
Sentosa Island, Singapore My Travel Notes

When you think of Singapore, the first thing that comes to mind is skyscrapers and extreme architectural examples.. What if you don’t want to swim in Singapore and have fun with nature?

Yes, I will talk about Sentosa Island, which was established just for this purpose > to you. You can find out all my impressions of this island in my travel notes on Sentosa, Singapore.

Sentosa Island, Singapore Overview

Where is Sentosa Island?

Saturday, 29 April 2017. It’s time to go to Sentosa from Singapore’s Little India district, where I wake up, I jump on the subway right away!

In fact, it may be correct to even refer to Sentosa as a district of Singapore, it is located only 4 kilometers from the city center.. Sentosa is one of the few islands connected to the Singapore mainland.

The island has recently attracted attention with its increasing number of theme parks and hotels. Now I will talk about how to get to Sentosa Island from Singapore. .

The Station You Get On The Sentosa Express / VivoCity

How To Get To Sentosa Island?

To reach the island, you must first go to the Harbor Front by using the Singapore Subway >. You can easily reach the Harbor Front by taking the North East Line subway in the city..

After getting off the subway, you go into a big shopping mall.. From here you must follow the VivoCity signs to the top floor.. Then you will be able to see Sentosa Express !

When Getting Off from Sentosa Express

How Much is Sentosa Express?

Sentosa Express is a cute airline that will take you from Singapore to Sentosa. With a ticket for 4 Singapore Dollars, you can reach Sentosa in 5-10 minutes with a beautiful view.

This one ticket is valid for departure and return. You can get off at one of the stops inside the island with Sentosa Express.

My journey to Sentosa begins! The island is connected to the Singapore land by a small bridge, and the airrail sails right next to it, while you can also see the ships in the Singapore Port.

Sentosa’s Gate over the Airrail

Sentosa Island Theme Parks

Sentosa welcomes you with a fairy-tale door. The Waterfront with Universal Studios Singapore, Havaray’s first stop on the island. In this section, there is a hotel among the trees and the Trick Eye Museum on the opposite side.

To visit these theme parks and museums, you have to pay separately. For example For Universal Studios you should sacrifice 70-80 SGD. There are so many activities to spend a single day in each of these parks !. I especially recommend families with children and young souls not to skip these theme parks.

One of the Parks on the Island

Sentosa Island Beaches

I get off at the Beach station in the southwest of the island.. Leaving aside the air, the surroundings are filled with such beautiful trees! It makes you feel as if you are in the Amazon Forest, with a rainy weather and a slightly hazy image of the Tropical Climate on it.

You have understood my real intention! I want to swim in the azure waters of Singapore Strait, sandwiched between the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Palawan Beach, Sentosa, Singapore / Wooden Bridge and Watchtower in the Back

So first I headed to the beaches of the island. Sentosa island has three main coves and beaches.. These are Siloso, Palawan and Tanjong Beaches. After Siloso Beach, which I took a quick look at, I prefer Palawan Beach.

All beaches on Sentosa Island are located in a tropical cove.. You know, one of the beaches you’re used to watching on a survivor! The color of the sea in these coves made up of palm trees and tiny islands is incredible.

Young People Playing Volleyball on the Beach / Sentoja Beaches, Singapore

Palawan Beach

Although it may seem a little cheesy because of the cloudy weather during my photos, rest assured it’s fascinating even as it is.. After finding a pleasant spot in Palawan, I throw myself into the cool waters.

I dreamed of jumping into the cool waters too! However, this is a place that never gets cold all year.. Sea water is also quite warm. If you stay in it for days, you won’t get cold.

It is a different experience to swim in such a sea.. It’s great to see all the shades of blue and green together. In addition, Singapore’s richness is also evident in nature.

There are touristic structures such as cute wooden bridges and watchtowers rising among the trees in all of the bays on the island.. I’m resting and enjoying this Tropical Atmosphere by eating the banana, my indispensable thing in Singapore, which I brought with me again!

The Road to Sentosa Beach

Intra-Island Transportation in Sentosa

The end of Sentosa It’s time for me to go. Actually my plan was to walk. But the stops on the road on the beach caught my attention.. I notice that there are small shuttle vehicles on the island.

These vehicles are turning around on the island, and they are free! Some are in the form of a cute tractor, and some are air-conditioned, indoor vehicles for refreshment.. I jump on one of them and head towards Tanjong Beach.

Tanjong Beach is a bit more active. There are people playing volleyball along the beach. It must be because it’s the weekend so there’s a lot of young people. There is also a Golf Club just ahead.. Singapore There is no shortage of elitist options!

Ahead of this point, there are several famous hotels and residences.. As you know, there is not much area in Singapore, it is possible to come across settlements almost everywhere.

While in the Shuttle Vehicle on the Island

Siloso Castle

I hop on the shuttle and head towards Siloso.. At the tip of this part of the island is Siloso Castle. 19. Although Fort Siloso, which was built in the middle of the century, actually has a historical importance, it is now like a fun touristic activity!

There are a few more theme parks you can go to in this area.. Mega Adventure followed by Fort Imbiah for extreme nature sports, and Adventure Cove Waterpark for those who want to have fun in the water.

On the top of the island, there is a Butterfly House where you can see tropical butterfly species and the famous Madame Tussauds Museum. In fact, the theme parks in many parts of the world have bored me a bit now! I can recommend the most aquapark to those who come here.. Because, as a result of my research, I decided that it was the most different.

Me in the Sea in Sentosa / Singapore

Sentosa – Singapore Cable Car

The last thing I will talk about in Sentosa is the one that provides transportation from Singapore to the island. cable car. Using it on your way back from Sentosa may help you see a more meaningful view.. But it costs around SGD 20. How much is up to you?

I just finished my tour of the island. Sentosa Island is a must-visit spot for those who come to Singapore.. You don’t need to waste time and money in theme parks. You can see the atmosphere of the island, take advantage of the free events and swim in the most beautiful sea!

It is enough to spend a day in Sentosa, thinking about the theme park can increase the time.. Shopping on the island is a bit of a hassle. It would be advantageous if you buy food and drink in your bag beforehand.

I would like to end my travel notes in Sentosa in this way.. Those who haven’t read should definitely read my travel notes on Singapore City. My pity there applies equally to Sentosa Island, which is part of Singapore.. Have a nice day, see you in the next travel note !

For those who came from my Singapore Post: Continuation of the post after SentosaFor those who haven’t read my Singapore post: Singapore City from the beginning, my Travel Notes strong>


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