
Places to Visit in Kumluca | Famous Town with its Beaches

Places to Visit in KumlucaKumluca is a holiday resort that is among the most distinguished districts of Antalya.. This magnificent place, which is especially famous for its beaches, is flooded by holidaymakers in the summer months.. Kumluca, a town built on the Mediterranean coast, has been home to many civilizations throughout history, while keeping all its natural beauty constantly up to date.. While we can say that especially Lycians settled in this region for a long time, we can easily say that this magnificent place is among the indispensable resources of holidaymakers today.


Places to Visit in Kumluca

In this context, when it comes to Places to visit in Kumluca, we would like to provide you with information on what to do and what not to do in this special town and how to find steps to evaluate.

This In this way, when you go to Kumluca, you can get more solid ideas and start enjoying your holiday to the fullest.


Here are the important places to visit in Kumluca;

Corydella Ancient City

It is one of the most important ancient cities, which is the closest to the Kumluca region.. Located only 1 km from Kumluca, Corydella Antique City. This ancient city is considered to be an effective treasure built on two hills today.. This city developed in the Byzantine and late Byzantine periods and its importance in history has only recently been realized. As in other ancient cities in Antalya, this ancient city also has a theatre, water channels and residential areas.. Considering this functionality, the ancient city was discovered in 1963 as a result of a woman grazing her goats tripping over historical artifacts, and then most of the artifacts found by the villagers were smuggled to America. The ancient city of Corydella, which is home to many elements supporting its preservation with a solid arrangement, is considered among the regions that should definitely be visited by those who come to Kumluca for a half-day holiday.. Thanks to this successful ancient city, which will help you feel the rich and deep-rooted history of Anatolia at every step, you will have the opportunity to start a holiday full of history.

Ancient City of Korydalla

Idebessiois Ancient City

We can place it in the second place among the important ancient cities in Kumluca.. In this context, while visiting this ancient city, which is only 30 km away from Kumluca, you will be integrated with its historical texture and you will be able to travel comfortably.. Places to Visit in Antalya When we look at this subject, it is possible to say that the Idebessiois Ancient City has a historical texture that integrates with the Kumluca region.. This will support you to go to Kumluca and explore another important region that you should definitely see.. Idebbessiois Ancient City knows how to take a place in Kumluca, where you can easily explore the history and past settlements in Anatolia and visit it to the fullest.

Idebessiois Ancient City


Olympos , as a matter of fact, there is so much to be said… Indeed, especially in the last 10 years, Olympos is considered a region that vacationers can never give up.. This city is also called the City of Dragons.. Olympos has the distinction of being the most important ancient city of the Kumluca region.. It is located within the borders of the Beydağı – Olympos Beach National Park within the borders of the city of Kumluca.. This ancient city has created very important positions, especially in terms of Christianity, in the past.. This ancient city, where 12 Byzantine churches have been found, is also home to magnificent visuals. Among the Places to Visit in KumlucaYou will discover how magnificent this special place is, thanks to the general texture of Olympos, the possibilities it offers, and every step-by-step moment that you will really enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

Particularly, the bars and nightlife of Olympos are also worth seeing.. Likewise, Kadir’in Yeri is considered the most important accommodation center of the region.. In fact, this place was exposed to a fire in the winter years ago, and the repair stages after the fire were carried out with the help of the hotel’s permanent customers.. The Olympos region, which is considered a magnificent spot in every respect, is a must-see and a point where you can enjoy your holiday to the fullest.. Apart from the daytime, you can enter the beach at night and accompany the people playing music on the beach.. You can experience a kind of holiday where you can feel special in Olimpos, which also has great opportunities in many respects.



Adrasan Bay It can also be described as a kind of “hidden paradise” in terms of places.. This area is a wonderful bay.. The sea is flat and, so to speak, like a sheet. This special place, which has special boutiques even though it is very hot, is also stated as the point you should definitely evaluate in terms of a wonderful holiday.. You can swim in the sea all day long, take a long walk on the cordon of Adrasan and listen to live music at their cafes.. In this regard, various beauties that will allow you to really enjoy Adrasan to the fullest will of course come before your eyes.. Because the region can also turn into a good resource for you to relax and stay a little to yourself and enjoy your holiday. We would like to point out. There is also an area called Priest Bay in this region.. In many ways, this bay is a kind of bay where you can spend a day and enjoy all the beauty of the sea.. For this reason, you will definitely find the opportunity to spend a few days in the region and enjoy your holiday to the fullest.. At the same time, if you wish, you can find the chance to reach different places from Kumluca.

Adrasan Kumluca

Kumluca turns into a really hot country in summer.. We definitely do not want to pass this without saying. Especially since Antalya is a region with a very high humidity, a compelling factor may also reflect on you with the temperature.. However, if you take all the necessary precautions against the heat, you can already find the chance to move your holiday to a much more productive location.. Kumluca is one of the most valuable regions of the Mediterranean region in terms of both historical culture and tourism.

Life in Kumluca is Another

With all this, if you wish, you can reach both Kaş and Antalya on Kumluca.. You can go to these two regions with your car without any problems, or if you wish, you can take the air-conditioned minibuses departing hourly from the Kumluca Bus Station.. In all of these stages, you can always progress in a different order during the holiday and enjoy a solid holiday in this region.

Adrasan Bay

You can also share with us the places you have visited in Kumluca and that you would like to suggest, and you can take photos.. Thus, we have succeeded in presenting a much broader information about Kumluca on our platform.

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