
Polonezköy Nature Park

When Istanbul is mentioned, the image of concrete structures stacked on top of each other usually comes to mind.. Unfortunately, many places in your immediate environment that you can go to in a short time will be in the middle of these structures.. However, “Polonezköy Nature Park“, which is located in a magnificent nature apart from the general image that the city envisions in our minds despite being located right in the heart of Istanbul, where you will have easy access in a short time, is a complete paradise with its easy access and peaceful environment. corner. By coming here, you can walk, jog or cycle alone with nature and spend a night in touch with nature by camping.. You can find all information about Polonezköy Nature Park, the first and largest nature park of Istanbul, in our article..

Information About Istanbul Polonezköy Nature Park

Opened in 1994 as Istanbul’s first and largest nature park, Polonezköy Nature Park is located in Beykoz district.. There is also a deer and partridge production area in the nature park, which is built on an area of ​​approximately 3,000 hectares.. In addition to these, this is the habitat of wild animals.. It is also home to a very rich flora and fauna.. The existence of such a place right in the middle of Istanbul is really surprisingly beautiful.

Let’s talk about a few more pending issues about Polonezköy Nature Park.. First of all, there are many businesses named nature park in Polonezköy and you can have a barbecue or picnic here for a fee.. The real nature park consists of a square and a walking track of approximately 5 kilometers.. You can walk, jog or cycle on this track.. Picnics or barbecues are strictly prohibited on this track. At the same time, you can stay in the hotels and pensions located at the entrance of the nature park, and you can spend a night in touch with nature in the designated camping areas.

What to Do in Polonezköy Nature Park?

Polonezköy is located in a magnificent natural life of thousands of hectares. You can walk in the middle of the magnificent nature in the nature park, which is the backyard of Istanbul, and you can find peace with the sounds of birds and leaves.. You can spend a pleasant day on the walking track, with its truly magnificent road curves, every corner of which can be a photographic backdrop.

If you intend to do sports, you can also use the approximately 5 kilometers long walking track for jogging and cycling.. The nature park road, which is full of oxygen and decorated with enchanting autumn leaves, will impress you greatly.

Polonezköy Nature Park Grill” is one of the most sought after topics about this place.. If you want to have a picnic or barbecue, although it is prohibited in the nature park, you can find beautiful facilities in Polonezköy where you can have a picnic and barbecue for a fee. You can set up a tent for. In other words, you can take advantage of the Polonezköy Nature Park camping facility without going too far..

Where is Polonezköy Nature Park? How to get there?

Polonezköy is located in Beykoz district of Istanbul.. Unfortunately, when you search on maps, it directs you to a different point.. This situation causes difficulties for first-time visitors.. For this reason, we recommend that you evaluate the following two locations, which show several entrances of the nature park’s walking tracks: Location – Location 2

How to get to Polonezköy Nature Park?

Reaching With Your Private Vehicles

As Polonezköy has a large area, it is possible to reach from many points.. In general, following the Kavacık-Çavuşbaşı signs will take you here.. Other than that, the roads you can follow can be Beykoz-Riva and Alemdağ-Şile.. We recommend you to come here with your private vehicles for the easiest way to reach here.

Transportation by Public Transport

For those who do not have the opportunity to come with their private vehicles, 15KÇ – It is possible to come here with the bus lines 135G – 136.. When you approach Polonezköy, do not forget to get off at the nature park stop.

Polonezköy Nature Park Entrance Fee

This nature park, which is one of the rarest places in Istanbul where you can observe the natural life in the most beautiful way, There is no charge to enter the walking trails of the park.. However, the facilities you want to use for picnic, barbecue and camping at the surrounding points will be chargeable.

Polonezköy Nature Park Visiting Hours

This magnificent natural wonder park is open to visitors 7 days a week. open . The park, which is opened for walking at 07:00 in the morning, is open to visitors until 00:00 at night.

Polonezköy Nature Park Accommodation

Polonezköy is located right in the middle of Istanbul. and with easy transportation options, it is usually quite crowded with daily excursions.. However, it is also a frequent destination for those who come from afar and especially those who want to have a holiday alone with nature.. For this reason, there are many accommodation alternatives in the village, which is the main entrance of the nature park.. There are many places to stay in hotel or hostel style.. In addition, you have the chance to spend a holiday in nature with your own tent or in the tents you rent, in the designated camping areas.

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