
One of the Most Beautiful Spots of Cappadocia; Avanos

The Avanos region of Cappadocia has become one of the most important touristic areas of the Cappadocia region with its uniquely beautiful fairy chimneys and valleys, churches dating from the 11th century, where handicrafts such as pottery and carpet weaving are highly developed.. Below we share the places to visit in Avanos, where you can wander around in an average of 1 day.. Let’s look at the details now.

Cookware Workshops

One of the most famous spots of Avanos is pottery workshops. Red soil takes shape in skillful hands. The pottery, which dates back to the Hittites, is passed on from masters to apprentices from generation to generation.. It should not be thought of as just shaping the soil.. The painting and handwork done on the fired earth is also admirable.

There are 2 famous pottery workshops in Avanos:

One of them is Chez Galip; You can compare him to Einstein.. Very famous, gives training to participants from home and abroad. One of his students shapes the soil in front of you in a maximum of 3 minutes, and then you start to tour his own store.. After one section, there is a section where the works of Chez Galip and his family are exhibited.. Unfortunately photography is not allowed here.. If you want, you can also buy the ones you like from their own works.

One of the other big pottery workshops Güray Museum. You can enter the first underground ceramic museum by paying an entrance fee of 10 TL per person.. Nearly 500 artifacts dating back to 5000 BC are exhibited in the museum.. In addition, you can find the opportunity to watch live and purchase the works of art masters who are interested in marbling and glass art.

Another important feature of the museum is that it is carved from the rock and covers an area of ​​1,600 square meters underground. to be. There is also a workshop area at the end of the museum.. Here, again, you can watch how the living soil is shaped and you can find all kinds of souvenirs made from pots.

Hair Museum

Hair Museum is Chez Galip’s Potters Bazaar in the center of Avanos. Located on the top floor of the shop at . You can visit this museum by paying 3 TL entrance fee.. Inside, there is a lock of hair of many women accumulated over the years.

The Hair Museum, which entered the list of the most interesting museums in the world, was opened in 1979 and has a story; a love story. When a French tourist who came to the workshop of pottery master Galip Körükçü> had to return to her country, she leaves a lock of her hair in the workshop as a memory to remind her and Galip Usta hangs it on the wall of the workshop.. Over time, this story becomes a museum as women let go of their hair.

Devrent Valley

Another name of this valley with its famous camel-shaped fairy chimney Imagination Valley. Here you will see many different fairy chimney formations.. You will compare some to dolphins and some to birds.. You will see figures resembling the Virgin Mary or baby Jesus with outstretched hands.. It’s all up to your imagination.. That’s exactly why it was named Dream Valley, as those who come to visit.. There is no fee to enter the valley.. Anyway, buses will pull you to the side of the road and drop you off.. If you want, you can also take a walk in the valley.. If you are not going to walk for this place, it will be enough to spare half an hour.. Unlike other valleys, there has never been a settlement in this valley, so there is no fairy chimney in the form of a house.

Zelve Open Air Museum

5-6 km from Avanos. You can go to Zelve Open Air Museum, located in the south of it, after Devrent Valley.. Entrance fees to the museum are 15 TL for adults, and the museum card is also valid.. Museum card will be advantageous. If you are coming to Zelve by car, you can tow your car to the car park right in front of it.

Zelve Valley will bring you together with history with its climbing and stepping roads.. It may be a tiring and time-consuming track for you.. You can see the mosque, Üzümlü and Balıklı Churches, the Mill, Direkli Church, the Tunnel, the Holy Pilgrimage Church and the Monastery in the valley with a 3-hour tour.. All places may not be open from time to time, but these are the places you should target. Below is a photo from us that summarizes this beauty..


The other name of Paşabağ, which is known as fairy chimneys with hats, is The Valley of the Priests > known as. You will already feel it when you pass by, this place will look different for you.. In ancient times, monks were in seclusion in this valley.. There is free parking right in front of it, pull your car there and start walking in the valley.. Entry to the valley is also free. Roads have been built for you to travel comfortably inside.

If you ask why these fairy chimneys that will fascinate you are in a hat form, we can say that these fairy chimneys wear out quickly due to their softer lower layers.. Hat form emerges as wear occurs. All we have to do is admire her.

If Avanos is over, now it’s time to explore Ürgüp.. You can read our “Urgup Travel Guide” for our Urgup travel notes.

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