
Roman Attractions

Thanks to the places to visit in Rome, how would you like to get to know Rome better!

Roma According to legend, M It is a city founded by twin brothers Romulus and Remus in 753 BC.. There are many historical monuments, buildings, churches, aqueducts and many other structures to be seen in the city of Rome, which has taken its place on the stage of history for more than 2,000 years. There are so many places to see in Rome that we wanted to compile must see places in Rome for you.


Mosaics, paintings, paintings, sculptures and carpets in the art section, Raphael rooms and sistine chapel are worth seeing.

SA. Peter’s Basilica

The 4th largest in Rome in San Pietro square. It is the largest church of Christianity with a basilica and a capacity of 60,000 people.


The famous painter Michelangelo’s 520 The chapel welcomes thousands of visitors a day due to the magnificent work it has created as a result of 4 years of work on an area of ​​​​square meters.

LOVE FOUNTAIN (The Trevi Fountain)

It is the most well-known fountain in the world.. The artists who contributed to the fountain are Bernini, Guiseppe Pannini and Nicola Salvi.. The classical and baroque fountain was completed by Guiseppe Pannini in 1762.


Constantine I. The arch of Constantine, erected to commemorate his victory, is the longest historical structure in Rome, with a length of 21 meters, built in 315 AD.. The ornaments and inscriptions on the arch have survived to this day without being destroyed.


Pantheon is now a catholic church. being used. With the acceptance of many gods by the people here, it became an imperial pantheon.. It is said that it was actually Julius Caesar who had it built, then the emperor Augustus’ son-in-law, Marcus Agrippa, in 25 BC.. Only Hagia Sophia passed this structure 6 centuries later.. One of the most striking features of the Pantheon’s dome is the equal height and radius.. The only light source comes from the hole called Oculus at the top.


It is the arena where 300,000 people were killed during the period of its use.. In the building, which witnessed the biggest scenes of human massacre, the lights of the Colosseum are left on day and night for 1 week, wherever the death penalty is abolished in the world. How would you like to get to know more about ? According to legend, Rome is a city founded by twin brothers Romulus and Remus in 753 BC.. There are many historical monuments, buildings, churches, aqueducts and many more must-sees in the city of Rome, which has taken its place on the stage of history for more than 2,000 years.. There are so many places to see in Rome that we wanted to compile for you what are the must-see places in Rome.

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