
Sason with education and transportation problems

The water flowing from the fountains throughout Sason is drinkable and quite delicious compared to many other settlements.. Here we are going on a picnic with the children to the Sevek Natural Habitat Area, which is the source of this water.

We are marching along the Sevek roads singing songs with our watermelon and stuffed watermelon in our hands in a large crowd with the children who continue TEGV activities.

In Sevek, where we get rid of the hot air of Sason for a bit, we drink water from the spring where the water comes out and cool off.

The rest?

Our fun continues with songs and games. Usually, people from Sason come to this area to have a picnic to get air and cool off.

We have the opportunity to get to know the children better during the picnic.. An enviable western perception has formed in the minds of almost all children.. Children who heard that I came from Izmir and my friend from Bursa directly asked, “Are you rich?”

Those who heard that my father was a civil servant said, “Oh, they were poor!”

Television, which is the only means they can reach the outside world, unfortunately gives them wrong impressions.


Urban consciousness and public awareness One of the greatest requirements for the sensitivity of the newspaper Godtan Sason has. The only local newspaper of the district, Sason, was founded with the efforts of Yenibahar Metin Özmen.. Celebrating its 10th anniversary on 31 July 2009, the newspaper publishes weekly.. Everyone, from a 7-year-old child to our grandparents at the cafe, looks forward to the Monday when this newspaper is released and reads it with interest until the advertisements in the newspaper.

It is very difficult to describe what a local newspaper can do in this district.

Local newspapers. very important organizations for small settlements.

We gather together with the children we organize “Journalism Club Event” and examine the newspaper and its printing facility.. We are happy with the sincere interest of Newspaper Owner Metin Özmen, and we leave the newspaper after asking questions.


Municipality We go to the President’s office and meet with him.. Although it has not been a long time since the local elections, the mayor is working hard for Sason.

Arslan, who worked at different levels in the municipality for many years and started as a cleaning worker in the municipality, was elected mayor from the Justice and Development Party in the last elections.

When we learn that the previous mayor was from the same party, we wonder if there was any problem between you and her.

Reporting that the mayoral candidacy process was an uncertain and troublesome process, Arslan said that he took over the municipality with a huge debt burden. We smile when he emphasizes that he wants to serve instead of explaining the debt to the citizens.

Hope that a mayor who can say “we” instead of “I” will set an example for all municipalities, especially metropolitan cities…

The mayor has big plans for Sason.. I hope these plans will come true starting from somewhere as soon as possible.


The bureaucracy awareness of the people in small places is so high. I couldn’t have predicted it would happen. However, in Sason, where almost 80 out of 100 people have a green card; This is the first time I’ve heard of the government loan given to green card holders for starting a business.. The people have well figured out the pedigree of all the aids to be made by the state.

The people of Sason, who go to the district governor’s office every day and ask for help, have at least 7 children.

Birth control has not been here much.


As the hours progress a little, we say let’s walk in the cooling air. Let’s see, two tanks are waiting in front of a building.

It turns out that this house was the governor’s house.. I can’t help but laugh at these tanks standing guard between the district governor and the people.. I guess it is not possible for these tanks to get up without removing the obstacles on their heads…


While sitting in Kabilcewz, the facility that families cannot give up, AK Party district president Nejdet We meet with Taşdemir. He tells us about Sason by addressing him as “my teacher.”. Of course, it’s nice that everyone works for their country.

Everyone from the district police chief, prosecutors, judges to the head of the military branch spends time in Kabulcewz.. Here we have the opportunity to chat with many managers of government institutions in Sason.

There is much to be done for Sason.


Sason’s biggest problem is undoubtedly education along with transportation.. There were only 3 students from the big district who won the ÖSS in 2006.

Teachers are highly valued here, but it is debatable whether they can fully repay this value.

Teachers often get reports and do not come for a long time. or in Sason, which is said to be unable to deal with children comprehensively because they do not embrace the district, the class size in primary schools was around 70 people.. When this is the case, who can expect teachers to take care of children?

There is a lot to be done in the field of education for Sason too!


Sason’s only access road is the highway between Batman and Batman. Although a highway is being built on the shore of Batman Stream, it is not possible to predict when the road will end in which process.. This road, which is extremely bad where two vehicles cannot pass side by side, is a source of torture for people.. It is a shame for the state to maintain such bad conditions between a district center and the city center.

The cooperative that provides transportation between Sason and Batman provides services for 6 Liras.. However, the biggest problem of this transportation is the lack of departure times for these vehicles.. The vehicle does not depart without 10 passengers on the line, which is served by 14-person Ford Transits.. When this is the case, there is no clear time for the vehicle to depart, but you can wait for one minute in two hours.. In this irregular structure, the entire transportation network is left to the drivers who try to answer every minute with their mobile phones.. First you call the terminal and find out which vehicle will depart and its driver, then you call that driver and ask how many passengers it has.. According to him, after providing a communication, when the driver approaches the place you expect, he calls you and you get in the vehicle.

If you ask where Ford earns the most money in Turkey, I would say Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region without thinking.. Transportation between almost all settlements is done with Ford Transits.

This bad transportation system has been the biggest problem for me.. In addition, the vehicle you get on goes off the route, sometimes going to a flour factory or sometimes to a state hospital, taking care of the passengers’ affairs.. It is used as a private vehicle, not respecting the time of other passengers.. I still claim that the biggest problem that needs to be solved in this region is this system.

I believe I have more or less solved Sason, I don’t know what Sasonians reading this article would say?

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