
Seven Lakes; Or have we fallen into a postcard?

When you see Bolu Yedigöller, which comes to many people’s minds when it comes to autumn, you will realize that it deserves this intense attention.. However, there is a critical point here that Yedigöller comes to everyone’s mind at the same time and you cannot find the peace you are looking for because of the overcrowding.. Therefore, let’s start by telling when it would be better to go to Yedigöller and what kind of a plan you need to make to travel around.. Let’s leave things like Where is Yedigöller National Park, Places to visit in Yedigöller, How to get to Yedigöller for the last time.”. Because we don’t want you to feel cold in the queue that is formed at the box office at the entrance of Yedigöller and stretches for kilometers..

>> When to Go to Yedigöller?>> Camping in Yedigöller>> Lakes>> Places to Visit in Yedigöller>> Yedigöller Travel Route>> Accommodation in Yedigöller>> How to Go to Yedigöller?<

When to go to Yedigöller?

Now, first of all, we need to look at when the majority is leaving. Of course, our aim is not to comply with the majority; we should make our plan different from everyone else’s because it’s more about escaping the crowd. The answer to the question of When to go to Yedigöller is the same everywhere; October-November, so the most crowded period is in these months.. The surest way to catch the calm is to come outside of these months, only between November and April it gets very cold.. April-May are the ideal months, if you say that the weather will warm up a little more, it will be June-July, but the crowd starts in August.

Well, it’s autumn.. fallen leaves.. Photos taken by arranging the leaves from green to yellow.. Photographs of trees with reflection from the lake.. How will these be? Let them not be either!! Of course we don’t say. So don’t worry, we have a few solutions for October-November, but you have to get up a little early or camping is the best; Yedigöller National Park is reserved for the campers at night.

Let’s get to the details, let’s say you plan to come to the end of October when the crowd is at its heaviest.. If we said it’s the end of October now, don’t be brave enough to come on October 29th.. Let’s go on weekdays, don’t be under the illusion that it’s not crowded, it’s overcrowded every day, no matter the weekdays and weekends in the fall.. Then what are we doing? We focus on the time we will visit Yedigöller.

Since most of the visitors come with tours, our job gets easier, they start to arrive around 9 am and everything gets busy at 11 am.. They try to escape without traffic around 3-4 in the afternoon and it calms down by 6. Since it gets dark early in the evening, it is difficult for you to travel when the crowd disperses, that is, you wandered around until 11 in the morning.

To visit Yedigöller in the morning, either you will come very early in the morning or you will come the day before and camp and get up early in the morning and people will see you. You will travel in peace when you are gone. You can walk around easily in 2-3 hours anyway.

Camping in Yedigöller

Let’s say in advance, October-November months are not suitable for camping in Yedigöller. hey, we were going to camp.. Let’s explain for a second; What you will do here will be more tent accommodation.. Why do we say that, because when camping in nature is mentioned, calmness, peace, and sausage cooked on a campfire for breakfast come to mind, but none of these are available in Yedigöller.. The purpose here is to get up and walk around Yedigöller when it’s calm, before anyone comes.

It is forbidden to light a fire in Yedigöller between 08:00 and 19:00.. Even if it is free to light a fire, it is not possible to stay in the daytime, and if you stay, you will be disturbed by the fact that the crowd comes around you, but remember, they will also be disturbed by you.. In other words, people will come for a day, see the lake, take two photos, and you set up a tent in the most beautiful part of the lake.. There are also those who pull a rope so that no one can pass, they will pass, sir, if necessary, they will jump over the tent, but they will still pass.. If you do not want to be disturbed, you will set up a tent in a location where you will not disturb anyone.. It is not possible to find such a place in autumn.. Since there are too many campers in the evenings, there is always someone making noise and playing loud music.

In short, if you are going to camp in Bolu Yedigöller, you have to come in times other than autumn.. If you ask us, spring is the best time; You don’t have to be afraid of being cold.. You cannot predict when Yedigöller will be cold or hot; You can freeze in August, short-sleeved in May. That’s why it’s good to come prepared no matter what season it is.

Places where you can camp in Yedigöller; Buyukgol, Nazligol, Seringol and Deringol. Before explaining the lakes, let’s give general information about the Yedigöller campgrounds;

  • There are fountains where you can get drinking water,
  • Toilets are not bad, but have toilet paper with you,
  • A place where you can find many things you need there is a buffet but still bring all your necessities with you. Because the prices are high,
  • It is very difficult to find dry wood, so if you take it with you, you will be comfortable,
  • Fire is forbidden on the ground, there are barrels around where you can make fire, but their number is not enough. In case you can’t find a barrel, bring your own firebox or at least your barbecue so you don’t freeze.


Are you ready to be surprised?.. Lakes are at the top of the places to visit in Yedigöller. And 7 of them.. no more.. Okay, let’s talk about lakes briefly.. First of all, we wrote the lakes in this title by ordering them according to their positions, so do not make your route in the following order.. You can find the route we have prepared for you to travel around the lakes and other places to visit in the most efficient way in the continuation of the article.

1- İncegöl (Uzungöl)

Uzungol It is also called , but the commonly used name is İncegöl, since it is a long and thin lake, both names are appropriate.. If you come from Bolu, the first lake you will see after passing the toll booth will be İncegöl as you enter Yedigöller National Park.. The lake is completely surrounded by trees and small green leaves cover the lake and create a different image.. You can’t start your tour without coming to Yedigöller and taking pictures on the bridge over this lake..

2- Sazlıgöl

You can reach Sazlıgöl, which is right behind İncegöl, by walking a path of approximately 100 meters.. It is named Sazlıgöl because of the reeds around it and it has a truly magnificent view.

3- Nazlıgöl

Yedigöller National Park is on the right after the entrance. Nazlıgöl, which is on your side, is quite a large lake.. There is a path around the lake and you can take a walk.. However, sometimes the water of the lake gets very low, so if you are unlucky, there is a possibility that you will not see the magnificent view we see.

4- Büyükgöl

Now Büyükgöl, don’t think of such a big lake, it was named because it is the largest lake in Yedigöller.. It is big enough to walk around it easily.

There is a camping area around Büyükgöl and quite a lot of tents are set up in this area.. Also, if you bring something to eat with you, you can sit and enjoy yourself at the wooden picnic tables around the lake.

5- Deringöl

Because it is the deepest of 7 lakes, Deringöl This lake, named , is also one of the three largest lakes of Yedigöller.. The depth of the lake is said to be about 20 m.. The water is almost completely covered with leaves and as such it has a different appearance from other lakes.

One of the most suitable places to camp in Yedigöller is Deringöl, which is why there are a lot of tent crowds. .

6- Seringöl

Seringöl is a rather small lake with a depth of about 2 meters and a circumference not exceeding 100 meters.. There’s also a campground here, but it’s a bit roadside and underfoot.. Also, since Seringöl is so close to Buyukgol, it seems to be in its shadow a little.

7- Kurugöl

When we went, there was no lake, there was a pit at the place with the Kurugöl sign. After all, it’s called Kurugöl only in periods of heavy rain the pit fills with water and this place becomes a lake.

Places to Visit in Yedigöller

Kapankaya Observation Terrace

A viewing terrace that you should take 15-20 minutes to stop by on your way from Bolu direction, its view is truly magnificent.. If the weather is clear, Büyükgöl and Nazlıgöl can be seen very clearly, Deringöl is also slightly visible, but other lakes are not visible because they are small. -You have to climb 150 meters of stairs.

Atmaca Observation Terrace

We say spare Atmaca Observation Deck, which is under the shadow of Kapankaya Observation Deck, even for 5 minutes. .

Yes, there is only one lake visible, and that is Büyükgöl. We accept that the view of Kapankaya is much more beautiful, but if you came at a crowded time, you can avoid the crowd by stopping at Atmaca Observation Terrace while everyone is standing in Kapankaya.

By the way, Atmaca Observation Terrace , right on the side of the road and you don’t have to walk.


The last place you should see before entering Yedigöller National Park Anıtçam. Nice to see a 500 year old tree over 30 meters high. Even if you go in quiet times, it is a little difficult to photograph Anıtçam alone, there are always couples hugging a tree..

Yedigoller Waterfall

Nazlıgöl is located at a higher location than Deringöl. The water flowing between these two lakes forms the Yedigöller Waterfall. You can reach the waterfall by following the water flowing behind Deringöl from the pathway next to it.

Yedipınar Wish Fountain

Water flows from the seven eyes of the Wish Fountain and It is believed that the wishes made come true after drinking water from all their eyes respectively.. Starting from the first eye, respectively; Each eye of the spring symbolizes something: child, fame, peace, money, happiness, love and health.

Of course, when it comes to making a wish, Yedipınar Wish Fountain is a bit like a tomb. and, you can’t interrupt to drink water.

Smiling Rock

It seems like it was a bit of a forced place, but we wanted to write it anyway. Because it is written in many places and when people go to Yedigöller, Smiling Rock calls. It is said that the rocks look like the silhouette of a smiling person, but we don’t think so..

Pythagorean Tree

Occurred by joining two trees to form a right triangle. It’s said to be a triangle that complies exactly with the Pythagorean theorem.. Frankly, when we look at nature, we can find thousands of miracles like this, so we can say that there is nothing too exaggerated in the Pythagorean Tree.

Yedigöller Excursion Route

We, Yedigöller National Park from the Bolu side and we determined our route before we left because we knew that it would take a long time to walk around.. Our Yedigoller excursion route; It is a beautiful route of about 7-8 km, which ends where it started and where you will not pass through the places you pass while on your way back as much as possible.

First of all, we stopped at the Kapankaya Observation Terrace while coming by car.. We took a break from the observation tower and enjoyed the view.. After Kapankaya, we stopped by Atmaca Observation Terrace, but we didn’t spend much time here.

About 4-5 km from Yedigöller National Park, pull the car to the side of the road and take the path for about 500 meters. we saw Anıtçam on foot. There is not much to do here, but even walking this road is quite enjoyable.

We turned from Anıtçam and got in the car again and continued on our way to the national park where the lakes are located.. Our first stop is İncegöl after you pass the box office, you will see it when you enter.. On the left, just behind İncegöl, there is Sazlıgöl, there is a path around this lake and we chose to take a tour here and see the quiet parts of the lake.

After that, we turned to the main road again and Nazlıgöl, you can go a little below the main road and pass by Nazlıgöl.. However, we went around the back and went through the forest towards Wish Fountain, Waterfall and Laughing Rocks and saw these places.. The Smiling Rocks may be overlooked because they are a little in between, but the Wish Fountain and the Waterfall are in a location where you can easily see them.

Then we went to the Deep Lake, where we walked around using the pathway instead of taking the main road.. There is Buyukgol a little behind it, you may be undecided whether to go around it or not.. However, if you are going to Seringöl, you can return from the other side of Büyükgöl.. The road is not very long, at least you will have visited the other side of the lake.. We sat and rested in Büyükgöl, one of the most beautiful places to relax if you can find a free table.

After our tour around Büyükgöl, we saw the side of Deringöl that we had not seen and Pythagorean Tree‘ we went on the path again towards. From here, we went to the main road and saw Kurugöl, then we went to the exit from the main road and ended our Yedigöller tour.

Of course, you don’t have to stick to a route, but if you follow our route, you can walk everywhere by walking less. you will see. In the meantime, don’t listen to those who say to leave the herd, not go the way everyone else goes, and dive into the depths of the forest, no matter how crowded it is.. The flowers and mushrooms that were ubiquitous 10 years ago are no more because of the ragged walkers in the huge forest.. In any case, human beings cannot bear to see nature, they cannot find peace without plundering.. Not only plants but also animals suffered from this plunder; Let alone the bear, the deer, not even a squirrel.. We don’t want to get stern because the only animals we saw were humans, but we can’t help but say.

Accommodation in Yedigöller

First of all, if you are looking for a luxury hotel close to the national park in Yedigöller, search in vain and you will not find it.. If the goal is to spend a few nice nights in nature, then you can find very nice places.. Hindiba Nature House is a beautiful facility built in nature.. Not only in Yedigöller National Park, but on the Mengen side and approximately 45 km away.

If you want to be in the national park, you can choose Habitat Recreation Houses. It consists of bungalow houses spread around Nazlıgöl, around Seringöl and in the forest.. Especially if you are coming on the weekend, it is useful to make an early reservation.. In addition, both accommodation and food prices are really high.

There is Yazıcık Village about 25 km from Yedigöller National Park.. Yedigoller Pension and Yedigoller Tarlabaşı Family Pension in this village also offer a different accommodation alternative.. You feel like you are a guest in a village house rather than a hostel.

How to Go to Yedigöller?

There are not many alternatives other than private cars and tours.. If you are planning to come by public transport, you have to come to Bolu at most and take care of yourself after that; There is no bus or minibus from Bolu to Yedigöller.. The distance between Bolu and Yedigöller is more than 40 km, so taking a taxi is not an option.

When you look at 7 lakes tours, you can find many companies, but when the vehicle is not full, you can also take a tour. It isn’t happening. If you’re going to go in April or something, it’s hard to find a tour.. You can find a daily tour of Yedigöller , departing from many cities such as Ankara, Istanbul, Bursa and Eskişehir in autumn.

If you ask us, the answer to the question of How to get to Yedigöller is quite net; by private vehicle. The biggest reason for this is that we can’t find tours because we didn’t go during the busy period.

Yedigöller can be entered from 2 different gates; one is located on the Bolu and the other Vengen side. Both roads are beautiful, they are not dirt roads. It’s just that it’s curved, it might be a bit of a challenge, by the way, Mengen is a little bit more curved.

If you’re coming from Istanbul, it makes more sense to take the road on the Bolu side.. If you are coming from Ankara direction, Mengen or Bolu does not matter, the length of the road does not change.. Only in the evening, there is a situation like this, sometimes it gets messy because of the people who parked on the side of the road.. The Gendarmerie also closes the Bolu exit to solve this confusion and you have to leave Mengen.

If you listen to us and decide to come to Yedigöller by car, we share the distance and travel times from a few cities for you below.. Depending on the distance, the journey times may be longer, but the biggest reason for this is the winding roads leading to Yedigöller.

  • The distance between Istanbul and Yedigöller is 300 km and takes more than 4 hours,

  • The distance between Ankara and Yedigöller is 225 km and takes about 3 hours,
  • The distance between Bursa and Yedigöller is 335 km and takes an average of 4 and a half hours ,
  • The distance between Bolu and Yedigöller is approximately 40-45 km and takes more than 1 hour.

We hope Yedigöller is our travel guide strong> useful. After all, Seven Lakes is a place everyone should go and see on an autumn day.. However, we do not know whether we should do this in order, with lots or with an exam, so that it would not be crowded.. The exam made sense, right, let’s not lie to us.

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