
Punta Allen : A Secluded Fishing Village

Punta Allen, a fishing village near Tulum but actually so far away. It is a small settlement located in the Si’an Kaan natural park, which is on the UNESCO World Historical Heritage list, and has not yet had its share of tourism.. Tired of Tulum’s touristic atmosphere, your protagonist decides to throw himself into Punta Allen.. There is only one problem; Although the distance is 40 km, the departure time is between 2-4 hours according to the season.. There is no public transport. There are two options, paying 100 USD to a tour boat or hitchhiking.. Since there is no heavy traffic going in that direction, it is necessary to take into account the long waiting time.. There is also information that there is a jaguar in the jungle, and on top of that, a jaguar picture was dropped on the reddite Punta Allen road in March 2016.. A little hesitation, a little research, let my bones be a sacrifice to the jaguar and set off.. Live fast, die young. Said I’d leave 10km behind. oh no take. I settled in the back, we started to go a little faster than the jingle cyclists. We stopped at the entrance of the natural park. Even though I don’t speak Spanish, I seem to understand every word your brother says from his hand, arm and attitude.. From here, he said that the tourists are paid. A man came and received 31 M$ per person, to enter the natural park. There was also a statement on the paper that he affixed to my wrist as to which law this money was taken.. Well, there’s nothing to do but say. You’re a stranger.

Hitchhiking video to Punta Allen…

The unpaved road is seasonally rough, very rough or it’s classified as sooooo bad. It is possible to see people who have entered the water up to their waists on the road during the rainy season.. I guess I just stumbled upon your broken period. I’m lucky again. Even though my buttock hurts when I go in and out of the pits behind the pickup, the excitement of my trip to Punta Allen, the possibility of seeing jaguar and the beauty of the scenery has become the last thing I worry about. showed manta ray. At the point where the road would deteriorate further, he took the mat he had put on his back and gave it to us.. For our butt to be comfortable. 10km away from the village, I think it didn’t fit, he said, I’ll leave you until the village.. If he didn’t, it would probably be very tiring to walk 10km under the sun with his big backpacks.. When you see the 4×4 vehicles in the village, you are sure of this.. Since no one was using it, the minibuses were canceled at the beginning of the year.. Punta Allen consists of two main streets and side streets connecting them.. Although only 200 people live in the village, there are football, basketball court, park, children’s playground, school and library in the village.. Basically everything people could need is available. What would most people in our country think if they saw these in a village in Mexico, which they call underdeveloped?

Electricity is supplied to Punta Allen between 8.30-14.30 and 18.00-24.00..

There are not many activities to be done in the village or its surroundings.. Nobody comes much, except people who want to listen to their head.. There are also tourists who come with a $100 tour and take a half-hour lunch break.. Since they come and go at a certain time of the day, the people are sympathetic to those who stay in the evening.. A woman who runs a coffee shop said that it is not possible to see the people who come here to stay, either the broken-hearted or the travelers who are too brave.. Which one am I entering?

It would not be possible to come to a village that makes a living from selling lobsters and not return without eating it. The price of a cooked lobster around 20 cm is 300 M$, that is 50 TL as of now.. It is a complete irony that I ate the most luxurious meal of my trip at the most shabby place.

Another point that surprised me in Punta Allen is that besides the existing church in the village, there is another church belonging to Jehovah’s Witnesses and it is Saturday night. it was full of. There is no concept of heaven or hell in the pre-Christian beliefs of the Mayans.. While they believed in energies shifting and reincarnation, they had a hard time transitioning to a belief that was based on a very different foundation.. They did not lose their faith against the compulsions of the Europeans who migrated from the old world and continued secretly.. Although there is no necessity or pressure anymore in this area where the Maya population is dense, what surprised me was to see Christianity intensely.

Does the coconut float in the sea or not?


The biggest action I experienced during the two days I stayed in Punta Allen was when I thought the fresh coconut (about 2 times the dry rate) that had fallen on the tent in the middle of the night was attacked by the crazy dog ​​of the camp and screamed.. (See points to consider when choosing a camping site… ) I also wondered if coconuts could float in water and did a scientific test.. The rest of the time I spent enjoying the flavors of local food, swinging in a hammock and reading a book.. Also, since there is no light pollution at night, I could see all the stars without the need for an application.. I’ve never seen so many stars anywhere in my life.

The way back was more challenging than on arrival.. I waited for a vehicle on the side of the road for a total of 2 hours and at the end of 2 hours, 6. I was able to return with the (six in number) vehicle. It’s definitely worth going, but you have to take the risk and decide.

To read other articles about Mexico;

https://bunlenenrota.com/gezi/ k-america/mexico/

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