
North Korea: Even if we can’t go or see…

The other day, while we were thinking about who we should do our new interview with, we realized that the answer lies in the question and we did our new interview with Kim.. Kim Jong-un. You know him more or less, the sweetest munis leader of North Korea. As you can see, we are again very joking.

Actually, the number of data available on North Korea is quite low.. Because we can even say that they live in a very closed way, even disconnected from the world.. So much so that there is a different application mechanism for you to go here for touristic purposes.. If you manage to go here anyway, that is, if you can be accepted, you can make this trip under the supervision of government officials.. You are not allowed to leave the hotel alone, wander the streets by yourself, or take pictures of most places.. Even the visa you get is not printed on your passport, it is given as a separate document.. As a matter of fact, even when you write its name on Google Earth, it is not possible to see the slightest thing about the country.

In order to explain how strict rules the country is governed, it is claimed that he watched South Korean TV series and programs in the country last month. The execution of 80 people would be a striking example.. Of course, it is necessary to question the accuracy of the news, but it is certain that it still gives the impression of a very scary country.. Anyway, let’s get back to our topic.

It’s hard not to wonder about such a mysterious country.. But as we said, you can neither go online and access thousands of photos, nor can you say “let’s go visit North Korea and check-in”.. That’s why we were very interested in the photos that the world-famous photojournalist David Guttenfelder took in North Korea in the past months.. As a matter of fact, they are not such “amazing, let me make this a wallpaper” kind of photos.. On the contrary, there are photographs that are extremely realistic and reflective of daily life.. All of the photos were taken with a smartphone anyway, which is said to be the first time that a foreigner is allowed to smuggle a smartphone into the country.

Note: To learn more about his trip to North Korea, dear Çelebi Alper, who managed to go here. You can find what he wrote here.

Source: http://justsomething.co/41-uncensored-instagrams-from-north -korea-by-david-guttenfelder/

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