
Schonbrunn Palace, Austria

We start our tour in Vienna, the capital of Austria, which attracts millions of tourists with its arts such as opera, theatre, ballet, magnificent architectural structures, and famous musicians.

Today, Vienna We are coming to Schönbrunn Palace, which is known as a walking and sports center where it breathes. With the approaching Christmas, like the whole country, where the preparations for the Christmas Market dominate, the efforts to establish a fair in the front garden of the palace continue at full speed.

The palace, which was built on a wide plain as the summer palace of the imperial family, It attracts attention with its botanical park and zoo.. In addition, giant landscaping areas with pools offer a visual feast to visitors.

Austria, like neighboring countries in the region, is a frequent destination for hunting lovers with its extensive forests.. This is why many kings and emperors who ruled in the past had their own hunting grounds and hunting palaces.. This palace, in a sense, hosted the hobbies of the emperor, who was both a summer residence and a hunting enthusiast.. In today’s common expression, we can also call it a hobby garden.

The palace, whose construction was completed in 1696, gave its name to the water source named Schöner Brunnen.. With the discovery of the water source, this palace began to be called Schönbrunn Palace.. In the process, the name became an official name.

The palace experienced its heyday during the reign of Austrian Empress Maria Theresa.. The famous furniture and most of the distinguished collections exhibited in the palace today belong to those years. “If they can’t find bread, let them eat cake!” According to some sources, the word (“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”) was spoken in this palace.

Marie Antoinette, who visited this palace from time to time and was aware of the shortage of bread at that time, wrote in her notes she kept for the people of France at that time, “ As I see these people who treat us so well despite their own misfortunes, I think we should definitely work harder for their happiness.. The king sees this truth too.. If I have to speak for myself, I will not forget the day I was crowned -even if I live for a hundred years- I will not forget for the rest of my life”, he answers the allegations that he said that word at first hand with these notes that emerged years later. In the palace, which is among the most important and most beautiful palaces, important cultural and historical artifacts of Austria are exhibited in the garden.. II. During the siege of Vienna, many of the buildings around the palace were severely damaged, while the palace was not damaged.. For this reason, it is surprising that the Ottomans did not even touch the palace. he’s proud. Schönbrunn Palace was included in the world cultural heritage list by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization upon the application of the Austrian state.. It has become one of the first stops in touristic trips, as its recognition and visibility increased with its listing.

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