
Most Visited Countries

The Most Visited Countries in 2015

Going to different countries and cities for a road lover, a travel lover It is a feeling that makes us feel different emotions every time.. As there are those who make a feverish travel plan before our trip, if they are going to travel for a long time, they can leave themselves to the roads without a plan, without a route.

This time, it is like where you should go, what you should see, what you should do. Instead of giving advice, we wanted to present a list of the most visited countries in 2015.

We selected Thailand, Paris, Singapore, Kuala from the places on this list. We have been to Lumpur, Hong Kong, Tokyo. After 2 months, we are going to Seoul, South Korea, where we are not on the list again

Well, you are on the most visited countries list of 2015. Which one did you go to? Here’s the list;

London – England (18.82 million)

Thailand (18.24 million)

Paris – France (16.06 million)

Dubai – United Arab Emirates (14.26 million)

Istanbul – Turkey (12.56 million)

New York – America (12.27 million)

Singapore (11.88 million)

Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia (11.12 million)

Seoul – South Korea (10.35 million)

Hong Kong (8.66 million)

Tokyo – Japan (8.08 million)

Barcelona – Spain (7.63 million)

Wishing you to be always on the go!

SummaryArticle NameMost Visited CountriesDescriptionThis time we will tell you where to go, what We wanted to present a list of the most visited countries in 2015 rather than giving advice like what you should see, what to do.. So, which one did you go to in the list of the most visited countries of 2015? Here is the list;

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