
The Most Beautiful Zanzibar Beaches

Every year, tourists from many parts of the world flock to Zanzibar, an autonomous island connected to Tanzania on the

Middle East Africa coast.. The factor that makes this small island with a population of 1 million so attractive is the turquoise-colored beaches bestowed on it by the Indian Ocean.. Zanzibar beaches were perhaps the most beautiful color I have seen in recent years.

The island of Zanzibar, which can be reached by a 7 and a half hour direct flight from Turkey, allows you to enjoy the sun and beaches in the winter months due to its location in the southern hemisphere.. Due to the fact that the country is close to the equator line, it has a suitable weather condition to benefit from the seas in all seasons.. For this reason, it is one of the destinations preferred especially by honeymooners.

The Most Beautiful Zanzibar Beaches

Although the island of Zanzibar is very small in terms of area, it offers beach options suitable for different tastes in many parts of it.. My favorite feature of these beaches is that they are all free.. You only pay for transportation. Here are the most beautiful Zanzibar beaches I discovered during my island trip


When you do research about the beaches of the island, this is the first region you come across.. I almost dropped my phone when I first saw Nungwi, located in the north of Zanzibar.. It really makes it look like you’ve seen an oasis in the desert.

Nungwi is a region mostly preferred by honeymooners and has many resort hotels on the beach.. Hotels in this area are usually expensive.. However, you can use these beaches free of charge without staying in hotels.. Transportation from Stone Town, the center of the island, by taxi costs 40-50 dollars.. With dala dala, which is used by the public, it takes 1 and a half and 2 hours and you only pay 2000 Shillings ($0.9).



Kendwa is located in the north of the island like Nungwi. Even two neighboring beaches. You can reach Kendwa from Nungwi in 40 minutes on foot from the beach.. Of course, it has to be low tide for this.. When the waters rise, the beach between the two towns is flooded.. This is also a place where honeymooners like Nungwi enjoy the unique beach and sea at luxury resorts.

Kendwa is also famous for its entertainments.. Two Full Moon parties are held here every month and announcements are made all over the island.. To get to Kendwa from Stone Town, you need to pay a fee of 40-50 dollars by taxi.. The economic method of transportation is rambling. The ripples to Nungwi also pass through here.


Paje, located on the east side of Zanzibar, is the center of attention of surfers from many parts of the world, especially due to its choppy sea. manages to be. This beach is one of only 2 Zanzibar beaches to make it into Tripadviser’s Top 20 African Beaches list.. You come across more young tourists in this area.. Nighttime entertainment is naturally more.

The tide is felt much more intensely on the east coast of the island.. You can see with your eyes that the waters recede for miles at low tide.. You can reach Paje, which is about 60 km from Stone Town, by taxi for about 40 dollars.. It is also possible to reach 2000 Shillings in one and a half hours from Stone Town by rambling here.

Prison Island

It was once used to isolate slaves and the sick. and for this reason, Changuu Island, also called Prison Island, is a small islet of Zanzibar located 5-6 km off Stone Town.. The island takes its name from the Changuu fish in the region.. The island is also famous for its giant tortoises, the oldest of which is 193 years old.

You do not pay anything to take advantage of the island’s unique turquoise sea and beach.. You only need to agree with a fishing boat to reach the island.. You have to bargain hard for this. (You can read access to the island and other details by clicking the link in the title.)

Prison Island | The Most Beautiful Prison in the World

Nakupenda Beach

Like Prison Island, a small prison located off Stone Town Nakupenda Beach, which is an islet, is inhabited by humans and has no structures.. The island consists only of sand and is therefore also called the “Sandbank”.. You can walk from one end of the island to the other in just 5 minutes.

The island of Nakupenda, which disappeared under the water at high tide, can only be visited at low tide.. This place is listed as one of Africa’s Top 20 beaches by Tripadviser. Only Nakupenda and Paje from Tanzania managed to enter this list.. Access to the island is only by fishing boats.. (For more detailed information about this island, you can click on the title.)

The Most Beautiful Zanzibar Beaches Video

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