
Parc de la Ciutadella,Barcelona (Ciutadella Park)

Although Parc de la Ciutadella does not have a full Turkish meaning, it is generally known as Ciutadella Park.. Parc de la Ciutadella, one of the greenest areas of Barcelona, ​​is a wonderful park where you can take long walks, relax, row on the lake, and should be on the list of places to visit in Barcelona with its Monuments, museum and zoo. Parc de la Ciutadella, which is built on an area, is especially crowded in the summer season. The area around the lake is one of the most preferred places for tourists.. The ideal time to visit this park, where you can have a different experience by boating and rowing in the lake in the park, is in the morning (10-11).

The monument called Cascada was built as a triumphal arch and a fountain.. The baroque building was built by Joseph Fontsere and his student Antoni Gaudi. There are also several museums in Parc de la Ciutadella. The Laboratory of Nature provides information on geology and zoology. Martorell Museum gives information about natural history.

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Important buildings in Parc de la Ciutadella

The modern structures around the park have been preserved until today.. But there are a few buildings that need restoration work.. The most important of them are ;

Castell dels Tres Dragons (Fortress of the Three Dragons)

The castle, known as the brick house, is one of the best examples of early modernism.. The castle was built in 1887 by architect Lluis Domenech I Montaner. The castle has been home to the Zoological Museum (Zoo) since 1920.

Hivernacle (Greenhouse)

The greenhouse, located just to the right of the Three Dragon Castle, is a cast-iron is a large area made of iron and glass. Its architect is Josep Amargos (1884). There is a cute cafe right next to it that is only open in summer.

Geology Museum

Antoni Rovira in Neo-Classical style, right next to the Greenhouse (Hivernacle). It is a museum built by the Triassic in 1882.. The museum with a large collection is Barcelona’s first museum.

The Parc de la Ciutadella Story

In 1714, after a thirteen-month siege, Barcelona, ​​Spain Succession He was defeated by the army of King Philips V during the war.. The Bourbon King, on the other hand, built Europe’s largest castle (Ciutadella) to keep Barcelona under control.. For this, the region called Ribera was completely destroyed.. However, the Ribera region, which disappeared 30 years later, was re-established as Barceloneta.

After 1872, the region began to transform into a central park area.. Many buildings began to be built, such as the Castle of the Three Dragons (Castell Tres Dragons Dels).. Later, fountains, monuments, sculptures and jewelry were made and turned into a magnificent park area.

How to Get to Parc de la Ciutadella? : You can take the subways going in the direction of Arc de Triomf via the L1 and C1 lines.

In summary; Since Parc de la Ciutadella is usually a little far away, it is not preferred for those who try to fit their Barcelona trip in 1-2 days.. However, it is one of the most magnificent places in Barcelona where you can see many important points together.. You can come to the park and see many important buildings and monuments.

Parc de la Ciutadella is one of the most important touristic places for me after the Sagrada Familia Church and Park Güell. You can easily spend 3-4 hours visiting the park.

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