come across it, you can contact a tour company and get more detailed information when you go.

Safari Options

The best option for those who come this far and don’t want to return only to see the waterfall will be a safari in the nearby region.. You can try a day safari in Chobe, the elephant paradise of neighboring Botswana, or extend the route for an unforgettable Botswana tour.. Botswana is one of the distinguished countries that do not require a visa from us.. If you would like to evaluate, CLICK to read the article “Botswana Travel Notes: Free Elephants and Beyond…”.

I can recommend Matobo National Park for those who want to evaluate safari options in Zimbabwe.. You get the chance to see the rhinos from a very close distance by taking a nature walk in this park, where the endangered rhinos are under protection.. Note: We are not accompanied by a bodyguard on this trek, and there is no person carrying a gun or rifle.. The guards walking around the park with rifles are there to protect the tourists not from the rhinos but from a possible case of horn hunting.

Final Tips for a Victoria Falls Trip

* The city of Victoria Falls, although touristy a region where wild animals roam. You should definitely not walk outside after dark. I recommend you not to take long walks even during the day.

* I got lost twice in the same day, both on the way to the waterfall from the hotel and on the way back to the hotel, which is hardly a problem. is not a case. That same evening, everyone I spoke to at the hotel said he disappeared.. I don’t know if it’s a special event at our hotel or a problem throughout Victoria Falls, but the hotels district is a bit different.. Every hotel is alike because they all have the same garden surrounded. There is no signage, no house or anything else you can refer to. If I had a GPS, I probably wouldn’t have faced such a problem.

* Try not to leave any valuables in the hotel because hotel staff are not very reliable.. It was the warning of the guide and hotel manager.

* Zimbabwe is a country with a high risk of malaria and Victoria Falls has a large number of mosquitoes. You definitely need to take precautions. I recommend that you do not forget to visit the Travel Health Center before your trip.. For more detailed information, “Where Are Travel Vaccines Made?” CLICK HERE to read the article.

* To protect ourselves from mosquito bites, we constantly applied fly repellent containing DEET all over us.. We also put lavender oil on cotton every evening and put it around our bed.. In this way, we managed to complete the trip without being bitten.

* A little information for those with question marks in their minds… Although there are heart-wrenching human sights as you head through different parts of Zimbabwe, there is not much of this in the center of Victoria Falls. .


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