
Special Passport

Special passport is a document that is given to people who are privileged and can enter many countries without a visa.. It would not be wrong to say that it was given to civil servants who met some conditions first.. Due to its green color, it is called a green passport among the people and sometimes even in the news bulletins.. You can enter or exit all countries with which agreements have been made by our government.

If you are a person who travels a lot and frequently, we recommend you to get this passport if you meet the sufficient conditions.. If you have traveled without a green passport before, you can immediately see the difference in behavior.. We can say that the attitudes and thoughts of the staff at the airport will completely change and they will respect you..


Owning this passport, popularly known as green passport because of its color, The benefits are known to everyone.. So much so that the question of what is a private passport, which has been on the agenda recently, has started to be searched frequently on the internet, especially after the relations with Russia improved.. People who know more or less about the condition of being a civil servant are wondering if I can benefit from this privilege.. To qualify for this passport, certain conditions must be met.. In our article, we will explain in detail who can or cannot have this passport.


The number of people who have special passports is actually quite large.. However, other questions arise here.. It is necessary to meet some conditions in order to have a passport, which can be even for people who are not civil servants.. You can find the answer to the question Who is given a special passport > below.

Special passport;

  • It is given to deputies who used to serve in the parliament and to those who have retired from the ministry.

  • ,2. and 3.
  • It is given only to metropolitan provincial and district presidents during their term of office.
  • If you have served as mayor and 1. If you have retired with a degree, you can also get a green passport.
  • It is given to national or successful athletes who have received the title of state athlete.
  • Before privatization, in places such as Türk Telekom, Ziraat Bank, Halkbank, Vakıfbank employee and here degree 1.2. and 3. It is given to people who appear as a grade level. Children under the age of 25 can also be given this passport..


Those who want to have a special passport, first of all, start the special passport from the internet. passport request form must be downloaded and filled. Then, with the new regulation, as of 02.04.2018, passport procedures started to be made by going to the provincial population directorate.. The reason for this change is the adaptation process to new identities with chips.. In the new request forms, it has been noticed that there is no photo section.. Instead, we would like to remind you that you still have to have 1 biometric photograph with you and you must give it to the person concerned at the time of application.


As it is known, some fees are paid for issuing passport. Citizens who apply for a normal 5-year passport are charged 811.60 TL as tuition fees and 133.50 TL is collected as a book fee.. However, there is no special passport fee. In this transaction, which is not subject to a fee, only 133.50 TL, which is the book money, is taken from the citizens.. Thus, the advantages of the special passport have been benefited from in the first step.

With the special passport, it is possible to travel to more than 133 countries.. Especially in Europe, many countries do not require a visa in return for this passport.. However, if you say that you have a green passport in your meetings with the Turkish consulate of that country in order to enter the places where visa is required, they will help you a lot.. We would like to conclude our article by reminding that there are very few doors that you cannot open with a Special passport.

For more and more detailed information, we recommend you to read our article titled “Green Passport”.

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