
Sümela Monastery (History, Information, Entrance Fee, Visiting Hours)

The most famous of the monasteries in the Black Sea Region, especially in the city of Trabzon, Sumela Monastery is one of the most important pilgrimage places of the Black Sea Greeks.. This historical building, which has been frequently visited both in the past and today, is visited by approximately 200 thousand people every year..

  • History
  • About Information
  • Entry Fee
  • Hours of Visit
  • Where

History of Sumela Monastery

Byzantine Emperor I. This monastery was founded by two monks, Barnabas and Sophranios, who came from Athens during the time of Theodosius.. According to the legend; The first foundation of the church was laid when two monks, known as Barnabos of Athens and Sophronios, saw the same thing in their dreams and came to Trabzon by sea, unaware of each other. Emperor III. Intensive use of Alexios III. It gives the impression that Alexios was the original founder of the monastery.. 6. In the 16th century, Emperor Justinian wanted the monastery to be repaired and expanded, and General Belisarios successfully fulfilled this task.. The monastery, which is visited today, took its final shape in 6. After it was repaired by Belisarios in the century, it was bought and Trabzon, 14. It was exposed to many Turkmen raids in the century and the monastery did not undergo any change in structure, even though it assumed a kind of outpost for the defense of the city.

The Importance of Sümela Monastery III. During the reign of Alexios (1349 – 1390), the importance of the monastery increased and income began to be provided with the edicts.. After the Turkish domination of the eastern Black Sea coasts, as in other monasteries, their rights were protected in Sümela and some privileges were provided.

The 18th of Sümela Monastery. Many parts of it were renovated in the 19th century, and some of its walls were decorated with frescoes.. 19. In the 19th century, large buildings were added to the monastery and it gained a unique appearance, so it was visited by many travelers and became the subject of writings.. The monastery was seized due to the Russian occupation between the years of 1916 – 1918 , and it was completely evacuated in 1923.

Information About Sümela Monastery

The monastery is known as “Monastery of the Virgin Mary” in many sources. The name Sümela was added later, the word meaning “Mela” means “black” in Greek.. The name of the mountain to which the monastery is attached is Karadağ.. The Turkish equivalent of these words is “in black”.

To briefly talk about the parts of Sümela Monastery; Although the main rock church, student rooms, several chapels, guesthouses, kitchen, library and holy spring were built on a large area, the large aqueduct at the entrance of the monastery rested on the hillside, but today most of this arch is in ruins.. There are guard rooms next to the entrance door of the Monastery, whose main entrance is reached via a narrow and long staircase, and you can reach the inner courtyard via the stairs here.. On the left side of the inner courtyard, there are various buildings in front of the cave, which has been turned into a church, and on the right side there are the library, monk rooms and guest rooms.. The effects of Turkish art are observed in the cabinets, cells and hearths inside the buildings in the interior of the courtyard.

The arches located right at the entrance of Sümela Monastery meet the water need.. The most important reason why Fatih Sultan Mehmet did not interfere with the monastery after he conquered Trabzon is the water flowing from the fountain above the monastery, which is thought to have healed the sick.

Excursion Route

There are two alternative ways to reach the monastery. The path used by the minibuses to go up to the monastery and the pathway are the walking path.. Today, these two roads are closed due to restoration.

The path has been extended without disturbing the natural structure of the road, and it is very comfortable and reliable for visitors to reach the monastery.. You can reach the monastery when you drive for about 30 minutes using the pathway.. We are sure that you will see the monastery when you get tired while walking through the greenery through the forest.

When you reach the 88-step monastery, you can see the aqueduct right next to it.. This aqueduct, which appears to be in ruins today, is thought to have been designed for visitors to take a breather before climbing its 88 steps.

Smuggled Items

Many valuable artifacts from Sumela Monastery were smuggled in history and some of them were found. 17 and 18 located in the library part of the monastery. 66 of the manuscripts belonging to the centuries are in the Ankara Museum, and 1000 of the objects with miniatures are in the Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul.

III. The silver salip gifted by Manuel is exhibited in the Byzantine Museum in Athens, while the Mary with the Roseicon is in Ireland.

Sultan Selim’s The candlesticks he gave as a gift were stolen in 1877.. A few of the Virgin Mary icons in the monastery are in the private collections of Oxford in America.

Sumela Monastery Entrance Fee 2020

After visiting Sümela Monastery, the undersecretary noticed that marble stones often fall from above, he asks the officials about the reason, and asks for it to be closed immediately if there is no adequate explanation.. Thereupon, he states that a net should be drawn in order not to harm the visitors. The monastery, which was closed for restoration for 2 years, was reopened in May 2019.

The entrance fee of Sümela Monastery is 50 TL. You can visit the monastery by paying this fee per person.. You can also enter this monastery free of charge for one year with Müzekart+.. For this reason, we recommend you to buy a Müzekart.

NOTE: After the restoration, the entrance was set to 10 TL, but in 2020, as you can read in the comments of the visitors below, the prices have been updated to 50 TL.

Sumela Monastery Visitor Hours

Summer and winter visitor admission is valid in Sumela Monastery. The museum, which is open every day of the week, has not been informed about whether there will be any changes after reopening in 2019.

Therefore, the visiting hours before it is restored are as follows:

In the winter period of October 3 and April 14, the opening was at 08:00 and the closing was determined as 16:00. In the summer period between April 15 and October 2, the opening time is 09:00 and the closing time is 19:00.

Important Information : Due to restoration works since August 2017 Sümela Monastery, which was closed, was opened to visitors as of 25.05.2019.

Another Important Note: (As we mentioned above, it was mentioned in the national press that the monastery was reopened with ceremonies on 25.05.2019.. However, the information conveyed to us by the visitors is that the restoration works are continuing and that only the entrance fee can be entered into the courtyard of the monastery.. Outgoing visitors abundantly share their reproaches and regrets on this matter.. I think the entrance to the monastery will be limited for the next few years…)

Where is Sumela Monastery / How to Go?

Sumela Monastery is located in Altındere Neighborhood of Maçka district of Trabzon province.

The monastery is completely complete with your private vehicle or minibus. We would like to remind you that you do not have the opportunity to enter until. You can approach the Sümela Monastery by car, 300 meters maximum .

After arriving in Trabzon by air or road, minibuses/private buses to the town of Maçka You must pass by car.

You can go to Sümela Monastery by minibuses that depart from Maçka district every 30 minutes. The fee for the minibuses is approximately 5 TL.

If you are coming with your private vehicle, you have to follow the Maçka (Sümela) signs on the coastal road.. It is recommended to get “location information” using your smartphones.

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