
The City That Still Feels Its Pain: Sarajevo

The word “Herzegovina” in

Bosnia – Herzegovina comes from “Herzog”. “Herzog” is of German origin, it was the region of German descent.. More like our eastern landlord system, Herzogs were feudal lords here.. Over time, Herzog turned into Herzegovina.. It is now known as Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Three pyramids were found during excavations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Pyramids here are said to be older than those in Egypt.. Excavations are still going on.. The most important of these pyramids are the sun and moon pyramids.

After the separation of Slovenia and Croatia by declaring their independence during the Yugoslavian period, Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, and the Yugoslav army declare war.. Belgrade can’t do anything when Germany and Austria back Croats and Slovenes. Meanwhile, Bosnia and Herzegovina is declaring its independence by taking advantage of the confusion.. Turkey is the first country to recognize Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The most famous foods in Bosnia and Herzegovina are börek with cream sauce and meatballs called cevapi.. “Cevapi” is pronounced as kebab, but it has nothing to do with kebab, it is a very delicious kind of meatball.

Bosnia and Herzegovina It is made up of 10 cantons.. Currently, it is still not a very very peaceful country, there are conflicts within the country from time to time.. Since the mayor of each canton comes from different ethnic backgrounds, there are different problems.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is made up of 3 separate regions.. It is divided into 10 cantons.. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo.

Capital Sarajevo

There is a river that divides the city of Sarajevo into two. There are several bridges on it as well.. Especially one of these bridges is very famous.. The old name of the bridge is Gavrelok and its new name is Latin Bridge.

Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofi were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist on this bridge.. This is 1. caused world war. The name “Gavrelok”, the name of the Serbian nationalist who organized the assassination, was given to the bridge, but then the name of the bridge was changed to the Latin bridge.

There are bazaars from the Ottoman period in the place we can call the center of Sarajevo. The length of this bazaar is 109 meters and there are 54 shops inside.

The Sebil, located in the square in the main bazaar, was built by the Ottoman Pasha in the 17th century.. But of course, since it was damaged in the war, this fountain is not the original, it was rebuilt in accordance with the original.. This fountain is the meeting place of Sarajevos.

There are several important Ottoman artifacts in Sarajevo. The most important of these are the Gani Hüsrev Bey Mosque and Madrasa.. Gani Hüsrev Bey never married in his life.. He spent all his income in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The mosque was built between 1530 and 1531.

At the time of the war, 45 people died and hundreds were injured as a result of the bomb thrown at the people waiting in the queue of the bakery in the market place close to the bazaar.. In memory of this disaster, they left red-painted parts there and surrounded it with nylon.

There are many cemeteries around and they are very well maintained.. Most of them date of death 1992 – 1993. There is almost no building in the city that is not hit.

Obituary notices in this country also caught my attention.. Obituaries are printed in colored frames according to the religion of the person.. There are 3 different colors; Advertisements with a green frame and a crescent and star on them belong to a Muslim person.. The blue frame belongs to a Protestant person, and the black frame belongs to a Catholic person.. There is also a fire of freedom in Sarajevo. this fire 2. After Yugoslavia gained independence after the World War II, it was burned on April 6, 1945 and a monument was built at this point.. With this monument, they express that Bosnians, Croats and Serbs won their freedom together.. The fire that was lit in front of this monument on April 6, 1945 continues to burn without extinguishing.. Of course, during the war period of 1991-1992-1993, they could not burn this fire properly, but now this fire is burning.

There is a large library in the city, built by an Egyptian architect.. However, when a fire broke out during the war, 250,000 Ottoman manuscripts were completely destroyed by burning.

Another place worth seeing in the city is Morica Han.. There are more carpet shops in Morica Han.. We had heard that the best coffee of Sarajevo is made here and we tried it.. They really made the coffee very tasty.. The historical appearance of this inn is also very eye-catching.

Another important place in Sarajevo is Halli market.. You can buy dried meat and delicious sausages from here.

War Tunnel: Ulica

Croats and Serbs besieged the Bosnians in 1991-1992.. Bombardment intensified in the first half of 1992. They implemented a complete siege and embargo, but the European countries next to them were content to monitor the situation.. The name of this tunnel is “Ulica”. They dug the tunnel for 800 meters, with a width of 1 meter and a height of 1.6 meters.. In this period, aids coming to the airport from Turkey and other countries were delivered to Bosnians through this tunnel.. Although the siege continued, it was determined by the Serbs that the Bosnians, whose resistance could not be broken, received help from that point, and they threw bombs.. They detonated a bomb right at the entrance of the tunnel.. 5 people died in this explosion.. There are still remains of the bomb that fell here, in the concrete.. After this incident, they moved the entrance of the tunnel 30 meters to the side and thus they continued to receive help.. After the war, they turned the 25-meter section at the entrance of this tunnel and Bayro Bey’s house into a war museum.. They charge 5 euros at the entrance. Mr. Bayro also built another house for himself in the garden.

You can choose the Apartments Mirela and the Residence Inn by Marriott Sarajevo, among the hotels that are easily accessible and preferred by travelers in Sarajevo.

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