
Negatives of Travel Bloggers

Being a travel blogger is a dream job for many.. Now she’s starting a blog that takes every bag and hits the road. For better or worse, I’ve been blogging since 2011 and had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with most of the travel bloggers.. Some I love, some I don’t. It’s not a lie. Every blogger has their own style, some travel to the city, some to the mountain slopes.. Some people research before traveling, some research if they need information while traveling and writing.. It’s all about one’s own character.. But I will talk about some of the annoying behaviors that many bloggers, including very close friends, do.. Negative aspects of travel bloggers …

Counting Country and City

Many bloggers keep a tally of the countries and cities they visit and turn it into a race. Many people who say “I have no business with numbers” are posting hello from my 65th country two days after their statement.. Such posts definitely have an effect on gaining followers.. Because now, instead of traveling for fun or to create a useful text, travel starts for score.

There are also those who add only the cities they transfer between two airports to the list of visited cities, I have nothing to say to them.

Traveling in Two Countries and Calling it a World Tour

The number of bloggers who make a full world tour is few. Kerimcan’s 360 project was a good example of this.. World tour requires a solid budget, plan and time. Even bloggers who go on a 6-month Asian trip can present their trip as a world tour.. Another reason why the travels are called world tours is that the interviewed media and newspapers use such a headline to create a sensation without asking the blogger..

Forcing People to Resign

One of today’s new trends is to leave office life behind and travel. Resigning, leaving everything behind is a really difficult process and perhaps an irreversible decision must be made within the process.. There are people who have had this experience and are very happy, and I am one of them.. However, I do not find it right to encourage people to do so, to support them to take such a decision without making any plans or thinking.. The other person may not be that strong or may regret his decision later.. There are examples of people selling their house, traveling, and then crawling back to the country.. Therefore, it is necessary not to provoke people who have not fully decided or who are hesitant and resign.. It’s one thing to support/force the resignation of someone who is hesitant, it’s another thing to help someone who has already made up their mind but has support regarding the process.. The distinction between the two needs to be well made..

Seeing Yourself Alone

One of the most frustrating aspects is being treated like the first person to set foot in the destination country. Make sure there is someone who has gone before, wherever there is transportation.. If you let him, he will walk around like Columbus, as if he had discovered America.. Be calm!

(Here I exclude my friends who travel from tribe to village by foot or by pedaling)

Exaggerating / Avoiding Criticism

One of the most disrespectful things is to exaggerate the travel destination as if it were a paradise.. What’s the point of making a fool of the reader? An Instagrammer with 1.5 million+ followers, who took the stage at the Inflow Travel Summit event I attended this year, made a sentence similar to this: “Now, brother, for example, Maldives, I’m shooting like heaven, the bottom of your followers is falling.. But a place like shit. The most boring place in the world.” Ah, my friend, by doing such a thing, you are deceiving people, and you are telling everyone on the stage as if it is a good thing.. But please!

The fact that they are boring

There are certain places in the world that you must go to before you die, let’s admit it.. On the list of most of us. However, this does not require taking similar photos and writing similar texts at the places traveled.. Of course, when you go to Italy, you will make pizza and wine, but someone should say that when I went to Italy, I will go to Switzerland by camping and trekking in the alps..

Not Respecting Their Job

Some travel bloggers make good money, some just do it as a hobby.. We don’t care who does what, but we have to respect the work done.. Writing content for a travel blog is really hardware-intensive and labor-intensive.. It is also a business that requires financial investment.. No one finds sponsors or receives advertisements with the blog they opened in one day.. Need to prove yourself. This is followed by company invitations and sponsorships.. Invited or uninvited, live broadcasts made during travel or photos shared from the poolside, there are always statements such as “we are working like this for a month, we are very tired, or are you in the office”. .) But I’m really into it. First, you simplify your work, you shrink it.. It’s like we’re just having fun by the pool. Second, the person in front of you may actually be in the office, and remember that most of your followers work in the office.. You can liven up your days without compromising.

I’m so full. Participates, does not participate. There are those who have wounds.
I would explode if I didn’t write. If you have something to add or say, you can use the comments section at the end of this article.. If you comment here instead of Facebook, I will read more easily..

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