
Places to Visit in Namibia

If you are on the road to see the beauties in different geographies, if the idea of ​​encountering wild animals in their natural environment excites you, if you like to chase adventure, if you are looking for an unusual itinerary to travel, it’s time to give Namibia a chance. Let’s take a closer look at Africa’s most amazing country with the Places to Visit in Namibia list.

Before we begin, let me answer the question “How many days to visit Namibia??”. We visited all the places in the Places to Visit in Namibia that I have listed below in 2 weeks and I must admit that it was not enough for me as the taste remained on my palate.. I wish I could have stayed longer in the places we reserved for 2 days. However, if you have more limited time, you can of course organize a short tour by qualifying from some points.. The thing you should not forget is that the distances between the places to visit are very long (we had journeys that took 6-8 hours every day) and it was not possible to go fast due to the dirt road.. You can find more detailed information in the Namibia Travel Guide article.

Places to Visit and Activities to Do in Namibia

1. Take a canoe tour in Orange River.

Orange River, which takes on a slightly muddy color because it flows through deserts, does not take its name from its color, contrary to popular belief.. The river, which is the natural border of the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, is also one of the most important water resources of Namibia.. The most popular activity on the river is canoeing or rafting tours lasting up to 6 days.. We joined the canoe tour, which will last for 2 days, the first day was canceled due to the strong wind.. Although we were tired as we never expected while paddling with a magnificent view, we had the most peaceful and enjoyable moments in Namibia thanks to the eagles, baboons and countless bird species we encountered.. If you are interested in watching the video, you can check out my Youtube channel by clicking here.

2. Stop by Fish River Canyon, the oldest canyon in the world.

The second largest canyon in the world, Fish River Canyon, has its own unique flora and ” I must go downstairs immediately!” It has an important place in the list of Places to Visit in Namibia with its breathtaking view.. However, if you stop by for the day like us, you are likely to return with disappointment because daily visitors are prohibited from descending into the canyon.. In order to descend into the canyon, you have to go on the 5-day walking route.

3. Climb the world’s highest dunes at Sossusvlei.

Namibia’s place for me was shaped the moment we entered the Sossusvlei region within the Namib-Naukluft National Park, the most popular part of the Namib Desert.. The enchanting orange dunes stood before me as the most impressive natural formation I have ever seen in my life.. Of the dunes, each of which has been given a name or number, we have chosen the most popular one for climbing, Dune 45 (numbered because it is 45 km from the entrance to Sossusvlei). I cannot describe the pleasure of climbing down the dune, which is much more difficult than it seems, after reaching the top.

5. Walk through the dried-up lake at Deadvlei.

Deadvlei, located inside the Sossusvlei district, means “dead lake”. In keeping with its meaning, this is a dry white lake surrounded by red dunes.. The 1000-year-old Acacia trees that dry up in the lake provide its dramatic appearance.. When the river feeding the lake filled with desert sands blown by the wind, the lake dried up completely with the trees.. Although very rare, there are times when the lake fills with water during periods of heavy rainfall.. Definitely the number one spot on the Places to Visit in Namibia list. If you are interested in watching the video, you can check out my Youtube channel by clicking here.

6. Eat Africa’s tastiest apple cramble at Solitaire.

The town of

Solitaire is recognized as the smallest settlement in Namibia, with a population of around 90! But this tiny town has a world-renowned bakery that every tourist leaving Sossusvlei for Walvis Bay or Swakopmund must take a break here.. The ordinary in front of you is already clear. They say “the best in Africa” ​​for apple cramble (like apple tart, I don’t know the Turkish equivalent) that comes out of the oven.. Even if you don’t like sweets, this tiny town deserves a break for its cute details.


7. Pose as a tourist at the Tropic of Capricorn sign.

There are 12 countries where the Tropic of Capricorn, which we remember from our geography lessons, passes through, but there are very few countries where it is considered an ingenuity to prove that you have passed through here.. Namibia is one of them.. It doesn’t make much sense to stop by this spot where there is nothing else to do around it just for this sign, but if you’re on your route, stopping for 10 minutes to take photos can be a good memory to leave ahead.

8. Take part in an activity that you have never tried in your life in the adventure capital of Swakopmund.

Swakopmund, which we could only spare for 2 days, may be among the reasons for me to come back to Namibia.. This coastal city, where desert and Atlantic waters meet, is known as the “adventure capital of Namibia” with its numerous desert activities.. One day is more than enough to visit the city center where you can try delicious seafood, but there are dozens of alternatives to do around the city: ATV ride in the desert, desert safari, sand boarding, body boarding, dolphin and whale watching in the ocean, skydiving, cultural tours to nearby villages… We reserved half a day for sand boarding, which we have dreamed of for years.. Sliding on the dunes, which was dampened by the settling fog, was a bit difficult and frankly slightly disappointing.. However, the sky diving we tried for the first time took its place among the most unforgettable moments of our lives.. I’d better explain its details in a separate article


9. See the sunken ship on the Skeleton Coast, a tomb for explorers.

Skeleton Coast, located right next to Swakopmund, is a sailor’s nightmare even today. As I mentioned above, that region is a place where desert and ocean meet.. Since the extremely hot air of the desert and the cold water of the ocean combine, there is always dense fog on the coast all four seasons of the year.. That’s why sailors have been stranded here for centuries.. Portuguese explorers who came to explore called this place “Gateway to Hell”, that is, “Gateway to Hell”.. If you visit, you can see that there was a fishing ship that ran aground in 2008.

10. Visit thousands of seals in their natural habitat in Cape Cross.

We had the opportunity to visit the seal in Namibia, which we wanted to do in Cape Town but could not due to the weather conditions.. Moreover, the transportation is not by sea, but by land.. At Cape Cross you have the opportunity to see thousands of fur seals, an endemic species of Namibia.. Swimming in the ocean, sunbathing to dry, screaming, crushing each other… It’s so enjoyable to watch babies, especially… If you look carefully into the distance, you can see coyotes, one of the most dangerous species for seals.. Another dangerous species? Human of course! Thousands of seals here are killed with sticks for their skin.

11. Climb a rock and watch the sunset at Spitzkoppe.

Namibia’s most popular natural film set, Spitzkoppe, is one of the less touristy conservation areas. The area of ​​rocks, all made of granite, will offer one of the most impressive sunsets of your life, I’d argue.. Climbing the rocks isn’t as hard as you think, it’s worth a try!


12. Make a safari in Etosha National Park.

Etosha National Park, which attracts wild animals roasting in the heat of Namibia like a magnet, thanks to its natural and artificial water bodies, is an extraordinary safari experience. offers. Even if you have done safari before, what you will encounter here will be very different.. It was our luckiest moment here when we came across lions attacking giraffes, which even safari guides rarely witness.. In Etosha, where you can catch many species of creatures while drinking water at the same time, unlike many safari parks, you can go on a safari without a guide – provided that you don’t get out of the car.. All you have to do is visit the watersheds. The vast plain of Etosha is the only place you’re allowed to get out of the car.. Even though the buffalo is no longer seen due to the extreme heat (i.e. not the Big Five), you are likely to encounter a variety of predators.. I think it is the most important place in the list of Places to Visit in Namibia, after Sossusvlei.

Places to visit and activities to do in Namibia list If you think it is limited to that, you are wrong.. Our time has only had enough. If you think you can spare more time for this very special geography, you can visit the capital Windhoek, see flamingos in Walvis Bay, Himba and Bushman you can visit the tribes on site or take winking photos of the documentary Samsara in the sand-swalled city of Kolmanskop.

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