
Monthly Expenses in Germany: How Much Money Can You Live With in Germany?

since we started sharing about life in Germany How much are monthly expenses in Germany, single what is the monthly living expenses of a family, as a couple or with children, answers to the questions Is there a high purchasing power in Germany and living expenses in Germany were always the most curious subjects. That’s why we decided to write everything about monthly expenses in Germany in detail, together with our own expenses, to complete our widely read article on SALARY IN GERMANY.

With the data we received from the German statistical institution, we will look at how much is spent on average in one, two and three-person houses and how those expenses are compared to our expenses.. So “Okay, I understand you are spending in pairs, but if I come to Germany, I will come alone and how much will I spend?” or “We also have a child, how much do we spend?” We will try to answer the questions in everyone’s mind.

Monthly expenses rent, housing expenses and monthly expenses in Germany We can summarize it under three main headings as. Our first topic is rents, which is the biggest expense in Germany.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Rents in Germany

The rents in Germany vary a lot depending on which city you are looking for a house in.. Before moving on to the numbers, it is useful to give a few preliminary information.. Rents in Germany are divided into hot rent (Warmmiete) and cold rent (Kaltmiete).. Cold rent includes only the value of the house, while hot rent includes other side expenses such as electricity, water, heating, internet, parking and dues, in addition to the cold rent.

Other than that, when describing houses, the way the number of rooms is pronounced is pronounced differently than what we are used to in Turkey.. For example, the Germans call the houses we call 1+1 with 2 rooms, and the houses we describe as 2+1 (or 2 rooms and 1 living room) with 3 rooms.. In summary, they count the hall as a room and talk about the total number of rooms.

After these two preliminary information, we can move on to the average rents in the five big cities in Germany.. The figures we will give here show the average cold rents by city in Germany.. House rents in Germany are calculated as 580 Euros for one-room houses, 880 Euros for two-room houses and 1460 Euros for three-room houses.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Rents (cold)

One, two and three in 5 big cities in Germany When we look at the average rents of the rooms with one bedroom, we can say that Munich is by far the most expensive city.. Of course, since the figures given here are average, the rental value will vary depending on the location of the house.. If you are looking for a house in a very central location, the rent you will pay will increase and decrease as you move away from the center.. Our 3-room house with a cold rent of 1200 Euros is 10 km from the center of Munich by car and 20 minutes by public transport.

Here rentals Since the figures given as cold rents are cold rents, general housing expenses such as electricity, water and heating should be added.. So now let’s look at our second heading, general housing expenses.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: General Housing Expenses

Although there are exceptions for general housing expenses such as electricity, water, heating and dues in Germany, it is generally not in the form of invoices coming to the house every month, but in fixed monthly amounts added to the rent. payments are happening. In other words, your expenses such as electricity and water are added to your cold rent at a fixed price every month and you pay the total hot rent.. At the end of the year, by reading your meters and comparing the amount you spent with the amount you paid, you will come out as a creditor or debtor Thank goodness we haven’t been in debt so far.

Still, we follow the logic we are used to in Turkey. Let’s examine the general housing expenses one by one according to the average values.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Electricity, Water, Heating, Dues , Internet etc.

General Housing Expenses in Germany: Dues

<p style="text-align: justify ;"The highest item in strongGeneral housing expenses in Germany/strong was calculated as 65 Euros.. When the contribution is mentioned in Germany, only the general maintenance expenses of the building / house are considered, because there is no application such as a doorman.. So you have to buy your own bread or newspaper and take out your trash./ph3 style="text-align: justify;"strongGeneral Housing Expenses in Germany: Parking/strong/h3p style= "text-align: justify;"strongParking fees/strong is another expense item that requires detailed explanation.. Since the streets and houses are very organized in Germany, a car park is considered for each house.. In general, when you rent a house, there is a car park belonging to that house and sometimes you have to rent this car park.. It doesn't matter whether you have a car or not, if you don't have a car, you can rent the car park to someone else./pp style="text-align: justify;"Sometimes, you can't rent a car park even if you want, because there isn't enough space in the car park of the apartments and you have to park on the street.. In this case, you need to get a parking card from the municipality and stick it on your window.. strongMonthly parking rentals in Germany/strong are around 50 Euros, while street parking fee is paid at a very small price of 2-3 Euros per month.. However, if there is an empty place in the car park of the building you live in, you are not allowed to park on the street, saying it will be cheaper.. When you go to buy a parking card for the street, they ask you to bring a letter from the apartment management that there is no parking.. Be careful /ppstrong /strong/ph3 style="text-align: justify;"strongGeneral Housing Expenses in Germany: Electricity/strong

The amount paid for the monthly average electricity in Germany is 40 Euros. However, here again, the figure may vary depending on your usage amount and which supplier you buy the electricity from, because you can get electricity service from different companies in Germany.. Likewise, the internet is a service provided by different companies.

Tv tax is the expense we are most uncomfortable with.. There is no television in our house, but we still have to pay this tax with the logic of communication tax.. In fact, this amount, which is 17.5 Euros per month, is 15 Euros when we write it so that it does not look fractional.

When we look at the bottom total, General housing expenses in Germany average Appears to be 280 euros. This figure will vary between 200-300 Euros depending on the square meter of the house you live in, the providers you use or the parking situation.. Our monthly housing expenses are 305 Euros, slightly above the average.. This is because our parking and internet expenses are 10-15 Euros above the average.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Average Monthly Expenditures

Since we have settled the rents, we can look at what and how much money is spent in a month in Germany, apart from the need for housing.. Here in Germany, we have given all living expenses one by one, such as monthly kitchen expenses, grocery expenses, transportation, entertainment, vacation, home care, clothing, health, insurance, mobile phone and education.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Kitchen Expenses

Market expenditures in Germany have the largest share in monthly expenditures. In Germany, a single person spends an average of 220 Euros per month for grocery shopping, 475 Euros for two people and 550 Euros for a family of three.. Our monthly market expenditure is below the German average and is 350 Euros per month.. It may mean that we consume cheaper or less, but this is not the case.. Alcohol and cigarette expenditures are also included in the German averages.. We, on the other hand, do not smoke and very rarely take alcoholic beverages into the house.. For this reason, our average expenditure is naturally lower.. If a pack of cigarettes is thought to be around 7 euros and a pack of cigarettes is consumed per day, the monthly expenditure will automatically increase by 210 euros for a smoker.. Here’s one more reason not to smoke

Those who are curious about market prices in Germany can take a look at our 2020 MARKET PRICES IN GERMANY compared to Turkey.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Market and transportation expenses

Germany’ and Monthly Transportation Expenses

The second highest expenditure item is transportation expenses.. Monthly transportation cards in Germany can vary in a very wide range, such as 50-100 Euros, depending on the cities and regions where the card is valid.. Apart from this, if you have a personal car, you will have additional expenses.. For an average vehicle, you will need to allocate 200-300 Euros for your monthly gasoline expenses, depending on usage, and another 200-300 Euros for the tax, insurance, maintenance and automobile insurance of this car.. If you are using a company vehicle, you will not have any expenses for gas and maintenance expenses of the vehicle, only additional tax will be deducted from your salary.. This will be around 200-300 Euros on average, depending on the value of the car your company has given you.

I use a monthly transportation card and pay 55 Euros, my wife has a company car. It only pays the additional tax I mentioned above and we have an average monthly transportation cost of 300 Euros.. If my wife had her own car instead of a company car, we estimate that we would have found 500 Euros per month. The German average of transportation costs for families of two was 450 Euros, anyway.

Germany’ also Monthly Expenses: Entertainment, Culture and Hobby Expenses

Germans are people who, in our opinion, spend much more of their free time outside and devote time to their hobbies.. For this reason, they eat at restaurants more than Turks and allocate more money for their hobbies.. This is reflected in the statistics.. On average, a person spends 175 Euros for this expenditure item.. The average for a family of two is 330 Euros and 70 Euros more than ours.

Our expenditures in this category are eating out 1-2 times a month (60 Euros), It consists of one or two night outings (60 Euros), my lunches (100 Euros) and my wife’s tennis club membership (40 Euros).. We don’t have breakfast in the morning because we handle it at home.. Since lunch is provided at my wife’s company, she does not have any expenses for lunches, but this is an exceptional case and in Germany, lunches are usually something you pay for with your own money (companies do not cover them).

Other than that, I don’t have a gym membership even though I do sports very often because there was a gym in my company where I worked for three years and now we have made a room in our house a gym Gym membership fees in Germany starts from around 20 Euros per month and goes up to 100 Euros for luxury salons.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Entertainment, hobby and holiday expenses

Monthly Holiday Expenses in Germany

annual in Germany If you say how many days of leave, it is usually 30 days.. You heard right 30! Both working days, i.e. 6 full weeks. Moreover, when you take a full week, 6 days are not counted, you can take them all at once if you want.. On top of that, public holidays are added.. This being the case, we can’t stop the Germans traveling around The monthly amount spent on vacation varies between 95 Euros and 230 Euros depending on the number of people in the household.

We, on the other hand, set this expenditure as 135 Euros. we calculated. But for this 135 Euro, we only included our round-trip flight tickets to Turkey every 2-3 months to see our families.. Since we are fond of traveling and it is actually a hobby for us, we have excluded our general travel expenses from this calculation, partly because of this, our hobby expenses seem below the average.. Because we believe that everyone should make their own calculations, since hobby and holiday expenses vary according to the preferences of the people.. That’s why, for a Turk who comes to Germany, we have only calculated this expense, since it is an expense that everyone will make and it can be spread to the general public once every few months.

In the part we framed in red in the image, our travel expenses and related hobby expenses (such as camera and equipment) are not included.. You can make your own additions to this section in line with your hobbies and personal tastes for which you will allocate a budget.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Household Furnishings and Housekeeping Expenses

Germans spend more on their homes than we do. According to statistics, while the average figures in Germany are between 85 and 210 Euros, our monthly expenditure is 15 Euros for household goods and maintenance, so it almost didn’t happen Our secret is minimalism.. We are a couple who do not like things, adopt the principle of less stuff the better.. We should have no unnecessary items in our house.. We take care to choose the simplest and most functional of what we need.. In addition, since the use of second-hand goods is extremely common in Germany, we often buy second-hand.. As such, expenses decrease.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Clothing and household goods expenses

Monthly Clothing Costs in Germany

There is no single formula for optimizing clothing expenditures.. You should follow and buy what you can find according to your taste and at an affordable price.. We, on the other hand, can be more frugal than the Germans in these expenditures by applying a mixed formula.. While a German family of two spends 130 Euros a month for clothing, we are spending 90 Euros.. We achieve this by shopping a little from Turkey and a little from Germany.. For example, if Nike shoes are 600 TL in Turkey and 40 Euros in Germany, we buy that shoe from Germany.. Of course, this may not always be the case, if there is an urgent need, we buy from wherever we come across, but we generally stick to this principle.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Health and Personal Care Costs

The average monthly health and personal care expenditure for a single person in Germany is 70 Euros, while this expense is 120 Euros for two people and a single child (three persons) For the family, it was 150 Euros on average.. Our average monthly expense in this item was 120 Euros.. Not all of our health and personal care expenses are in Germany.. Just like in clothing, we handle some things in Turkey.. For example, all of my expenses for hair and skin care are in Turkey.. My wife’s hairdresser’s expenses are in Germany, as men’s haircut price we give the barber 15 Euros per month.

Other than that, we use omega 3 or vitamin We spend an average of 15 euros a month on supplements like pills. In addition, we may have dental expenses such as dental cleaning that are not paid by the insurance.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Health and insurance expenses

Monthly Insurance Costs in Germany

Germans are solid people and they like to be safe. For this reason, monthly insurance expenses have a significant share in fixed expenses.. Personal accident insurance, insurances for damages to third parties, dental care insurance and travel health insurance are the types of insurance we are used to from Turkey.. There are different types of insurance, such as legal insurance and roadside assistance.. For example, if you have legal insurance, you can get legal services without paying any fee in any case you need a lawyer.

Diversely, if you have roadside assistance or ADAC insurance, anywhere in the world You can easily get roadside assistance in case something happens to you while driving your own car or while you are a driver/passenger in another car.. We made ADAC with insurance against damages to third parties (Haftpflichtversicherung) and we pay 20 Euros a month for both of them.. Our ADAC insurance also includes a travel health insurance that is valid all over the world.

In addition to insurance expenses, there are unexpected expenses that are not in the plan.. For example, traffic fines

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Mobile Phone and Postage Expenses

Mobile phone bill in Germany can be between 15 – 40 Euros per month, depending on the provider and package chosen.

There are also postage costs.. Do not be surprised that the postage expense is explained under a separate heading.. There is a serious use of mail in Germany. Almost all institutions still do most of their correspondence by mail.. Your mailbox is full every two days.. In addition to mail, it is also very popular to buy and send things by courier Of course, this also creates a separate cost.

The fact that our spending is 20 Euros below the average is my wife’s company. it’s because he uses the hotline so we don’t have a payment for his phone bill. I use a cheap 13 Euro plan with 3GB internet and unlimited calls.. Unlike the Germans, we do not have the habit of sending mail or parcels to anyone.

If you want to use the cheap tariff called Maxxim, which I use, you can become a member here.. I am very satisfied, there is no need to lose money to the most expensive operators in the world.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Education and mobile phone expenses

Educational Expenses in Germany

Education system and education expenditures in Germany a title that deserves a little more detail, but for now, let’s just deal with the expenditure details in line with the data of the German statistical institution.. Education expenditures are actually proportional to whether there is a child going to home school or not.. According to statistics, the education expenditure of a family with one child (family of 3) is 75 Euros per month.. When we exclude the child, the average expenditure per person is calculated as 5 Euros.. This consists of occasional books or online training materials.. Our expenditures are in line with this

We finished all the titles, we spent a lot of money, let’s see how much it costs in total.

Monthly Expenses in Germany: Expenditures other than rent and housing expenses

Monthly, a person’s need for shelter, according to Germany statistics The total of the expenditures outside the country is 1035 Euros, this figure is 2125 Euros for two people and 2545 Euros for a family of three.. Our monthly expenditure amount is below the German average and is 1360 Euros.. Of course, this amount is added to our travel expenses, which is our hobby and personal priority.

This was unfortunately a subtotal. If we go back to the beginning of the article, we will have to add the rent and general housing expenses.. When we add them, the figure gets higher and we see a table like the following.

Monthly Expenses in Germany

For someone living alone, the average amount is calculated as 1875 Euros, including all expenditure items such as rent in Germany, electricity, water etc., market expenses, vacation, education, hobby, health. This amount is 3285 Euros for a family of two and 4305 Euros for a family of three (one child).. Our total expenditure amount, on the other hand, was 2865 Euros per month, below the German average.. However, let us remind you again that we did not include holiday expenses other than family visits to Turkey in this figure.

Monthly expenses in Germany

And again, these are average numbers. For example, those who want to go to Germany as a student can reduce their rent and housing expenses below the average by renting a room instead of renting a house, that is, by staying in a shared house (called WG), so they can live cheaply in Germany.. Or, since the monthly expenses of a person working with minimum wage in Germany will be lower than his/her earnings, it may be below these figures.. Likewise, the expenses of a high-income family will be above the average.. Those who are curious about the minimum wage and purchasing power in Germany can read our article MINIMUM WAGE AND PURCHASING POWER IN GERMANY

Monthly expenses in Germany We shared all the details, pen and pencil, in detail.. We created these figures in the light of the data of the German statistical institution and we spent a lot of time and effort in graphing them in this way.. We hope you will benefit and like it.

If you would like to hear the details from our mouth, we are waiting for you on our YouTube channel.

Monthly expenses and expenses in Germany: How much money can one live on in Germany? If you found our article useful, don’t forget to share it on social media, follow the following social media accounts of Life and Travel to be informed about Germany and new content about life in Germany!

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