
Pitcairn Islands with a Population of 67

For those who ask, “Isn’t it a less populated country,” here is the Pitcairn Islands.

Imagine an island country and put only 67 people in it. I’m going to tell you exactly about this island you are thinking of now.. Although it attracts 200 times the population of the Pitcairn Islands, it has a tiny population. I’m talking about 67 people; something like the number of passengers in a bus, class size, etc. make up the population of the country.. However, not only this small population of the island is interesting, but also its history and life on it.

Again Discovery, Another Civilization

Let me answer the primary question right away; Where is the Pitcairn Islands? Located in the south of the Pacific Ocean, this volcanic island is 2,000 km from Tahiti and 3,500 km from Hawaii.. It’s almost as if it came into existence on its own in the middle of the ocean.

Actually, the island naturally completed its formation and existed.. But there is a story that the people living on it landed on the island many years ago.. At the end of the 1700s, a rebellion broke out on the cargo ship “Bounty”.. Fletcher Christian, the first captain of the ship, and the crew chief who was with him, and the crew who remained loyal to him, put them on a lifeboat and leave them in the ocean.. But let’s face it, they can’t go back because it’s punishment and execution at the end of the job.. They divert their route to the Tabuai Islands and, with Tahitian women and 8 male slaves with them, reach the Pitcairn Islands, where no one has set foot before them.

After that moment, a life begins on the island where only 8 people reach it.. You may think that they have lived quietly among themselves over the years, but this is not the case; The colony was discovered by US whalers in 1808.. Since then, it has been frequented by both whalers and cruise ships traveling between the USA and Australia.

The island, which was connected to Fiji, which was a British colony in 1952, gained its independence in 1970 and the British ambassador to New Zealand was appointed as the governor of the island.. Together with Oeno, Henderson, and Ducie, they form the Pitcairne Islands Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom.

The island population exploded in 1936.. It had a population of more than 200 people, but many of them had to migrate to Norfolk Island as it would not be possible for so many people to fit on the island due to the lack of settlement.. Apart from these, there are also those who left the island voluntarily for reasons such as brain drain.

Let’s say you want to go …

You will of course immediately ask Google; How to get to Pitcairne Islands. I answer; you will travel by sea. And one in a pretty tough one. Because you cannot expect to have an airport on an island of 47 km2.

You do not need a visa if you want to go to the Pitcairne Islands for 14 days.. However, if you want to work, then the Island Council must give you a 6-month visa.. Never think that you have a chance to stay on the run like that.. This is like Survivor Island; It’s not possible for you to be unknown, you can’t hide it.

Of course you have the chance to get citizenship.. Island life may not promise you much when you get the BOTC Passport, but the opportunities this passport will provide may set you free a little more.. For example, the European Union, Canada and the United Kingdom open their doors to you without a visa.. But keep in mind that they expect you to have quite a bit of money for citizenship.

Now in the Pitcairn Islands Life

The fact that there are so few people does not immediately make you think that there is a utopian life on the island.. Read a little more before you consider getting the Pitcairn Islands citizenship right, it may not be as attractive as you think.

Adamstown is both the capital and the only city of the Pitcairn Islands. The island is too small to allow another city to exist.. There is only one school, a cafe, a school, a post office and a few houses on the island.. In addition to beekeeping, fishing, collecting vegetables and fruits, stamp export is also an important source of income because it has very valuable stamps.. Although this may seem like a factor that makes life easier, some things may take your mind.. For example, it’s like paying more than 100 liras per month for 0.25 mbit speed internet with a 2 GB quota…. He became quite famous with sexual harassment lawsuits in 2004.. These abuses and rapes were directed at girls under the age of 16.. However, the people of the island, probably from their past cultures, consider this situation quite normal, and the inhabitants of the island, including women, argue that all girls are ready for sexual intercourse after the age of 12 and that they should accept the approach of men as normal.. Our travelers, who know different cultures closely, will know well that unfortunately there are situations where some truths are not universally accepted between cultures.. It turns out that the Pitcairn Islands were not informed of how wrong “Pedophilia” is.

Go and visit this tiny autonomous state, which also has its own flag, capital, anthem and a language. you may want to. At least in an island country with very few people, you can really get away from it all.

Have a nice trip in advance…


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