
Return to Viseisei Village from the Fiji Islands

I’m staying in Naboro Village, where Fijian Indians live on Waya LaiLai Island in Fiji. Maybe five nights of heavy rain. I woke up several times during the night, but once I woke up, I looked outside and lay on my bed again.. I just closed my eyes when I saw that all sides were suddenly illuminated.. I almost jumped out of bed when I opened my eyes.. I was startled by a terrible thunder and lightning falling too close. Although I was quite cold-blooded, my heart was pounding with the effect of adrenaline due to the physiological reflex.. I couldn’t remember a lightning bolt that close in my life.

ⓘ Show Contents List Time to Leave Naboro Village Under the Rain To Waya Lailai Resort Departure Waya Lailai Resort Unlucky Moment Viseisei Village Again

Time to Leave Naboro Village

I woke up at 6:40 am, packed my bag. I said goodbye to the people of the house one by one before walking to the shore where the boat will leave with Sorby.. I will miss them and I am sure the children especially will miss me too.. We got into the boat, about 15 people, we’re too crowded. There are 4-5 sacks of cargo, some of them are garbage, some of them are fruit sacks.. We can see rain coming from Waya Levu, but it came much quicker than I expected.

Sorby picked up one of his bags that had been tucked into the garbage bags and handed it to me, and I wrapped my bag up so it wouldn’t get wet.. I have a laptop and a phone inside, of course, two devices that are almost the most important in my life.. In fact, I often refer to my phone as one of my body’s organs.

Going to Waya Lailai Resort in the Rain

My bag was on my lap in the bag, but my body was in the rain. The weather is cool and then it’s cold for me. We’re moving slowly with these weights. Our journey from the resort to the village was quite fast and took about 10 minutes.. But now my whole body is wet, water is running down my face from my hair. From time to time, I reach out and warm my fingers to the sea, the sea is still warm, the desire to jump into it was quite strong.

After a half-hour journey. We stopped by the village and bought a sack of fruit from there and set off on the boat again.. I think it took 45 minutes, maybe it is shorter, but the effect of rain and wind may have made me feel long.

Waya Lailai Resort

I changed my clothes right away in the cafe of the resort, I had my breakfast and hot tea right next to it was good.. There are travelers at tables inside and in front of the cafe. Sorby said goodbye and returned to his village.. He is not working today. Village people working at the resort can work 15 days a month.. After working for a week, they take a week break.. While one group takes a break, the other group on leave starts work. In this way, it is ensured that everyone equally works at the resort and earns money.. When I asked Sorby how he would spend this week’s vacation, his answer was “just relax”.. This is already a direct description of Fijian life.

It will be good if the sun shines, I need to warm up, I hope my already fragile health will not be a problem.. Health insurance comes to mind again. Like banks, insurers must be robbers.. They quoted a price of NZ$ 1700 for 6 months of worldwide health insurance.. they must be crazy. Of course, the scope is very wide, they have thought of almost everything, from your flight delays to the delay of your baggage, they pay you compensation in many cases, but I have no intention of buying at this price.

In Australia, it’s probably just one of the local insurances. I will take out insurance for Australia. Then maybe I will have to buy 6 months insurance covering South Asian countries.. You don’t know what will happen to a person, you can catch a tropical disease, it is possible to have an accident, fall and break something, it is possible to steal your valuables in the hotels you stay.. I’m always in favor of insurance, but these costs are beyond me.. For this price, you can travel in Asian countries for 3 months!

Finally, the sun. Now it’s time to rest and warm up until afternoon time when the Awesome Adventures Boat will arrive from Waya Lailai to take me to the mainland Viti Levu. Awesome Adventures Boat arrived at around 16:00. Half an hour ago, we had filled the boats that took us to the boat and waited in the sea for half an hour.. Even though it rained occasionally, we didn’t get too wet.. However, I was soaked in the morning.

About 2 hours later, we were in Port Denarau at 4:00 pm.. From there I skipped the free shuttle to Lautoka. I got off at the crossroads leading to Viseisei Village after about 1 hour with bad traffic and bad traffic in the rain.. darkness, gloom. I took out my iphone and ran itourch, the led flash of the phone was perfect for use as a flashlight.. There was no rain when I landed, but within a minute it started raining, what luck! I walked briskly and sometimes running along the dark country road, no traffic, no passers-by, no road lighting.. The driver told me it’s 10 minutes walking distance.

Unlucky Moment

I drove for about 10 minutes under the rain and a little wet when I felt that something had fallen on the ground. spilled. When I looked back, the pc cable, t-shirt and magazine were on the floor, just when I was trying to get it, the laptop crashed to the floor.. Oh damn! I took it and checked it in the dark, but it was unclear, the CD was out of place, I hurriedly packed the things, I closed it and went a bit when I came back and checked, I saw my book a little further back, in the grass. I placed it in the bag, this time I closed the zipper of the bag so that it meets the bottom instead of meeting in the middle at the top.. The road seemed long to me, but I think I’ve been on the road for 15 minutes with fast steps.. At that moment I saw someone near me. When I interrupted him and asked if the village was nearby, we paused for a moment and looked at each other and smiled.. He was Niko’s eldest son.. He said where he was going, I didn’t understand but I was pretty close, he said see you at home. I walked for another 5 minutes and I was at home.

Viseisei Village again

I was at my house in the village again, they were surprised to see me because they thought I would come the next day. They prepared a dinner consisting of Noodles, I was content with only noodles without eating canned tuna and tuna.. I stopped by the Fi, after talking a bit about my trip back to my room. Fi had 2 girl Couchsurfer guests, one from Hong Kong and the other from Israel. After this tiring day with plenty of travel, I retired to my room early, I slept after watching 2 episodes of Dr.House.. It was raining again.

Day 279: Fiji:11. Viseisei Village, April 9, 2011

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